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Fatip Piccolo (Mk 2) - How would you RATE its AGGRESSIVENESS?


I didnt know
Cool. Thanks, Jim. What do you think, Mike?

I think I dislike Rogers.com lol.

I've been having modem issues the last 24 hours or so and have been trying to reply to this thread but my modem wouldnt let me. :censored:

I think it's good Grant.

You don't need an account to use a Google form, only to create one. Believe me.

I believe!

Have we cracked this nut? :001_tongu

Plating Type(if applicable):?

I'm not sure if you want to collect this bit of info or not, but thought I'd ask.
I think I dislike Rogers.com lol.

I've been having modem issues the last 24 hours or so and have been trying to reply to this thread but my modem wouldnt let me. :censored:

Sorry about your troubles there, Mike. Modems can be a real pain in the you-know-what.

I think it's good Grant.

Great! :thumbup1:

Plating Type(if applicable):?

I'm not sure if you want to collect this bit of info or not, but thought I'd ask.

Right. We would ask for plating material, texture(?), etc., if we collect basic razor data from users. I'm holding off on that optional section until we've worked out the other sections.
Here is the latest version of the proposed safety razor survey. Thanks, Mike and Jim, for your help! This iteration is another important one. The following changes were made for this version:
  • Added handle identification options
  • In the handle section, split "Diameter and Shape" into "Diameter" and "Shape"
  • In handle and safety razor preliminaries sections, replaced "Surface Finish" metric with "Surface Condition with Respect to Imperfections and Machining Marks" and "Plating Condition (If Applicable)" metrics
  • Removed "Precision" from the handle section since the new surface metrics cover it
  • Removed "Stability with Angle Changes" since it is a part of "Ease of Maintaining Control"
  • Reorganized safety razor effects and operation sections such that each shaving angle has a corresponding section that covers aggressiveness, efficiency, gentleness, etc., the metrics that can be interpreted as depending on shaving angle. Now, there are "Control and Learning Curve", "Angles and Pressures", and "Shaving Effects" sections.
Other issues that were not addressed here:
  • Collecting basic information that is independent of user opinion, such as manufacturing location, price, materials, construction, etc. I might try adding this next time.
  • Metric for head shape and size. Should we add this?
  • This would cover DE and SE safety razors, but what about newer multi-blade safety razors, such as the Leaf? I think this would cover it, but I haven't given it much thought. If something pops out at you, please let me know. Thanks. (For the Leaf, a user might want to specify a best half blade for each of the three positions. That gets complicated, but if we can make a slight adjustment to account for outlier safety razors, then I'm for it.)
Thoughts? :001_smile


1. My experience with a wide variety and large number of DE safety razors and blades (single number on a scale from 0 for no experience to 10 for being an expert):

2. Exact or approximate amount of time that I have DE shaved: [___] years and [___] months [This metric should only be active when experience > 0]

3. Exact or approximate number of different DE razors that I have used: [This metric should only be active when experience > 0]

4. Exact or approximate number of different DE blades that I have used: [This metric should only be active when experience > 0]


5. My experience with a wide variety and large number of SE safety razors and blades (single number on a scale from 0 for no experience to 10 for being an expert):

6. Exact or approximate amount of time that I have SE shaved: [___] years and [___] months [This metric should only be active when experience > 0]

7. Exact or approximate number of different SE razors that I have used: [This metric should only be active when experience > 0]

8. Exact or approximate number of different SE blades that I have used: [This metric should only be active when experience > 0]

>>>>> HAIR AND SKIN <<<<<

9. My Perceived Hair Toughness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely weak to 10 for extremely tough):

10. My Perceived Hair Density (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely sparse to 10 for extremely dense):

11. My Perceived Hair Direction Complexity (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely simple to 10 for extremely complex):

12. My Perceived Skin Toughness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely weak to 10 for extremely tough):

13. My Perceived Skin Sensitivity (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely insensitive to 10 for extremely sensitive):


14. Safety Razor (or Head) Manufacturer and Model:

15. Adjustable Setting or Baseplate Option (if applicable):

16. Handle Manufacturer and Model:
( ) Only stock handle for the razor
( ) One of the stock handles for the razor: [Type in Option]
( ) Not a stock handle for the razor: [Type in Manufacturer and Model]

