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What camera do you use?

Fuji F610 6,3Mpixel Lense interpolation to 12Mp.
can be used with a Macro lense (dont have it yet but with all the great SOTD pics lately fingers are itching) got a 1GB Xd card with it.

Great intermediate camera and great for the pro aswell if you know what your doing can be set to manual and you can tweak all settings like ISO , Focal points etc.

Here is shot I took before reading the manual, just took the cam out of the box and set it to manual and took the shot (I previously owned a Fuji F601 so I knew a little bit of the Fuji way of thinking)

Your pictures are already great Dinder ! its not the cam its the guy behind the cam that does the hard work...
your elph was real small, so i am not sure if you have any reservations about a larger camera. personally, i went from a larger sony that I loved, except it was just too big, to a small and perfect little nikon L3 (it was about 100 bucks on newegg, lol), and I use it 2X as much. .... not sure if you might have a problem with that, but it was a big factor for me. having said that, a friend of mine just purchased one of these baby's


we took it to the beach with a half dozen friends and an ATV, and took the most amazing sunset/action shots I have ever seen from a non-professional set up. Imagine, an ATV going by with a blazing sunset in the background, and as sharp as a knife. I couldn't believe it. the movie's are 30 FPS, the zoom is great, awesome intuitive interface, etc. etc. plus, newegg rocks.
Yeah, like that 300mm f/2.8 lens that was mentioned... I'm not sure what the Canon version runs, but the Sigma lens of the same specs runs for approx. $2600... Very expensive getting into photography acquisitions, especially for the high-end equipment...

The term I've seen used is "LBA" or "Lens Buying Addict". Either way you spell it, Adam is right. it's an expensive addiction. I lust after any DSLR. I was showing signs of LBA even before I bought the camera. That's why I still have my C-2100UZ. This is a much better "hobby" for me.
I use a Canon S3 IS. I made the decision to buy that after doing a lot of research on the Web. I originally wanted something better than my Kodak CX6200 (very basic 2MP point-and-shoot camera), but didn't really want to go the whole hog just yet and get an SLR camera. I wanted something that would kind of be a cross between an SLR and a compact. The S3 IS seemed like a good choice, as it's rich in features like an SLR (even has the look of one), but more 'compact' and I guess it's more geared towards the intermediate level photographer who wants to take the next step up from the beginner's stage.

I think it's a great camera and has a very 'professional' look & feel to it. It's pretty much everything I wanted in a camera, and also has a very impressive movie mode as a bonus :smile:.
I use a now pretty old Nikon Coolpix 4500, the last of the Nikon swivel bodies. It is a 4-megapixel 4X optical zoom model that was famous in its day for making excellent macro closeups. I think it is four years old.

It is probably time for a new camera. :redface:

Canon Powershot A410 3.2 megapixels, adequate for the family's needs.

Ditto; mine's a 3.2 megapixel Canon PowerShot A70, bought refurbished summer of 2004 from one of those NY/NJ Internet sites, for all of $150, plus $15 for an original Canon form-fitting, padded case (from Hong Kong). More than enough "bells 'n whistles" for my needs... yours, too, probably.
I'm a huge fan of doing digital SLR, such as the Nikon D40 or D50; or any of the Canon Rebel series. I would not recommend other manufacturers in this product space. These cameras are likely going to be in the $500-$650 range, easily, however, so if that's too much...

I'd go with an inexpensive Canon Powershot A-series. They're fantastic cameras and often have an admirable array of features for a point-and-shoot. Plus the picture quality is high. You can get these for, oh, $200-$300, I'd say. I believe the products in the high end point-and-shoot space are not good values. Usually for another hundred dollars you can jump up to a cheap DSLR and have a radically different shooting experience.

If extreme pocketability is your game, get a Canon Powershot S-series.

I myself shoot a Nikon D50. (See my avatar.)
The Canon A series produces excellent photos IMO. When my A70 died I bought a Panasonic TZ1. It's a great "take with" camera with 5MP, 10X optical zoom, IS, 2.5 inch LCD, all in a compact metal housing. Images are good, although noisy at ISO 400+, but still good for 6x4 prints.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Oh, you had to bring in Ken Rockwell into the mix, didn't you? :biggrin: Just kidding. I'm sure he'll find B&B shortly, now.

That wasn't mean as a knock of any kind. He's a very experienced photographer and reviewer, but being a Nikon fanboy (I admit so am I), there's a little bit of filtering needed when reading his stuff.

The Corey Greenberg of photography. :biggrin:

Nah, he's really very knowledgeable and has a good, informative site.
Canon F717. Nothing fancy but does the job for taking business inventory shots. We now use a pocket digital for personal shots that we got for my daughter this Christmas. I'll be upgrading the business camera later to this year. Toughest part of taking shots for us is all the nice shiny silver we have on the horse equipment we sell.
Nikon D70s
Sigma 10-20mm
Sigma 30mm
Nikkor 18-70mm
Nikkor 70-300mm

I never really use the Nikkor's oddly enough...
Lord Jeffrey, These are amazing photos. I use a Panasonic DMC-FZ5. Love it, but those pics you have posted are stunning IMHO.:a50:
When working with women as beautiful as this it is not as hard as you might think. That is as long as you can keep your mind on what you are doing:eek2:

Lord Jeffrey, These are amazing photos. I use a Panasonic DMC-FZ5. Love it, but those pics you have posted are stunning IMHO.:a50:
I have a Canon G-6 and thought I actually was doing ok 'til I read this thread. I can see there is a ton I will be able to learn. There are some really great pics here. Now I gotta buy a new camera... :001_unsur


Camera's ?, they are those little boxed shaped things with a round peice of glass on the front and a buuton that you push down with your finger and the box goes 'click', Yes?:confused1
Seriously, I had a Nikon D70s camera bought for me at Christmas, I really must take it out of the box and read up on how to use it.
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