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Your Single Most Important DE Shaving Tool?

I wanted to know what members think is their single most important DE shaving tool and why.

The Razor

The Blade

The Brush

The Soap/ Cream
My fingers. And nope, that's not a smart alec remark. They tell me where I've missed.

Soap, without a doubt. With good technique, I can use pretty much any blade and razor to get at least one good shave, but lousy lather will ruin you every time.
I wanted to know what members think is their single most important DE shaving tool and why.

The Razor

The Blade

The Brush

The Soap/ Cream

All of the above. I had gotten for the most part rotten shaves for 40 years and the lack of a good product in all four cases were the reason things turned around 180 degrees this year.
I'm going to go with a brush because that's been my latest AD so it must be the most important! :thumbup::thumbup:

I'd have to agree with soap/cream. I can use the same razor, blade, and brush and get vastly different shave experiences depending on the soap or cream that I use.
If by "DE shaving" you mean wetshaving as a whole (which would cover those of us who primarily use SEs, injectors, straights, or even cartridges as well as those who use DEs), I'd say it's the soap or cream and the brush. You can't make a good lather without them.

Either way you look at it, however, you left one important item off your list: technique. Knowing how to shave properly is just as important as having the right tools, if not more so.
So which do you think would give a better shave:

1. Top quality soap and brush and a cartridge razor?

2. DE razor and canned shaving foam?
After more than 30 years of shaving, it must be the razor. No matter how hard I have tried, it is just too bloody hard to shave without a razor!
yup i am going the razor ..without seeing my blue merkur 38c i would probably still be using KOS gel and some kind of 18 blade vibrating whisker whacker come porno balls enhancer.
So which do you think would give a better shave:

1. Top quality soap and brush and a cartridge razor?

2. DE razor and canned shaving foam?

I'm going with DE and canned goo.

I never ever got as good a shave with a cartridge as I do my SuperSpeed with Derbys and I use soaps and creams available locally.
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