17. Exact or approximate number of different blades that I have used with the razor:

18. Blade that works best with the razor for me and that goes with my ratings (or blades that work best with the razor and that seem identical in the razor to me):

>>>>> HANDLE <<<<<

19. Overall Rating of Handle (single number on a scale from 0 for awful to 10 for phenomenal):

20. Value (single number on a scale from 0 for awful or a total rip-off to 10 for phenomenal for its price with 5 for appropriate for its price):

21. Materials (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

22. Weight (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

23. Length (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

24. Diameter (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

25. Shape (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

26. Surface Condition with Respect to Imperfections and Machining Marks (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flawed surface to 10 for flawless/perfect surface):

27. Plating Condition (If Applicable) (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flawed plating to 10 for flawless/perfect plating):

28. Grip (single number on a scale from 0 for worst to 10 for best):

29. Fun and Coolness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely boring and uncool to 10 for extremely fun and cool):


30. Overall Rating of Safety Razor (single number on a scale from 0 for awful to 10 for phenomenal):

31. Value (single number on a scale from 0 for awful or a total rip-off to 10 for phenomenal for its price with 5 for appropriate for its price):

32. Materials (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

33. Weight (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

34. Balance (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

35. Precision and Fit of Pieces (single number on a scale from 0 for worst to 10 for best):

36. Surface Condition with Respect to Imperfections and Machining Marks (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flawed surface to 10 for flawless/perfect surface):

37. Plating Condition (If Applicable) (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flawed plating to 10 for flawless/perfect plating):

38. Blade Alignment (single number on a scale from 0 for awful to 10 for perfect):

39. Fun and Coolness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely boring and uncool to 10 for extremely fun and cool):


40. Blade Rigidity (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flexible to 10 for extremely rigid):

41. Ease of Maintaining Control (single number on a scale from 0 for most difficult to control to 10 for easiest to control):

42. Agility/Nimbleness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely clumsy/awkward to 10 for extremely agile/nimble):

43. Head Comfort (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely uncomfortable to 10 for extremely comfortable):

44. Time to Learn without Advice (if applicable; single number on a scale from 0 for seemingly no time to 10 for extreme amount of time):


[ ] I don't know the shaving angles that I use with the razor [This checkbox is not checked by default. If the user checks it, then the angle metrics below are made inactive and there is only one pressure metric. That's the plan, anyway.]
Pressure Used (single number on a scale from 0 for seemingly no pressure to 10 for extreme pressure): [This is only active when the user does not the angles that he/she uses]​

[ ] The razor behaves the same for me regardless of the different shaving angles that I use with it [This checkbox is not checked by default and is active when the user knows his/her shaving angles]

45. Amount of Shallow-Angle Shaving/"Riding the Cap" (single number on a scale from 0 for none to 10 for the whole shave):

46. Amount of Neutral-Angle Shaving (single number on a scale from 0 for none to 10 for the whole shave):

47. Amount of Steep-Angle Shaving/"Riding the Guard" (single number on a scale from 0 for none to 10 for the whole shave):

48. Pressure Used When Shallow-Angle Shaving/"Riding the Cap" (single number on a scale from 0 for seemingly no pressure to 10 for extreme pressure): [This metric should only be active when the corresponding time is not zero]

49. Pressure Used When Neutral-Angle Shaving (single number on a scale from 0 for seemingly no pressure to 10 for extreme pressure): [This metric should only be active when the corresponding time is not zero]

50. Pressure Used When Steep-Angle Shaving/"Riding the Guard" (single number on a scale from 0 for seemingly no pressure to 10 for extreme pressure): [This metric should only be active when the corresponding time is not zero]


[This section repeats as necessary with different headings so that the user can specify the shaving effects for each shaving angle. If the user stated that either he/she doesn't know the shaving angles or the angles don't matter on the effects, then the section would only appear once with the heading of "Shaving Effects".]

