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Single Ring, silver
Pocket Old Type with case
Old Type Head/Tech Fat Handle replate
NEW Long Comb Ball Tip
Fat Handled Tech Gold
40s Superspeed
Blue Tip Superspeed
Flare Tip Superspeed
Slim K3
Super Adjustable
(Pocket Old Type - PIFFED)
(40s Superspeed PIFFED)
(Milord PIFFED to Fundraiser)
(Boots DE - trashed)​
Star Lather Catcher with case
Star lather catcher
Ever Ready 1912
GEM Damaskeene 1912
Ever Ready 1914 replate by Krona Kruiser
Ever Ready 1924
GEM OC Micromatic
GEM Flying Wing
GEM Heavy Flat Top
(Ever ready 1914 PIFFED)
(GEM OC Micromatic trashed)
(GEM Clog Pruf - trashed)

Schick C2
Schick G
PAL injector (PIFFED from Krona)
(Schick M38 Adjustable - traded to CyberJCM)
Gold Dollar #66 6/8 (PIFFED from Krodor)
G&F Adoration 5/8
Joh. Engstrom frameback
Rapira Platinum Lux
Personna Red
Gillete 7 o'clock Yellow and Green
Astra SP
GEM Carbon steel SE

Do not buy - 7am green

TGN 24mm Silvertip in Ever Ready C40 restore
TGN 18mm Finest in Lord Chesterfield restore
Vie Long 12705 horse
Vie long horse/badger BGS2012 LE beehive
B&B Essential Boar (blue)
SOC Boar
VDH boar
TGN 18mm Best knot awaiting me finding the handle I have round here somewhere​
Mystic Waters Bay Rum - best scent
Mystic Waters Maestrale - next best scent
Mystic Waters Coconut Lime Verbena - lemon/lime
Queen Charlotte Soaps Fougere (PIF from catherix) - allergic? TBD
Queen Charlotte Soaps Iced Key Lime (PIF from catherix) - very lime, very cold
TFS Summer (PIF/trade from CyberJCM) - little scent, great lather
Strop Shoppe Vivace (won Auction) - little scent, great lather
Arko stick - bought the 12 pack
Lea stick
VDH Luxury
CO Bigelow Green cream

(Razorock Classic - complete
La Toja stick - complete. May buy again
Wilkinson Blue Bowl - trashed
Portman Square Orange Vetiver Cream - trashed
Razorock Bergamot/Neroli - PIFFED)
Running Wishlist

TOBS grapefruit
7/8 or 8/8 straight
Mikes something or other
Mystic Water refills
QCS somethings
Open comb British Aristocrat
Arko in a bowl
More Feathers and Personnas
A big badger brush - TGN finest 26mm
Captains choice AS, Bay Rum and Lime versions
NEW Improved Richwood

Shaving Advice

  • [*=1]Try vintage. It's better.

    [*=1]Try SE and injectors. It's different.

    [*=1]Try Mystic Waters. Drier brush. It's fanatstic.

    [*=1]Don't use pressure. If you're not sure, then you're using too much. 90% of your shaving problems will go away when you fix this.

    [*=1]Try a Vie Long horse. Give it time. Trust me on this.

    [*=1]Try a straight. Live on the wild side.

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