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What's the one "manly" thing you don't know how to do?

OK--I'll admit to welding. When I was on sea duty, one of the HTs gave me a basic lesson in welding while he was fixing something in my office. It was very cool and I wanted to learn more but I never got around to it.
Welding, roofing a house, and drywall ain't so hard to learn. Now sports...that's a bear of another color. I can't play 'em for the life of me. I'll shoot skeet all day long and whine the next of a fetched up shoulder, but I can't throw a dang ball.
Welding, roofing a house, and drywall ain't so hard to learn. Now sports...that's a bear of another color. I can't play 'em for the life of me. I'll shoot skeet all day long and whine the next of a fetched up shoulder, but I can't throw a dang ball.

Well, if you can shoot it with a shot gun, you probably are not going to have to hit it with a rock, so you are further along the manliness scale.

I seem to be able to shoot pool adequately lately for some reason. Used to utterly have the yips for that.
Get myself through a forest with a compass and map. Their are many more. This one happened to enter my brain first.
I do not know how to weld. I apparently cannot lay brick or stone. I really do not know why I can't!

I can roof to some extent. I can hang dry wall, but I cannot tape it once hung.


Self Ignored by Vista
I can't list just one thing...there are too many.

Drive a nail with a hammer without hitting my thumb.

Solder a brass plumbing fixture.

Thread a worm on a fishing hook without hooking my finger.

Use a stick burner smoker or a charcoal BBQ grill.

Use a screwdriver.

Operate a shotgun.

Pour concrete.

Skin a rabbit.

Scale a fish.

Replace a toilet seat.

Hunt, fish, and drive a truck.

Thank goodness we have women around here that can help.

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