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What do you do with an obnoxious jerk?

get really good and beat him in every game so badly he decides to stop coming? probably unlikely that it would work but it seemed humorous enough idea to mention.
I appreciate all of this guys. In every way, this is exactly the type of support I was hoping for. Yet another reason to love B&B.

Thanks! :001_smile
Can ya slap him with a gag order? Or maybe just slap him instead.


otherwise, the ball & duct tape idea sounds good and think of the close shave you'll be giving him at the same time. win-win, i'd say.
I play weekly with a subdivion team in Alpharetta, Ga. We don't live there and and I was asked to join 4 years ago. No one has ever said anything, (I"m not that good).

I know your not the type but if it were us a brisk front or side jolt to the knee would bench him for the season.
It sounds like he lives for the response he's getting from your group. Try not to feed into it, don't let him get a rise out of you, have a meeting with the others about it. If it isn't fun for him anymore he may stop showing up. If that doesn't work, kneecap him. Best of luck.
About the only thing you can do is just ignore him. Except for the play, just pretend he's not there. Definitely ostracize him socially.

You could also try having his partner serve a couple into his back when he's really being a jerk. A slam into the body whenever you have a cripple at the net would make you feel better. :devil:

- Peter
Hey Neil,

In my experience as a tennis player, I suggest shutting him up with your play. I am a big guy, an not very fast. This led me to several incidences of taunting and trash talking from the "little quick guys" that I would often play. I couldn't keep up as an all court player, so I learned to place my shots precisely as a power baseliner. Send them all over the court, play aggressively, always play the ball just out of their reach. They tend to shut up when they can't breathe.

Some guys are just jerks, but it's usually an ego thing and the only way to stop them is to short circuit the ego.
On the other hand, if he's a better player than you are, you might as well just suck it up and try to pick somebody better next time. Don't bark if you can't bite--it'll just get him worked up more and make you more frustrated.

As far as doing things to make him feel bad, like making a big deal out of going out with the other guys after the match and excluding him--I wouldn't do that either. That would bring you down to his level. Since you say that you have exhausted your recourse in talking to him and you don't want to bag the game altogether, you're better off being yourself. I'm actually surprised that you got so much advise to that effect--that doesn't sound like the gentlemanly conduct that we encourage around here.

Hope that venting on here makes you feel better!
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I've had the same issue some years ago..but if you can't put a tennis ball in his mouth you can instead put some ears plugs in your own ears...

I've made it the following way..Stay cool as a penguin when talking and polite as a 1700' gentleman:

-hi there...what the heck is this (looking to a pair of ears plugs)
-ear plugs, you know...i can not hear you anymore annoying me each game...so i've bought a 500 pairs box, disposable ones (it was true at time, better prices in quantities, and i use them too when motorcycling around, working in noisy places...and 1000 units makes clear how big the problem is...)to see if i can reduce your bad input around...35dB lesser can make a huge difference!!
-the guy said he sorry etc... but lesson learned...

BTW the Moldex ones, 7800 model are the better around !!!:001_rolle
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Make an agreement w/ you and the other two guys that whoever is playing against him will always try to hit him w/ the ball.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"says the Lord. On the contrary:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:17-21 NIV
I have no intention of getting into a fight with this guy -- it is not my style. My frustration is that, while I feel that something needs to be done, there is really nothing that can be done. He's a good enough player that we can't simply play him off the court, and he is self-absorbed enough that he won't listen to reason. I know that my only recourse is to try not to let it bother me, and that is what I will strive to do (although the kneecapping idea certainly has its own appeal :wink:).

I am glad that I have this forum to air my grievance and vent in a way that helps to ease my tension, without causing a big ruckus.

Thanks again, gentlemen.
I have no intention of getting into a fight with this guy -- it is not my style. My frustration is that, while I feel that something needs to be done, there is really nothing that can be done. He's a good enough player that we can't simply play him off the court, and he is self-absorbed enough that he won't listen to reason. I know that my only recourse is to try not to let it bother me, and that is what I will strive to do (although the kneecapping idea certainly has its own appeal :wink:).

I am glad that I have this forum to air my grievance and vent in a way that helps to ease my tension, without causing a big ruckus.

Thanks again, gentlemen.

Im sure it must be tough having someone like that around when your trying to do something you enjoy. The best thing you can do is lead by example and be the gentlemen of the court.
Im sure it must be tough having someone like that around when your trying to do something you enjoy. The best thing you can do is lead by example and be the gentlemen of the court.

I think you might be on to something there. Why not become a full "classy" gentleman on the court? I mean wear a top hat and tails, giant mustache and monocle. This will surely throw the unpleasant person off of his game. Further, whenever he does something outrageous, you can let your monocle fly off to show your disdain. "Egads!"
I think you might be on to something there. Why not become a full "classy" gentleman on the court? I mean wear a top hat and tails, giant mustache and monocle. This will surely throw the unpleasant person off of his game. Further, whenever he does something outrageous, you can let your monocle fly off to show your disdain. "Egads!"

You could always challenge him to a shaving compitition!:lol::lol::lol:
Sending this person to be the governess for the Captain's seven children was my first inclination, but that probably isn't a viable option in this situation. Hope you are able to resolve it in a manner that is satisfactory to all parties involved.
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