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Yet San Franners wonder why the rest of the country tools on them

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"He sleeps under a bridge, washes in a public bathroom and was panhandling for booze money 11 months ago, but now Larry Moore is the best-dressed shoeshine man in the city. When he gets up from his cardboard mattress, he puts on a coat and tie. It's a reminder of how he has turned things around.

In fact, until last week it looked like Moore was going to have saved enough money to rent a room and get off the street for the first time in six years. But then, in a breathtakingly clueless move, an official for the Department of Public Works told Moore that he has to fork over the money he saved for his first month's rent to purchase a $491 sidewalk vendor permit.

The bureaucrat told Moore that she found out about his business after reading about his success in this paper.

Along Market Street, Moore's supporters are indignant. Nothing happens when mentally ill men wander the street talking to themselves and drunkards pee in the alleys. Yet Moore creates a little business out of thin air, builds up a client base, and the city takes nearly every penny he's earned.

Christine Falvey, spokeswoman for Public Works, said the department's contact with Moore was meant to be 'educational.'

'I guess my gripe is that when the city came by and told him to get his papers in order but couldn't tell him how to do it,' said Travis See, who manages the Custom Shop Clothiers on the corner of Market and New Montgomery. 'This lady couldn't even tell him which building to go to so he could stand in line and waste all day.'

When Moore found the permit application, he got a money order and headed down to the appropriate department to pay. But because he didn't have a valid ID card, they wouldn't take his money. "


There's a Terry Gilliam movie in here somewhere.
Hehe, that IS a great line.

I love San Fran and I love Terry Gilliam and I love Springfield Mass. Doh, wait a sec. only two of those are true. But I DO love The Fort and I've had some beautiful smokes at Shakago!
We have nobody to blame but ourselves for the foolishness we see like this. No one will stand together and the man on the soapbox is shunned in public yet secretly admired behind closed doors. Anytime someone tries to make an improvemnet , someone else comes along to f!@K it up.:frown:
Well you know in the mind of a politician it is far better to squeeze out the last dollar now and kill the business then to risk letting the business thrive and make many more dollars in the long run.

They would also rationalize that it is better to get the unlicensed street vendor off the street for 12-14 hours a day than to get the homeless person off the street 24 hours a day.

Another example of why the goal of Gov't, all Gov't, is to enslave us and make us reliant on them.

You can't make that crap up!
It's ridiculous what happened to Mr. Moore. But to use this as an excuse to "tool on San Franners" is equally as ridiculous.
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Government is merely a natural solution to collective action dilemas. To claim that is has some nefarious goal of "enslaving" you is rather silly.
Government is merely a natural solution to collective action dilemas. To claim that is has some nefarious goal of "enslaving" you is rather silly.

That is its theoretic purpose. How often does Gov't actually solve problems and do so in the swiftest, cheapest and most logical way?

That purpose has long been thrown to the curb in place of a bunch of folks seeking to remain in power for as long as possible by taking as much of our money and liberty as possible along the way. This goes for both sides of the political fence...I'm not seeking to cause this thread to be nuked!
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