51. Aggressiveness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely mild to 10 for extremely aggressive):

52. Efficiency of Cutting Hair (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely inefficient/ineffective to 10 for extremely efficient/effective):

53. Gentleness to Skin (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely harsh/irritating to 10 for extremely gentle/comforting):

54. Ability to Prevent Bites, Nicks, Cuts, and Weepers (single number on a scale from 0 for no ability to 10 for phenomenal ability):

55. Blade Feel (single number on a scale from 0 for no blade feel to 10 for extreme blade feel):

56. Audible and Vibrational Feedback (single number on a scale from 0 for no feedback to 10 for extreme feedback):


57. Photographs, Pictures, and Videos That I Have Made (content and links):

58. Measurements That I Have Made (masses, lengths, blade gap, etc.):



I didnt know
Thoughts? :001_smile


1. My experience with a wide variety and large number of DE safety razors and blades (single number on a scale from 0 for no experience to 10 for being an expert): 8

2. Exact or approximate amount of time that I have DE shaved: 18 months.

3. Exact or approximate number of different DE razors that I have used: 12

4. Exact or approximate number of different DE blades that I have used: 30


5. My experience with a wide variety and large number of SE safety razors and blades (single number on a scale from 0 for no experience to 10 for being an expert): 2

6. Exact or approximate amount of time that I have SE shaved: <1 year.

7. Exact or approximate number of different SE razors that I have used: 2

8. Exact or approximate number of different SE blades that I have used: 2

>>>>> HAIR AND SKIN <<<<<

9. My Perceived Hair Toughness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely weak to 10 for extremely tough): 10

10. My Perceived Hair Density (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely sparse to 10 for extremely dense): 8

11. My Perceived Hair Direction Complexity (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely simple to 10 for extremely complex): 4

12. My Perceived Skin Toughness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely weak to 10 for extremely tough): 8

13. My Perceived Skin Sensitivity (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely insensitive to 10 for extremely sensitive): 6


14. Safety Razor (or Head) Manufacturer and Model: Fatip Grande.

15. Adjustable Setting or Baseplate Option (if applicable): -

16. Handle Manufacturer and Model: Fatip Grande.
(*) Only stock handle for the razor
( ) One of the stock handles for the razor: [Type in Option]
( ) Not a stock handle for the razor: [Type in Manufacturer and Model]

17. Exact or approximate number of different blades that I have used with the razor: >20

18. Blade that works best with the razor for me and that goes with my ratings (or blades that work best with the razor and that seem identical in the razor to me): Gillette Yellow.

>>>>> HANDLE <<<<<

19. Overall Rating of Handle (single number on a scale from 0 for awful to 10 for phenomenal): 10

20. Value (single number on a scale from 0 for awful or a total rip-off to 10 for phenomenal for its price with 5 for appropriate for its price): 9

21. Materials (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied): 10

22. Weight (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied): 10

23. Length (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied): 10

24. Diameter (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied): 10

25. Shape (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied): 10

26. Surface Condition with Respect to Imperfections and Machining Marks (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flawed surface to 10 for flawless/perfect surface): 9

27. Plating Condition (If Applicable) (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flawed plating to 10 for flawless/perfect plating): 10

28. Grip (single number on a scale from 0 for worst to 10 for best): 8

29. Fun and Coolness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely boring and uncool to 10 for extremely fun and cool): 8


30. Overall Rating of Safety Razor (single number on a scale from 0 for awful to 10 for phenomenal): 10

31. Value (single number on a scale from 0 for awful or a total rip-off to 10 for phenomenal for its price with 5 for appropriate for its price): >10

32. Materials (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied): 10

33. Weight (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied): 10

34. Balance (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied): 10

35. Precision and Fit of Pieces (single number on a scale from 0 for worst to 10 for best): 10

36. Surface Condition with Respect to Imperfections and Machining Marks (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flawed surface to 10 for flawless/perfect surface): 9

37. Plating Condition (If Applicable) (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flawed plating to 10 for flawless/perfect plating): 10

38. Blade Alignment (single number on a scale from 0 for awful to 10 for perfect): 6

39. Fun and Coolness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely boring and uncool to 10 for extremely fun and cool): 10


40. Blade Rigidity (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flexible to 10 for extremely rigid): 10

41. Ease of Maintaining Control (single number on a scale from 0 for most difficult to control to 10 for easiest to control): 10

42. Agility/Nimbleness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely clumsy/awkward to 10 for extremely agile/nimble): 10

43. Head Comfort (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely uncomfortable to 10 for extremely comfortable): 10

