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Link to my shave web page http://www.shm.dk/english/shaving.htm
Link to my shave blog http://blog.shm.dk

My hardware

Edwin Jagger Silvertip with plastic handle, black
Dovo Pure Badger with plastic handle, black
Ever- Ready 12a, boar with wooden handle, painted beige
Victoria, boar with wooden handle, lacquered, nature
No name, boar and maybe other hairtypes as well, with wooden handle, painted beige
The Art Of Shaving Pure Badger with plastic handle, black
The Art Of Shaving Fine Badger with plastic handle, black
No Name 3 parts travelling brush, part of a travelling set, chrome handle
No Name Badger Brush with oak handle (most likely pure badger)
Omega 11137 Boar Brush with ash wood handle
Gillette Boar/Badger Brush with plastic handle, green and white
Victoria Pure Badger, Butterscotch
Semogue Limited Edition 2009, #51
No Name Butterscotch, Badger Hair
No Name Cream coloured Butterscotch, Badger Hair
Gillette Standard Boar Brush (part of travel-set)
Culmak Junior, mixed hair
Culmak Boar
Culmak, mixed hair
Frieb Boar
No Name Boar travel brush with porcelain handle
Souplex mini butterscotch boar brush (total height 38 mm)
Ever-Ready 351B
Ever-Ready 79
Rubberset, Canada - restored with a TGN 2-band knot :eek:D
No Name, boar (metal)
Semogue 1520
Semogue 2000
No Name, horse hair?
No Name travel brush with decagonal bakelite container
Ever-Ready 75 (restored with TGN black badger knot)
Kent P20 butterscotch
Omega 10005, boar
Vulfix 2234, boar
Progress Bristle&Hair, 1943
No Name, boar
Semogue 2040HD
No Name Butterscotch, boar
No Name, metal, boar
Goldpunkt, boar
Safetyrazors Silvertip
Edwin Jagger, boar
Culmak Red Cross & St. John, boar/badger (?)
Foroafeitado Silvertip by Shavemac (D01 knot)
Semogue 2010 Limited Edition Silvertip
Semogue 1305, boar
Semogue 1250, boar
Semogue 830, boar
Vie-Long 13061, horsehair
Vie-Long 13800, horsehair
British Bakelite/porcelain, boar
No Name, wood, boar
French Bakelite, boar
Semogue Owners Club, 2- band badger
SX Brand 5, Butterscotch, pure badger
No Name Acrylic/plastic, boar
Culmak Junior Travel brush, boar/badger (?)
Semogue Owners Club, Ashwood, boar
Semogue Owners Club, Cherrywood, boar
Semogue vintage (don't know the number/name)
Vie-Long, White Badger, Olive wood
H. L. Thäter Silvertip, Bruyére
Semogue 610
Semogue 820
Semogue 1460
Vie- Long 2-band
B&B 2011 LE (#54)
Semogue Caravela Edicion Limitada (#52)
Simpson Persian Jar,
PJ2 in Super
Semogue 2030B
Semogue 730HD
Semogue 1800
PenWorks Super Silvertip
PenWorks Silvertip
#5 Butterscotch Silvertip
No Name 2-band with bone handle
No Name with wooden and string handle, 1941
Semogue 2011 LE, Finest bristle, size 1, #60
Semogue 2011 LE, Finest bristle, size 2, #13
Semogue 2011 LE, Finest badger, size 1, #19
Semogue 2011 LE, Finest badger, size 2, #64
Mühle Silvertip with rosegold handle

Bowls & Mugs
Black Japanese Rice Bowl
Old Spice Mug (or cup?)
Bukhave Scuttle (#1)
Proshave Scuttle
Ikea Bowl
Brush cup (actually it is a glass holder for a tea light, but it fits a brush perfectly)
Bukhave Bowl

