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Enthusiastic thumbs up for Mystic Water shaving soaps!


The Lather Maestro
Well, you may have been following a thread about my arduous journey learning how to lather this stuff. If not, I'm not linking to it here, I'd just as soon let it fade away ... but now that I have mastered this soap, I have to tell you it is truly wonderful stuff! I do not get better lather, razor glide, closeness and comfort from any other product I use, and this soap is tied with QCS for after-shave skin feel IMO. It is most definitely 'world class' shaving soap.

I heartily recommend you try this stuff out. It is really, really good. I would make one caveat, and that is this soap is not really suited to being used in hot scuttles, so if you have to do that, I would pass this up. I do not use a scuttle in the warm months, though, I really only fiddle with them in the winter where a warm lather is more comfortable to me than cold. If you face lather, or bowl lather without a hot scuttle, this is stuff you really ought to try. Their Lilly of the Valley is going to be one of my summer staples.

DO NOT just go at it right away they way you do other products in your shave den. Do yourself a favor and watch the videos by Steward TheVez2 on the Mystic Water website, here.


This soap uses less water than any other soap I've ever used, and the videos are time well spent. give it a couple of test lathers before your first shave. Once you get in the saddle with this product, however, it will yield amazing, dense, protective lathers you will just love. If you have problem skin give this a try, as well. I don't have any issues there, but I have read that folks with sensitive, dry or itchy skin like products like TOBS Avocado or Trumpers Coconut ... I think you will find this stuff in that skin pampering category, it is phenomenal.

Two thumbs up! :thumbup:
I had a marvelous shave with the lavender yesterday. 22 hours later I'm just starting to feel like I should have again.
Well, you may have been following a thread about my arduous journey learning how to lather this stuff. If not, I'm not linking to it here, I'd just as soon let it fade away ... but now that I have mastered this soap, I have to tell you it is truly wonderful stuff! I do not get better lather, razor glide, closeness and comfort from any other product I use, and this soap is tied with QCS for after-shave skin feel IMO. It is most definitely 'world class' shaving soap.

I heartily recommend you try this stuff out. It is really, really good. I would make one caveat, and that is this soap is not really suited to being used in hot scuttles, so if you have to do that, I would pass this up. I do not use a scuttle in the warm months, though, I really only fiddle with them in the winter where a warm lather is more comfortable to me than cold. If you face lather, or bowl lather without a hot scuttle, this is stuff you really ought to try. Their Lilly of the Valley is going to be one of my summer staples.

DO NOT just go at it right away they way you do other products in your shave den. Do yourself a favor and watch the videos by Steward TheVez2 on the Mystic Water website, here.


This soap uses less water than any other soap I've ever used, and the videos are time well spent. give it a couple of test lathers before your first shave. Once you get in the saddle with this product, however, it will yield amazing, dense, protective lathers you will just love. If you have problem skin give this a try, as well. I don't have any issues there, but I have read that folks with sensitive, dry or itchy skin like products like TOBS Avocado or Trumpers Coconut ... I think you will find this stuff in that skin pampering category, it is phenomenal.

Two thumbs up! :thumbup:
Thanks for the recommendation. I just looked over her selections of soap and was very happy to find several that I think I'll like. I ordered the "Cedar & Sage" and the "Marrakesh" refill pucks. I like the woody, mossy, earthy scents best and these two have ingredients I should like.


B&B's Man in Italy
John, your passion and enthusiasm is exactly what we want to see here on B&B! By the way, what fragrances are available for these Mystic Water shaving soaps? And are the scents obtained with essential oils? Thanks.
Hi Marco. As an original tester and now buyer of these soaps I think I can safely say they use both FO and EO depending on the scent. I amcurrently using lily of the valley and it is FO scented. I don't think there is an EO of this scent. Others like lavender and lime are EO. Best to check with Michelle. The soap is superb.

Cheers, Todd


B&B's Man in Italy
Thank you, Todd. Lavender is really my favourite scent with Lime/citrusy fragrances as a close second.
I got a sample of the mystic river lilly of the valley soap. I have not had the opportunity to try it yet, but I am excited to give it a go. It smells great!
I joined John in his very thorough review of Mystic Water Soaps. I have to admit, I was a fan of these soaps before the review began. However, I always felt that I didn't get as good a lather. Through the wonderful documentation of great members like John, TheVez2, Brucered, 5savages, kingfischer, and oscar11, (I apologize to any who may feel left out, but I recommend to those who haven't read the thread to go read it here), I think we got the full potential out of this soap. And let me tell you, it is truly amazing!

