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Your SWMBO and your shaving.

Have any of you guys had to teach your gf/wife/artner how to shave using the DE? If so would you be able to tell me how you went about it please


After walking past me in the bathroom and seeing me shave she thought it looked fun. She sat and watched me shave twice while awaiting her lady gillette. The day it got here she hopped in the shower and did it on her own. She said she went WTG and XTG passes and her legs have never been smoother.:thumbup1:
At first she thought that it was weird, but in her defence, I have gone through a few wierd habits (?) since we have been together. Recently I got the impression that she didn't care one way or another-didn't watch or comment on results. Yesterday she tells me she has been talking with friends at work-all female-and they want me to talk to their S/O about my new hobby. She always supprises me.
I told my wife about the post, and the wide variety of responses. She was pretty surprised about the s/o's who have negative feelings about DE shaving. Perhaps her sunny demeanor on the topic is that I have not mentioned yer that I have a Simpson PJ2 Super double band brush in the mail yet... But I digress.

I asked her what she thought of my newfound passion for shaving and she said "When you are finished with a shave, I want to grab you, and suck your lips off of your face!" Surely this is due to the diminished pricklies that attack her sensitive face, but she also said she loves how I smell when I'm done too!

One more positive vote for now. Until the DE's get into full swing anyway! :thumbup:

After walking past me in the bathroom and seeing me shave she thought it looked fun. She sat and watched me shave twice while awaiting her lady gillette. The day it got here she hopped in the shower and did it on her own. She said she went WTG and XTG passes and her legs have never been smoother.:thumbup1:

Glad it went to a good home and she likes it. I'll have to show my wife this post so she can see what she passed on....
Just wait..she'll eventually become so annoyed with your incessant faceturbation and discussions on the merits of tallow vs. glycerine, your encroachment of product overflow into all the free bathroom surfaces, and your habitual sneaking of Aqua Velva into the shopping cart that you MAY just come home one day to find it all in the trash...

We've had separate bathrooms since we've moved in together, so that's not really an issue.:001_tt2:

She commented later that her dad has some DE gear lying around, including a Gucci razor + toiletries bag. She'll ask him to give it to me as a gift.:drool:
I am lucky, my GF is really happy that I found a new hobby:biggrin1:

She also thinks that the Pavlovian response to anything related to shaving is funny.

She says that she is still getting used to me being clean shaven all the time, as opposed to when I would rarely shave on the weekends. I also got her started on DE shaving, and her disposables are now just collecting dust. I even have a mini shave den at her place.

She also likes to watch while I shave and ask questions about it.
i started using a DE while with the gf, at first she didn't get it, 'why would you use something from 1968?? you're meant get NEW technology!!'

after that she was pretty good about, sometimes a bit jealous at how much care/excited i get about it all :p but then she wanted to watch and learn what it was all about!

interesting how it comes full circle.

the more i think about it...the more strange it is that some girls don't get it! although i my ADs aren't really that bad...just the one razor, one brush, one cream and two soaps...

that'll change soon enough, we'll see what happens then!
hey im assuming your a young guy around the same age as me man :)

my gf would sit on the bath tub and watch me shave and she'd pull all these faces as if she was feeling the blade go donw along her jaw. it was prettr hilarious. I just dont understand why girls prefer new technology to the oldern style of shaving. The modern style isnt as creative as the oldern days.

what do you say? Does your gf nag you to just use the new shaving kits to get a quick proper shave rather then waste 30mins on shaving with such carefuless?
My lovely wife just rolls her eyes, looks at me and says, in a mock-sweet voice, "oh, are you going to shave now, honey?" She pretty much thinks the whole thing's laughable. She tolerates it -- my passion for it kind of amuses her -- but she's told me she likes it better when I don't shave for a few days.
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