DE razors (in acquisition order)
Merkur Futur, chrome
Gillette NEW, 1930's, golden
Gillette Single Ring, 1919 (K591948)
Gillette Slim Twist, 1968-72
Gillette G1000 (UK) or G2000 (Germany), 1987 (H1)
No Name (Gillette Single Ring replica), probably from the Eastern Block
Gillette Super Speed Butterfly, 1957 (C4)
Gillette Super Speed TV, 1958 (D3)
Gillette Fat Handled Tech, 1939-42, replated
Gillette Tech, English, 1960's, new still in the box - plastic wrapped and all
Gillette Tech, English, 1960's in a never used travelling set
Gillette Ranger Tech, 1941
PAL in box saying: "With the compliments of BOAC", 19?? (60's maybe)
Gillette NEW, English, 1930's - part of a travelling set
Gillette Slim Adjustable, 1963 (I4)
W. J. Myatt & Co. miniature 4 piece razor
Gillette Super Speed, Black Handled, 1970 (P1)
Gillette Tech, Fat Handled, Golden 19??
7 o'clock razor (not to be mistaken with the blade of same name)
Gillette Tech, English, 19?? in a rather nice travelling set
No Name Single Ring Replica in a travelling set
Gillette NEW, Ball Ended, 1930's, Golden, in hard case
Gillette Single Ring, 1907 (A15011), in metal case
Gillette Tech, Fat Handled, Nickel, in metal case
Gillette Tech, British in leather case/plastic box
Gillette Tech, British
Gillette NEW, Fat Handled, Golden
Gillette Tech, Ball Ended, Golden
Gillette Tech, Ball Ended, British, aluminium handle
No Name bakelite razor, British
No Name Single Ring copy in travelling set
Gillette Old Type, USA
Gillette Tech, Ball Ended, British
Gillette Tech, Aluminium Handled, British
Gillette Tech, Fat Handled, British
Gillette Super Speed, Flare Tip, British
No Name Single Ring Copy in travelling set
Gillette Fat Boy, restored
Gillette Slim Adjustable, restored
Gillette Super Speed, 1940's, restored
Gillette Super Speed, 1940's, restoration ongoing - hope it can be saved
Gillette Rocket HD, restored
"Souplex" Frankenrazor, a mismatch of parts from different razors
Gillette Tech, Ball Ended, Golden, British
Gillette Tech, Slim Handled, in bakelite case
Gillette Tech, Fat Handled, in metal case, British
Gillette New in Khaki set
Gillette Fat Handled Tech, British
Gillette Fat Handled Tech, British (yep, it's not a typo)
Gillette Aluminium Handled Tech
Gillette Fat Handled Tech, USA
Gillette Fat Handled Tech in travel-set with Gillette brush
Eclipse Red Ring in bakelite case
Big Ben razor in bakelite case
Souplex, 4-piece razor in mini travel set
Gillette Tech, Fat Handled in gold
Merkur 34G
Gillette Aristocrat #15, British
Gillette Aristocrat (1948), USA
Gillette Aristocrat #66, British
Gillette Regent DeLuxe
Gillette NEW Belmont DeLuxe
Gillette NEW, ball ended
Truefitt & Hill razor
Voshod razor (USSR)
Robart Mond-Extra #15, safety bar
Mühle R109
Gillette Tech, thind handled in bakelite box
Merkur steel/bakelite razor
Rotbart Mond-Extra, open comb in red metal box
Rotbart Mond-Extra, open comb in beige metal box
Rotbart Mond-Extra, open comb in bakelite box
Gillette Tech, fat handled, chrome/nickel
Gillette Tech, fat handled, gold
Mühle R41 LE with rose gold handle, open comb, 2011 head
Merkur bakelite razor
Mühle R101, open comb, 2010 head
Gillette Mono Tech (Super Speed), Brazil

Straights (in acquisition order)
5/8" No name (Swedish steel, made in Solingen, Germany) - Don't think it will become shave worthy again, alas
3/8" Gebrüder Lange, Solingen, Germany - shave ready and in rotation
5/8" Dovo Special, Solingen, Germany - new, my learning razor - shave ready and in rotation
11/16" Best Stamm - Eduard Stamm, Godesberg-Solingen, Germany - shave ready and in rotation
11/16" Stockdale's Matchless -Joseph Rodgers & Sons, Sheffield, England - shave ready and in rotation
Set of three 4/8" Elmo - O.G & Co. - pretty sure they just need a hone to become shave worthy again
6/8" George Johan; Sheffield, England - shave ready and in rotation
12/16" Racoon - Wald -Solingen, Germany - shave ready and in rotation
Zepp Walden-Solingen - shave ready and in rotation
6/8" J. H. Potter with genuine ivory scales - set of two - shave ready and in rotation
5/8" No Name - shave ready and in rotation
6/8" No Name - shave ready and in rotation
6/8" Bur - shave ready and in rotation
6/8" Le Grelot, Old Forging - shave ready and in rotation
6/8" M. Hunter & Son "Fuerte" - shave ready and in rotation
8/8" Lenrub - shave ready and in rotation
6/8" Ern with horn scales - shave ready and in rotation
11/16" Kropp - shave ready and in rotation
6/8" Le Grelot Royal Canada, #193 - shave ready and in rotation
13/16" Belbo with custom scales in amboyna burl and ebony wedge - beautiful made by Ambrose - shave ready and in rotation
13/16" Bonsa - shave ready and in rotation
5/8" Kingbell, Mississippi Importing Co. St. Louis, MO - Made in Germany - shave ready and in rotation
6/8" Champion & Co. - shave ready and in rotation
9/16" Bright & Whittaker, Eastbourne - shave ready and in rotation
6/8" Wedge Joseph Rodgers & Sons - to be restored
Korff & Honsberg 7/8" - "Dos Angelitos" - shave ready and in rotation
John Clarke 13/16" - shave ready and in rotation
Joseph Allen & Sons 13/16" - shave ready and in rotation
6/8" George Wostenholm & Sons - shave ready and in rotation
5/8" Black Beauty - shave ready and in rotation
7/8" Wacker Jugendstil - shave ready and in rotation

