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Wasp nest adventure

Never known soap to work fast enough on wasps, I have always used chemical sprays. Any way you do it make sure and remove the nest and wash down the area good. I have found that often they return to the same place the next year. If you get stung there are many home cures that help. Baking soda and vinegar paste, meat tenderizer ect. The poison is a protein. A wasp has a smooth ( NON BARBED) stinger which means they can sting more than once.
That's why I was saying to do it at night. I thought he preferred not to use chemical sprays, and I've heard soapy water was an alternative. He could always spray them with wasp and hornet killer when they hit the ground.

and then a shot of wasp/hornet spray in the vac after they are all sucked out.


That seems to work fine...unless it gets clogged, then you have a serious problem.
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I have used the spray on a nest in my garage on four or five occasions. I use the 20 foot spraying stuff. It works very quickly ,they drop fast.But when I tried to wash it of with water it behaved like oil. I kept my dog out of there for a week to be safe. After that even before the week was up It seemed to be pretty safe.
Guys on "Duck Dynasty" tried a shop vac with a long extension to get rid of some bees so the guys could enjoy the honey. It did not end well, but was good TV!

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
So did you ever get 'em, or did they get you?

Have you thought about smoking them out? I am thinking a half dozen charcoal briquets in an old frying pan, hose clamped by the handle to a long pole. When the charcoal is going good, dump some good herb on top and then get it into position. Pretty soon the wasps will be laughing at stuff that isn't even funny, going "Ow wow, DUUUUUUDE!" at stuff they never noticed before, falling asleep, or ordering the three-fer special from Papa John's and getting the order all messed up. When they can't even play air guitar any more, get in there and bag 'em all up and dump them a couple miles away, and put an eviction notice on the nest.
So based on the above advice, I will be waiting another hour or so to let things cool off and get the buggers get lethargic, then I will hit them with chemical foam directly into the nest and run like stink. Once inside, I will dull the pain with Alberta Premium Rye (rather than Bourbon). I will try to get video for the edification of you, my well wishers.
Well, thanks to the wonders of modern chemistry, the video was very anticlimactic. Two disoriented wasps managed to get out of the nest, but neither of them got airborne before getting a direct hit from the spray foam. I'm just glad The nest was in a spot where I could get at it without crawling under the deck. Thanks to everyone for imparting their wisdom and otherwise, you have helped me come out unscathed.
Well, thanks to the wonders of modern chemistry, the video was very anticlimactic. Two disoriented wasps managed to get out of the nest, but neither of them got airborne before getting a direct hit from the spray foam. I'm just glad The nest was in a spot where I could get at it without crawling under the deck. Thanks to everyone for imparting their wisdom and otherwise, you have helped me come out unscathed.
Awwwww :001_tt2: Just kidding, glad you didn't get stung by those creatures from the depths of hell. Hope the problem is sorted for you now.
Sad I missed this. I received my PhD studying wasp behavior. I studied yellowjackets, mostly, along with some neotropical swarm-founding wasps. You haven't lived until you've dug up a nest containing thousands of angry wasps! Good to see it all worked out for you!
Sad I missed this. I received my PhD studying wasp behavior. I studied yellowjackets, mostly, along with some neotropical swarm-founding wasps. You haven't lived until you've dug up a nest containing thousands of angry wasps! Good to see it all worked out for you!
Out of curiosity, what would you have suggested?
Carburetor cleaner was my weapon of choice. If it has Proposition 65 warnings all over it, you know it's good.
Carburetor cleaner was my weapon of choice. If it has Proposition 65 warnings all over it, you know it's good.

When on the road to my parents' place in Texas, we picked up something at a truck stop. Don't recall what it was, may have been a commuter/trucker cup, but it had a Prop-65 label on it.

I pulled the label and stuck it to the window frame on the back of my shell.
Couple of people commented on it... told them that since I smoke a pipe, California made me put it on there :biggrin:
I wonder if a Prop-66 notice -- "This state is known to experience wildfires, mudslides and earthquakes which have been shown to cause injury, death and property damage to residents and visitors" -- would be appropriate on all the California State Line signs. Just kiddin'. It's a fine place, I hope. My daughter just moved there.
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