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What are some sought after classics that you regard as overrated?

I must be careful here as I might mention a razor that is someone's favorite. But I do think that some so-called "classics" are possibly a bit overrated.

The Gillette Toggle - sure its a cool tool, and so very hard to find, but does it really look that good?

How about the Wilkinson Sticky? Kind of simple looking to me. I just don't see what the fuss is all about. Rarely does anyone talk about how it shaves. Maybe its important historically, but I wouldn't go out of my way for one.

And now here's another one that will surely be controversial. And let me first say that I use it for about 9 out of 10 shaves these days -- the Merkur 38c, the Sledgehammer. Its a great razor because it shaves as well as the HD, only with a bigger, longer handle. In my view the folks at Merkur set out what they accomplished to do with the bigger, heavier, longer part. But when you look at its appearance, it does not really stand up to a lot of the coolest looking razors in history, like the Fatboy, the Bostonian, the Aristocrat, and many others. But it certainly does the job.

What razors do you find to be a bit overrated?


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Red Tip. I was expecting something totally different (way more aggressive) and it wasn't...
The Fatboy is, in my opinion, the coolest LOOKing razor ever. But as a shaver its mediocre at best.


I've used my Fatboy like 3 times and now it's back in its case sitting on the shelf collecting dust. I don't think i'll part with it but I wish it gave better shaves than my other razors.
Adjustables in general.

Except when you've been camping and have 2 weeks of growth, then a Progress set at 5 does wonders.
yeah, i wasnt a great fan of the fatboy either.

...techs on the other hand

+1 on the Tech!

I think it's easier to say what is underrated: The Gillette Tech!!

One of the best razors ever built, provides a great shave, and was built like a tank to last forever. Also fairly indestructible, as long as you don't drop it from height repeatedly.

I have not yet tried out my Fatboy.
yeah, i wasnt a great fan of the fatboy either.

...techs on the other hand

Count me in as well. Spent a lot of time trying to find a Fatboy, rather disappointed by the shave...I like the Slim better. Literally found a Tech that was free, and have since gotten rid of 6 razors and am down to the Tech, Slim, and an Injector.
I'm just about ready to agree with the Fat Boy posts. It's a good shave but not nearly worth some of the selling prices you see. I have gone back to a Super Speed (regular) and Red Tip, sometimes using my old type open combs. Hoping for a Slant, as noted in a WTT thread I made...
In my opinion anything except a Gillette Tech, Gillette New, or Gillette Old is overrated. They either have too many moving parts or break in weird places. As far as needing an adjustable its right there in these three. Tech is mild, New is medium, and Old is aggressive.
Fatboy is the best razor I've tried, so I guess YMMV.

I didn't like it when I first tried it, with it set on 2 or 3, and I put it away for a month or more.

When I pulled it back out, I dialed it up to 5, and suddenly it was a much better shave. I like my Tech, but I think the Fatboy actually provides me with a much BETTER shave.
Fat Boy. No question.:001_rolle

The Fatboy is, in my opinion, the coolest LOOKing razor ever. But as a shaver its mediocre at best.


I've used my Fatboy like 3 times and now it's back in its case sitting on the shelf collecting dust. I don't think i'll part with it but I wish it gave better shaves than my other razors.

yeah, i wasnt a great fan of the fatboy either.

...techs on the other hand

Count me in as well. Spent a lot of time trying to find a Fatboy, rather disappointed by the shave...I like the Slim better. Literally found a Tech that was free, and have since gotten rid of 6 razors and am down to the Tech, Slim, and an Injector.

I'm just about ready to agree with the Fat Boy posts. It's a good shave but not nearly worth some of the selling prices you see.

I'm with you, guys. Spent some time waiting for a chance to grab a Fat Boy for a decent price. But even though its heftiness kinda feels good on one's hand the shaves I got from it didn't meet the expectation.
Hmm. I have the world's most beat up Fatboy and have been completely impressed with the shave I've gotten from it. If any of you have one in better shape and would be willing to part with it for $30 shipped, send me a PM.

Seriously. I love that razor.
I would say the fatboy. I can get a good shave from it from time to time, but it's hit or miss. My 41" ranger tech on the other hand gives me a great shave every time.

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