Derby Extra
Perma-Sharp Super
Gillette Platinum
Personna Red
Blue Bird
Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge
Merkur Super

My software

Proraso Preshave Cream with Eucalyptus & Menthol
Proraso Preshave Cream with Aloe & Green Tea

Shaving soaps
Proraso Shaving Soap with Aloe & Green Tea
Truefitt & Hill Luxury Shaving Soap in wooden bowl
Palmolive Classic Shaving Stick
Tabac Shaving Soap
Arko Shaving Stick (Thanks to meylus' pif: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=110842)
La Toja Shave Stick
Cella Shaving Soap in oak wood bowl
Speick Shaving Stick
Ralph Lauren - Safari For Men Shaving Soap
Mitchell's Wool Fat
Williams Mug Soap
Mama Bear's Bay Rhum
Taylor of Old Bond Street - Traditional Luxury Shaving Soap
Cyril R. Salter Shaving Soap
Nanny's Silly Soap - Citrus Zinger
Nanny's Silly Soap - Rose Geranium
Nanny's Silly Soap - The Herby One
Nanny's Silly Soap - Eucalyptus & Tea Tree
Sir Irisch Moos Shaving Stick
Erasmic Shaving Stick (tallow version)
D.R. Harris - Arlington Shaving Soap
D.R. Harris - Marlborough Shaving Soap
Ogallalla Bay Rhum, Limes & Peppercorn Shaving Soap
Ogallalla Bay Rhum & Sweet Orange Shaving Soap
Culmak Shaving Soap
Scottish Fine Soaps Classic Shaving Soap

Shaving Creams & Gel
Truefitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort Shaving Cream
Edwin Jagger Premium Shaving Cream, sandalwood
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet Shaving Cream
Nivea for Men Shaving Cream, Extra Moisture
Williams Shaving Cream, Sensitive
Proraso Shaving Cream, Eucalyptus & Menthol
Castle Forbes Lime Shaving Cream
Proraso Cutting Edge Shave Gel
Taylor of Old Bond Street - Avocado Shaving Cream
Taylor of Old Bond Street - Lemon/Lime Shaving Cream
Ingram Shaving Cream
Truefitt & Hill - Sandalwood Shaving Cream
Queen Charlotte Soaps - Cayman Shaving Cream
Queen Charlotte Soaps - Key Lime Shaving Cream
Queen Charlotte Soaps - Monaco Shaving Cream
Queen Charlotte Soaps - Rose Otto Shaving Cream
Queen Charlotte Soaps - Vostok Shaving Cream
Erasmic Shaving Cream
Valobra Crema Di Sapone, Menthol
Valobra Crema Di Sapone, Mandorla (Almond)

Proraso - Liquid Cream After Shave
Christian Dior - Fahrenheit After Shave Lotion
Pierre Cardin - Pour Monsieur After Shave Lotion
Pierre Cardin - Bleu Marine After Shave Lotion
Williams - Ice Blue After Shave
Nickel - Contre-Feu After Shave Balm
Tabac - After Shave Lotion
Floid - Suave After Shave (Spanish Version)
Nivea For Men - Replenishing After Shave Balm
Castle Forbes - Lime After Shave Balm
Speick - After Shave Balm
Proraso - Aftershave Lotion
Proraso - Protective Aftershave Cream
Ogallalla Bay Rum & Sandalwood After Shave
Scottish Fine Soaps - Classic After Shave Balm

Colognes / Eau de Toilettes
Christian Dior - Farhrenheit EDT
Penhaligon's - Blenheim Bouquet EDT
Ferrari - Passion EDT
Ferrari - Black EDT
Scottish Fine Soaps - Classic EDT
D.R. Harris - Arlington Cologne
Geo. F. Trumper - Eucris EdT
Penhaligon's - Esprit Du Roi EdT
Truefitt & Hill - Freshman Cologne
Hugo Boss - Boss Bottled EdT
Ferrari - Red

Miscellaneous gear
Alum Block
Proraso Razor Burn Repair
DSB (Den Stopper Blodet ~ Do Stop the Blood)
Nanny's Silly Soap - Fair Trade Facial Soap with shea butter
Nanny's Silly Soap - Goat's Milk Facial Soap
O'Melhor - Confianca Soap
Taylor of Old Bond Street - Lavender Soap

Out of commission

Erasmic Shave Stick (the lather is really of poor quality - three strikes and it was out)
Mountain Sky Olde Windsor Traditional Shaving Soap (relegated to hand soap due to poor lather properties)
Truefitt & Hill West Indian Limes Shaving Cream and aftershave balm (my skin couldn't take one or more of the ingredients)
Truefitt & Hill 1805 Shaving Cream - piffed as I don't like the scent
Truefitt & Hill 1805 Aftershave Balm - piffed as I don't like the scent
Thayer's Unscented Witch Hazel
Truefitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort Preshave Oil - piffed as I didn't think it worked

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