44. Time to Learn without Advice (if applicable; single number on a scale from 0 for seemingly no time to 10 for extreme amount of time): 5


[ ] I don't know the shaving angles that I use with the razor [This checkbox is not checked by default. If the user checks it, then the angle metrics below are made inactive and there is only one pressure metric. That's the plan, anyway.]
Pressure Used (single number on a scale from 0 for seemingly no pressure to 10 for extreme pressure): [This is only active when the user does not the angles that he/she uses]

[ ] The razor behaves the same for me regardless of the different shaving angles that I use with it [This checkbox is not checked by default and is active when the user knows his/her shaving angles]

45. Amount of Shallow-Angle Shaving/"Riding the Cap" (single number on a scale from 0 for none to 10 for the whole shave): 8

46. Amount of Neutral-Angle Shaving (single number on a scale from 0 for none to 10 for the whole shave): 0

47. Amount of Steep-Angle Shaving/"Riding the Guard" (single number on a scale from 0 for none to 10 for the whole shave): 2

48. Pressure Used When Shallow-Angle Shaving/"Riding the Cap" (single number on a scale from 0 for seemingly no pressure to 10 for extreme pressure): 10

49. Pressure Used When Neutral-Angle Shaving (single number on a scale from 0 for seemingly no pressure to 10 for extreme pressure): [This metric should only be active when the corresponding time is not zero]

50. Pressure Used When Steep-Angle Shaving/"Riding the Guard" (single number on a scale from 0 for seemingly no pressure to 10 for extreme pressure): 2


[This section repeats as necessary with different headings so that the user can specify the shaving effects for each shaving angle. If the user stated that either he/she doesn't know the shaving angles or the angles don't matter on the effects, then the section would only appear once with the heading of "Shaving Effects".]

51. Aggressiveness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely mild to 10 for extremely aggressive): 0

52. Efficiency of Cutting Hair (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely inefficient/ineffective to 10 for extremely efficient/effective): 10

53. Gentleness to Skin (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely harsh/irritating to 10 for extremely gentle/comforting): 10

54. Ability to Prevent Bites, Nicks, Cuts, and Weepers (single number on a scale from 0 for no ability to 10 for phenomenal ability): 10

55. Blade Feel (single number on a scale from 0 for no blade feel to 10 for extreme blade feel):
Shallow: 0
Steep: 8

56. Audible and Vibrational Feedback (single number on a scale from 0 for no feedback to 10 for extreme feedback):
Shallow: 0
Steep: 4


57. Photographs, Pictures, and Videos That I Have Made (content and links):

58. Measurements That I Have Made (masses, lengths, blade gap, etc.):


Thats very comprehensive, easy too do and quick.
Great! Thanks, Mike! Your comments at the end are also great to see. The survey has come a long way.

In your feedback, you naturally did something that I had considered. It is probably better to have one effects section with options that appear (or are active) for each shaving angle that applies. That way, you can provide metrics without having to remember what you said for the other angles. You did this for blade feel and feedback. What do you think?


I didnt know
Great! Thanks, Mike! Your comments at the end are also great to see. The survey has come a long way.

In your feedback, you naturally did something that I had considered. It is probably better to have one effects section with options that appear (or are active) for each shaving angle that applies. That way, you can provide metrics without having to remember what you said for the other angles. You did this for blade feel and feedback. What do you think?

I wasnt completely sure what to do there, but it seemed relevant to give both. Others may find that a source of confusion because as angle changes, so does blade feel.

Others again may not if they only use a single angle, like the neutral angle.
I wasnt completely sure what to do there, but it seemed relevant to give both. Others may find that a source of confusion because as angle changes, so does blade feel.

Others again may not if they only use a single angle, like the neutral angle.

The recent survey version says that an effects section would appear for each shaving angle, so if the user says that he doesn't know the angles or says that the effects don't depend on the angle, then he'd just see one general effects section that doesn't apply to any particular angle. However, if the user says that he uses different angles and that the effects depend on the angle, then he would fill out effects sections for one angle after another. It's easier to have just one "Shaving Effects" section for all shaving angles. I'll work on the new version and get back to you. It might even become a "Safety Razor Operation and Effects" section.