I got my first quality lather yesterday morning. To say I got a BBS would be an understatement. It was truly the best shave of my life. The soap is slick and provides incredible protection. Not to mention the scents! My favorite thus far is Bay Rum. It is heavenly, IMO. I also have Orange Vanilla, Coconut, and Marrakesh, all of which are terrific as well.

I have to emphasize the proper technique in building a lather here. You really must start dry and add water SLOWLY, as in a few drops at a time, and fully incorporate it before adding more. I literally used a 1/4 teaspoon measuring spoon yesterday to do this. I ended up adding 4 full measurements for a total of 1 teaspoon water, and that was perfect. If you add too much water overall, too much water at one time, and/or don't fully incorporate it into the lather, this lather will become light, airy, and will disappear on your face. The interesting thing of this is that it will still provide a quality shave.

And finally, to John, a big thumbs up for the work you put into the thread. There were a lot of Mystic Water threads floating around out there, but you were the one to really tie the whole soap in to one full thread with a very thorough, comprehensive review. A lot of people were drawn to that thread because of how much time you put into it, and I think the soap got a fair hearing. Not only that, I think a lot of improvements came out of it. You really incorporated a lot of different experiences with the soap, from success to failure, and bound them all together to get so many people on the same page. I really enjoyed the review, and because of it, I have found a new favorite soap!
Thank you, Todd. Lavender is really my favourite scent with Lime/citrusy fragrances as a close second.

I'm still using up my samples. I got her lavender (my first), a lime, and "Prospect Creek," a peppermint EO soap w/ extra menthol.

The lavender smells great. I never thought I'd like the lavender products, but tried it just because it's so popular. Boy was I wrong. The flowery nature of the scent is offset by an herbal tone that's almost a little spicy. A very masculine floral.

The lime is a great single-note lime. Strong without being eye-watering, basic without being boring.


The Lather Maestro
John, your passion and enthusiasm is exactly what we want to see here on B&B! By the way, what fragrances are available for these Mystic Water shaving soaps? And are the scents obtained with essential oils? Thanks.

Marco, I don't know if you've been following the other thread, but I will tell you, despite the somewhat rocky start I got with this soap, it is truly remarkable. I had the Lilly of the Valley scent, and since I do not use a scuttle in the summer, it will replace my RazoRock MdB for that scent. I have not tried others, but I know you are a big lavender fan.

I will tell you this, if Michelle executes a lavender as well as she did Lilly of the Valley, you will be smitten. Both by the soap performance and the scent.


System Generated
i have no idea how i did it, but i managed to get a thick, creamy, bountiful (non airy) lather using the Marco Method with this soap. scuttle lathered, but no water in scuttle.

Full Marco Method, soaking wet brush just excess water dripped out, no other water added. swirled on puck for about 45sec or so, then bowl lathered for another minute or so.

again, my apologies to MW and Michelle for my posts stating this was not a good soap to lather. i'm not saying i wasn't having a hard time, i was...in fact the hardest time i've ever had with a soap or cream and i was getting terrible shaves with it...but with the help of B&B, and all the recent MW posts and threads, it has really come around for me and is also up there with QCS as far as how it leaves my face after shaving. i finish with it on my face, warm/cooler rinse and no WH, then ASB and my skin feels fantastic.

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The Lather Maestro
Good grief, that looks nuts! I have to try this. That lather hanging out there in thin air is crazy!


System Generated
Good grief, that looks nuts! I have to try this. That lather hanging out there in thin air is crazy!

Admit it, you made that lather out of styrofoam. ;)

i have no idea how or why it worked, but it did. here is a short video of the lather it produced, i did not film the method, but it was "Full Marco" with the SOC only letting it drip excess. the 1st time thru my ABC's for application time nothing was happening, but the 2nd run thru the ABC's it started picking up product and was a breeze to make. no bubbles, not airy, it was folding over in the bowl and rich.

i hit the bowl and got this:

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I'd say "you never go full Marco" but clearly you should. Awesome looking lather. Did you shave with it or just test?


System Generated
I'd say "you never go full Marco" but clearly you should. Awesome looking lather. Did you shave with it or just test?

unfortunately it was just a test to break in my SOC, but i'm putting it back on deck for tomorrow and will go "Full Marco" with it again and hope i can replicate that lather.

i'll report back tomorrow with my thoughts and opinions on the shave, but i have a feeling it will be a success. i've been having success with a dry brush and little to no water, so this will be interesting.
Like I said before, dry brush, wet brush, gentle loading, aggressive loading...it never seemed to matter for me, I always got a great lather.
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