Rebellious thoughts (my opinion)
- silver tip badger brush ain't worth it. Yay, it is soft! Why do you want it soft? I want it soft and have some backbone. Boar or black badger works for me.
- coticule hones...lemme think on that one.
- Tabac -- not worth the cost. Lifetime of Arko sticks for less than cost of Tabac puck, if I recall.
- now that I know better how to prep and mapped my face, I likely could get as good or better a shave from a good cart as I could from a straight, I just don't like the idea of it.
- I really think Hart round-point razors are ugly. Waay too round for my taste. Doesn't stop me from wanting a square-point, tho.
- I think we need some new hobbyist restorers posting / advertising their stuff. I like to restore stuff, and i like to think im getting decent at it, but don't have the time to do what I want already.
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