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Wasp nest adventure

A colony of wasps seems to have moved in under my deck. I bought wasp spray to deal with it, but the best is right below where I have my smoker and grill, and even if I move them I don't necessarily want poison floating about the area. Anyone ever take out a wasp nest with a pressure washer?
I'd think that'd just make them mad. Even a few shots of the wasp spray should stun them pretty good. Just don't wear flip flops so you can step on them.
nahh...call the professionals...some of these "flying" bugs have a wax coating which repels water and liquids...hence making them so darn tough to get rid of....
From what I remember, it is best to apply the spray at or around dusk so that most of the wasps are back in the hive. That way you'll get the majority of them in one shot.
I kid you not, I've actually dual-wielded wasp spray before to get rid of some of the bigger, nastier nests. Get the stuff with the 20' jet stream that insta-kills them, and don't go out to spray until the sun is going down and the temperature has dropped for the evening. Cooler weather makes them lethargic.
From what I remember, it is best to apply the spray at or around dusk so that most of the wasps are back in the hive. That way you'll get the majority of them in one shot.

I kid you not, I've actually dual-wielded wasp spray before to get rid of some of the bigger, nastier nests. Get the stuff with the 20' jet stream that insta-kills them, and don't go out to spray until the sun is going down and the temperature has dropped for the evening. Cooler weather makes them lethargic.

This is very important. If you spray the nest during the day, most of the wasps will be out and about and you will be much less effective.

As far as the worries about your grill, couldn't you move it out of the area before you spray? I wouldn't think that even the most toxic sprays would linger for more than a day or two.

I hope it goes well for you!
In the past, I was known to use WD-40 with the red tube in the nozzle, and a lighter right in front of that. Works wonders, but I did have to use the hose on the deck afterward. It works best on your college buddy's deck, BTW.
Have you considered simply asking them to leave? Use a stern yet respectful tone.

If that fails, use the nayborskied method of resolving these kinds of household concerns - Just give the neighbour's kid $10 with a fly swatter and get him to take care of the problem:lol:

Speaking of my smoker, I suspect they may be attracted to some of the grease built up in there, so I think as part of the scheme, I will fire it up with the leftovers of my cheap briquettes and run it as hot as it will go for a few hours to try to burn off the fat. I will also be building a few traps to hopefully reduce the number of little buggers who will be chasing me whichever method I choose.
Only way is to place a cup of Wild Turkey 101 near the nest, They will drink it, when they pass out stomp em'. If they sting you drink the rest of the bottle. It'll still hurt but you wont care.
Mix water and dishwashing soap in a sprayer and hose them down after dark. You get all of them, plus you are far less likely to get stung.
Hi everybody,

I am surprised that nobody has suggested a shotgun yet :=)

But seriously, my fathers way to deal with wasp nests in the roofing of his house:

1, take a few shotgun shells and carefully remove the lead/iron/whatever shots (leave the powder alone :=) )
2, carefully replace lead shots with dry rice/lentils/small beans and close the shells with masking tape/cling film / anything else
3, load up your shotgun and let them wasp nests have it (according to him effective range is about up to 15 ft. with rice)

I have seen the results - the nests looked like smashed between 2 BIG concrete slabs - i don't think there were any survivors..

This IS a true story - but try it at your own risk...

Never known soap to work fast enough on wasps, I have always used chemical sprays. Any way you do it make sure and remove the nest and wash down the area good. I have found that often they return to the same place the next year. If you get stung there are many home cures that help. Baking soda and vinegar paste, meat tenderizer ect. The poison is a protein. A wasp has a smooth ( NON BARBED) stinger which means they can sting more than once.
How big of a nest are you dealing with? Can you upload a picture?

Just for the record - that is not a picture of the nest in question. I haven't even seen it really well yet since I have to take some lattice off the side of my deck to get around to where I can see it. Right now all I know is there is a nest in there and roughly where it is.
I had a chance to look, it is about the size of a big grapefruit, but the best part is that it is in a spot where I can get it between planks with the long nozzle of a can of wasp spray. Anyone have experience with shooting spray directly into the nest?

I am just about fixing to die of wasp stings. Meanwhile, swmbo tells me that she wants me to run all the way around to the front door instead of coming in the back because she doesn't want wasps in the house. Sigh.
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