I didnt know
I'll work on the new version and get back to you. It might even become a "Shaving Operation and Effects" section.


Thanks, Mike. I took the red pill. :001_tongu

Any thoughts about these issues?...

1. Metric for head shape and size. Should we add this?

2. This would cover DE and SE safety razors, but what about newer multi-blade safety razors, such as the Leaf? I think this would cover it, but I haven't given it much thought. If something pops out at you, please let me know. Thanks. (For the Leaf, a user might want to specify a best half blade for each of the three positions. That gets complicated, but if we can make a slight adjustment to account for outlier safety razors, then I'm for it.)


I didnt know
1. Metric for head shape and size. Should we add this?

Will that be C or F, or, inches and centimeters? heh.

43. Head Comfort covers that, I think.

You may need a broader range of insight than my own to get a more cohesive idea.

I'd put it together as is, then put it out to the membership and see how it flies. The replies should tell you all you need too know, and quite likely a whole lot more than you want lol.

Using that information from membership feedback as a generalization however, should give you an even more solid base for the final form.
Will that be C or F, or, inches and centimeters? heh.

I know. Some people might think that this is NSFW. :laugh:

43. Head Comfort covers that, I think.

You may need a broader range of insight than my own to get a more cohesive idea.

I'd put it together as is, then put it out to the membership and see how it flies. The replies should tell you all you need too know, and quite likely a whole lot more than you want lol.

Using that information from membership feedback as a generalization however, should give you an even more solid base for the final form.

"Head Comfort" is why I haven't added something like "Head Shape and Size". The former has to do with feeling and performance, while the latter has to do with aesthetics.

You're right about feedback. It will help a lot. I just want to have this as ironed out as we can before I try making the Google Forms prototype and we ask for beta testing.
New idea: Combine experience sections into one section and allow the user to be specific about DE, SE, AC, Injector, Cartridge, Non-Cartridge Multi-Blade razors, etc., as more options. Good?


1. My experience with a wide variety and large number of safety razors and blades in the following areas (single number on a scale from 0 for no experience to 10 for being an expert):
* Double-Edge (DE):
* Single-Edge (SE):
* Artist Club (AC):
* Injector:
* Non-Cartridge Multi-Blade:

I left out "Cartridge". Should it be there? Anything else?

Please help me fix the list or this approach if I'm off base. Thanks.


I didnt know

1. My experience with a wide variety and large number of safety razors and blades in the following areas (single number on a scale from 0 for no experience to 10 for being an expert):
* Double-Edge (DE):
* Single-Edge (SE):
* Artist Club (AC):
* Injector:
* Non-Cartridge Multi-Blade:

I left out "Cartridge". Should it be there? Anything else?

Please help me fix the list or this approach if I'm off base. Thanks.

Better yes. You may as well include all razor types, but I'm not sure about straights or Shavettes.

You're right about feedback. It will help a lot. I just want to have this as ironed out as we can before I try making the Google Forms prototype and we ask for beta testing.

I'd get it sorted out to where you think its good and then just paste it into a new thread and ask for feedback. Give it a couple days and note the parts of interest, make changes accordingly, then make the Google Form.

I think this thread has been lost to many that would offer insight and opinion while the details were being sorted out. A new thread on the final iteration here will give others a chance to chime in and I'm sure that will offer up some confusion but will also let them give their personal insights. In turn, study the valid points and make any changes you see necessary.

That way you can see the perspectives of others and come up with the best all around generalized form. I wouldnt make any changes to it during that feedback stage. I would study it all after a sufficient amount was given, then make the final form and post the URL to the Wiki entry or wherever you want to keep it to that thread, while thanking everyone for their insight and support.
Better yes. You may as well include all razor types, but I'm not sure about straights or Shavettes.

I agree. If we include straights and shavettes, then we'd have to take the "safety" out of "wide variety and large number of safety razors and blades".

I'd get it sorted out to where you think its good and then just paste it into a new thread and ask for feedback. Give it a couple days and note the parts of interest, make changes accordingly, then make the Google Form.

I think this thread has been lost to many that would offer insight and opinion while the details were being sorted out. A new thread on the final iteration here will give others a chance to chime in and I'm sure that will offer up some confusion but will also let them give their personal insights. In turn, study the valid points and make any changes you see necessary.

