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Has anyone been watching the downfall of HTGAM/PPF?

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Im not trying to rope in anyone ive trusted joe with my shave from the word go its just the big post about all this seemed to be incriminating IB along with mr. Dodges
No, Joe worked with HTGAM to produce the Beach. No incrimination seen, implied or expected.
I've read a few posts and determined the guy was not a child molester or something despicable along those lines.

I do have a HTGAM soap I got in a PIF that I plan to try since another B&B member sent it to me.

I'm thankful he isn't the only game in town, and we have a bunch of great soap vendors out there to try out!
There is so much BS in marketing now and anyone who shaved with cartridges and canned goop knows this only too well. I do not mind a bit of playful BS as an advertising stunt ("Red bull gives you wings", look where that landed them) I've dabbled in this myself in the past but the scale of this scandal is the size and associations. There simply was no need for it. Did he and/or they need to lie like this, and why did they think they needed to? I personally believe it's down to ego driven social media.
My trouble would be the products and their ingredients, were we lied to about these? Makes you wonder!
I hate playing that game, and try not to, but if it's that bad in a small College, I'm sure there's a Hell of a lot goin' on in trying to become an international company.

A wag once said, "Academic politics are so vicious precisely because the stakes are so small." :lol:

Where are the popcorn eating smileys???


Erik Hodges (I hope that is the real life name behind all this) manipulated peoples perceptions in order to make sales. Now he must deal with those same perceptions as this whole thing shakes out.

Personally, I prefer authenticity in all my dealings be they economic, public or private. I do agree that sometimes authenticity doesn't sell as well but I can guarantee that you never have to defend a "marketing strategy" if you just present a product and let the market decide. And herein lies the reason reason why I can make a little money as a craftsman/tradesman but I won't be getting rich from it. [emoji6]

I get a kick out of those who say all companies do this, so why should we care? I suspect that these "gentlemen" are the same type that go to a brick & mortar store, get all the info they need to make a purchase, then save a few dollars by buying the item from an internet vendor.

The issue here has particular relevance to B&B. It seems clear that Mr. Hodges has created multiple sock puppets to praise his wares at all the shaving forums, including this one, under the guise of an objective user. This is a banable offense at every forum I know of, and for good reason. Spoiler: it's unethical.

That's enough for me, right there.
I think the best course of action would be to sit back and wait.
I do not know what is really going on, But I am not going to jump on the band wagon just to be there.
Just wait till you know what is really going on.
About what I was thinking. Why start anything when we don't have all the facts yet?
I still can't believe that someone would create a fake person on the internet. I mean now that that door is open you're going to have other people creating fake people as well. It sure was nice when we all knew that everything on the internet was true. This first internet lie has ruined everything. Thanks Doug Smythe for ruining the internet.
I still can't believe that someone would create a fake person on the internet. I mean now that that door is open you're going to have other people creating fake people as well. It sure was nice when we all knew that everything on the internet was true. This first internet lie has ruined everything. Thanks Doug Smythe for ruining the internet.

heres my take........


guys.........its just soap. as long as he isn't lacing it with stuff that will make your face look like the animal your brush hair came from, whats the big deal? all this stuff does is throw gas on the drama fire.

does his soap work? yes. its it from the devil? no. could this whole thing be a big PR stunt? very likely. in the end.....who cares???

not me.

Okay, but do you want the forums you belong to infested with sock puppets posting bogus reviews and other posts in support of himself? The forums would be rendered useless rather quickly, and I'm willing to bet that this is a constant headache for the mod team here at B&B.

For that reason alone, it seems to me that outing one of them is all to the good.
If you had asked me in July of 2013 about shaving soap and its potential for drama, I would have never imagined in a million years its potential.

I think the bottom line is that the CEO is just a young man with a lot of growing up to do. As well as learning responsibility.

I'm sure we all felt the same way after getting our first real paycheck.
Apparently I am on to this late, can someone direct me to a thread about what this is all about in the first place...?

NEVER MIND--found it..ugh..
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He's not the first person to lie on the internet but he's also running a business. Having a marketing mascot or personality for a blog or podcasts is one thing but using pseudonyms & fake addresses to run a legitimate business & shill a product turns me off. But I never responded to social media hype or wiz bang marketing anyways.
I'll cheerfully stay away from anything HTGAM & PPF, too many good artisan soaps out there, Stirling, Mikes, Mystic Waters and the list goes on and on.
Just wow... Granted I have a lot of reading to do, have only read a couple of pages of this thread.

The problem is I kind of like HTGAM the soap is good. I get decent shaves. I have 3 pucks of the stuff and my wife has two of the girl scents. After showing her this, we both agreed the damage is done we gave him money. BUT we both agree when the pucks are gone we will NOT be buying again. I just hope to find some more female scents for SWMBO
Yeah, I haven't found a thread here on B&B about it but there's been a lot of drama on Facebook, reddit and other forums. Long story short, Douglas Smythe of HTGAM and Hodges from PPF are the same person. Meaning Douglas has been founder/owner of both companies since the beginning and has posted glowing/shilling reviews of his own products across all sorts of venues, including Sharpologist. Even went so far as to interview himself. Pretty much unethical, fraudulent business practices.

Yes. A B&B member also showed that he was being willfully deceptive regarding his ingredient lists in order to make his soaps appear to be something they are not.

And, more frustratingly, he lied about being a military vet so that he could make a Facebook group that was only open to other vets and active military so that he could push his products on them.
Okay, but do you want the forums you belong to infested with sock puppets posting bogus reviews and other posts in support of himself? The forums would be rendered useless rather quickly, and I'm willing to bet that this is a constant headache for the mod team here at B&B.

For that reason alone, it seems to me that outing one of them is all to the good.

+1 totally.

@shaversnapper, in addition to wanting to preserve the integrity of the forum for honest debate, believe it or not there are actually still people that care about ethics. And as far as "its just soap", you do realize this is a community where the focus is on the love of shaving as a hobby? People actually talk in great detail and with passion about such things as - soap.
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