That way you can see the perspectives of others and come up with the best all around generalized form. I wouldnt make any changes to it during that feedback stage. I would study it all after a sufficient amount was given, then make the final form and post the URL to the Wiki entry or wherever you want to keep it to that thread, while thanking everyone for their insight and support.

Thanks, Mike, for your thoughts. You're right about people not knowing what's going on here. I will start a new thread for our survey, for feedback and beta testing. It's getting harder to keep this in text form. You're used to it, since you've been filling it out and have adjusted as we've gone along. I think that beta testing should be with a Google Forms survey.
Here is the latest version of the proposed safety razor survey. (Thanks, Mike!) The following changes were made:
  • DE and SE experience sections were combined into one section and expanded to account for all razor options, not just safety razor ones
  • "Operation and Effects" section replaced "Angles and Pressures" section and multiple "Shaving Effects" sections so that the user can provide metrics with respect to shaving angles all in one place without having to remember what was inputted in previous sections
Other issues that were not addressed here:
  • Collecting basic information that is independent of user opinion, such as manufacturing location, price, materials, construction, etc. I might try adding this next time.
  • DE, SE, AC, and injector razors work with the survey. It appears that non-cartridge multi-blade razors, e.g., the Leaf, will also work with the survey, as long as the user is okay using the adjustment settings text box to describe the setup. Cartridges could theoretically be included, but there are no blades to choose with the razor. Straights and shavettes could theoretically work if the survey is modified, but the modifications might be too extensive.
Questions and details:

1. Is the list of razor areas complete? Correct?

2. If all goes according to plan, we'll have single entries for pressure, etc., in "Operation and Effects" when the user checks the box for not knowing his/her shaving angles

3. Anything else?

>>>>> EXPERIENCE <<<<<

1. My experience with a wide variety and large number of razors and blades in the following areas (single number on a scale from 0 for no experience to 10 for being an expert):
* Double-Edge (DE):
* Single-Edge (SE):
* Artist Club (AC):
* Injector:
* Non-Cartridge Multi-Blade:
* Straight:
* Shavette:
* Cartridge:
* Electric:

2. Exact or approximate amount of time that I have shaved in the following areas:
* Double-Edge (DE):
* Single-Edge (SE):
* Artist Club (AC):
* Injector:
* Non-Cartridge Multi-Blade:
* Straight:
* Shavette:
* Cartridge:
* Electric:

3. Exact or approximate number of different razors that I have used in the following areas:
* Double-Edge (DE):
* Single-Edge (SE):
* Artist Club (AC):
* Injector:
* Non-Cartridge Multi-Blade:
* Straight:
* Shavette:
* Cartridge:
* Electric:

4. Exact or approximate number of different blades that I have used in the following areas:
* Double-Edge (DE):
* Single-Edge (SE):
* Artist Club (AC):
* Injector:
* Non-Cartridge Multi-Blade:
* Straight:
* Shavette:
* Cartridge:
* Electric:

>>>>> HAIR AND SKIN <<<<<

5. My Perceived Hair Toughness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely weak to 10 for extremely tough):

6. My Perceived Hair Density (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely sparse to 10 for extremely dense):

7. My Perceived Hair Direction Complexity (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely simple to 10 for extremely complex):

8. My Perceived Skin Toughness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely weak to 10 for extremely tough):

9. My Perceived Skin Sensitivity (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely insensitive to 10 for extremely sensitive):


10. Safety Razor (or Head) Manufacturer and Model:

11. Adjustable Setting or Baseplate Option (If Applicable):

12. Handle Manufacturer and Model:
( ) Only stock handle for the razor
( ) One of the stock handles for the razor: [Type in Option]
( ) Not a stock handle for the razor: [Type in Manufacturer and Model]

13. Exact or approximate number of different blades that I have used with the razor:

14. Blade that works best with the razor for me and that goes with my ratings (or blades that work best with the razor and that seem identical in the razor to me):

>>>>> HANDLE <<<<<

15. Overall Rating of Handle (single number on a scale from 0 for awful to 10 for phenomenal):

16. Value (single number on a scale from 0 for awful or a total rip-off to 10 for phenomenal for its price with 5 for appropriate for its price):

17. Materials (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

18. Weight (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

19. Length (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

20. Diameter (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

21. Shape (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

22. Surface Condition with Respect to Imperfections and Machining Marks (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flawed surface to 10 for flawless/perfect surface):

23. Plating Condition (If Applicable) (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flawed plating to 10 for flawless/perfect plating):

24. Grip (single number on a scale from 0 for worst to 10 for best):

25. Fun and Coolness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely boring and uncool to 10 for extremely fun and cool):


26. Overall Rating of Safety Razor (single number on a scale from 0 for awful to 10 for phenomenal):

27. Value (single number on a scale from 0 for awful or a total rip-off to 10 for phenomenal for its price with 5 for appropriate for its price):

28. Materials (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

29. Weight (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

30. Balance (single number on a scale from 0 for least satisfied to 10 for most satisfied):

31. Precision and Fit of Pieces (single number on a scale from 0 for worst to 10 for best):

32. Surface Condition with Respect to Imperfections and Machining Marks (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flawed surface to 10 for flawless/perfect surface):

33. Plating Condition (If Applicable) (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flawed plating to 10 for flawless/perfect plating):

34. Blade Alignment (single number on a scale from 0 for awful to 10 for perfect):

35. Fun and Coolness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely boring and uncool to 10 for extremely fun and cool):


36. Blade Rigidity (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely flexible to 10 for extremely rigid):

37. Ease of Maintaining Control (single number on a scale from 0 for most difficult to control to 10 for easiest to control):

38. Agility/Nimbleness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely clumsy/awkward to 10 for extremely agile/nimble):

39. Head Comfort (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely uncomfortable to 10 for extremely comfortable):

40. Time to Learn without Advice (if applicable; single number on a scale from 0 for seemingly no time to 10 for extreme amount of time):


41. Angles:
[ ] I don't know the angles that I use with the razor [unchecked by default]
* Shallow-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Cap"): [___] % of shave [required if user knows angles]
* Neutral-Angle Shaving: [___] % of shave [required if user knows angles]
* Steep-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Guard"): [___] % of shave [required if user knows angles]

42. Pressure (single number on a scale from 0 for seemingly no pressure to 10 for extreme pressure):
* Shallow-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Cap"):
* Neutral-Angle Shaving:
* Steep-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Guard"):

43. Aggressiveness (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely mild to 10 for extremely aggressive):
* Shallow-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Cap"):
* Neutral-Angle Shaving:
* Steep-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Guard"):

44. Efficiency of Cutting Hair (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely inefficient/ineffective to 10 for extremely efficient/effective):
* Shallow-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Cap"):
* Neutral-Angle Shaving:
* Steep-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Guard"):

45. Gentleness to Skin (single number on a scale from 0 for extremely harsh/irritating to 10 for extremely gentle/comforting):
* Shallow-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Cap"):
* Neutral-Angle Shaving:
* Steep-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Guard"):

46. Ability to Prevent Bites, Nicks, Cuts, and Weepers (single number on a scale from 0 for no ability to 10 for phenomenal ability):
* Shallow-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Cap"):
* Neutral-Angle Shaving:
* Steep-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Guard"):

47. Blade Feel (single number on a scale from 0 for no blade feel to 10 for extreme blade feel):
* Shallow-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Cap"):
* Neutral-Angle Shaving:
* Steep-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Guard"):

48. Audible and Vibrational Feedback (single number on a scale from 0 for no feedback to 10 for extreme feedback):
* Shallow-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Cap"):
* Neutral-Angle Shaving:
* Steep-Angle Shaving ("Riding the Guard"):


49. Photographs, Pictures, and Videos That I Have Made (content and links):

50. Measurements That I Have Made (masses, lengths, blade gap, etc.):


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Looking better and better, Grant.

I think it's about ready for broader feedback. I agree with Mike about getting a good bit of feedback before making any changes. It may still require changing more than once more, but I'd bet the changes will be small (making it easier for people to understand, assuming that is any problem at all which it might not be)

It looks very good to me.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
I would add one question concerning the razor being reviewed.

How many times have you shaved with this razor?

I could review the razor I shaved with the first time this morning, and someone would and will, but I'd like to know what the reviewer's experience with the razor actually is.

Happy shaves,

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