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Primarily using a Gillette Vector (newer Atra) handle and Dollar Shave Club twin blades.
Sill use the Muhle and Weber on occasion, when I have the time.
Muhle R89 - new head design, bought in 2009
Weber with the black head - I don't remember the details


1957 (C4) chrome Gillette Tech
1954 (Z3) chrome Gillette Tech
No date gold Gillette Tech
1956 (B2) Gillette Super Speed, Red Tip
1957 (C2) Gillette Super Speed
1949 Gillette Super Speed
Merkur 34G gold HD (gold razors seem to drag on my skin - I can't play gold plated mouthpieces, either)



Simpson 46 Berkeley in Best Badger
Omega 10005 boar with wood handle - a very nice brush (bought under the influence of Dr. Moss at SMF)


Van Der Hagen badger brush (from Target)
C&E BBB - knot has somehow gotten loose. Will be *in* once I get time to re-epoxy the knot
Badger & Blade Essential (BaBE) - lost the knot in this one, too, and I cannot decide to repair or replace the knot
Omega Model 49, black handle (a little too big for me)
Simpson Chubby 2 in Best (won in the 2009 Carnival of Smiles contest) - nice brush, but too big and dense for me; I need to put this on the B/S/T
The Body Shop synthetic - nice for what it is, would be a good travel brush as it dries quickly



Dollar Shave Club twin
Gillette 7 O'clock green (Indian)
Israeli Personna Super+ Platinum (the real "IP")
Gillette 7 O'clock yellow (Russian)

Shaving Creams


Proraso red tube SC
Proraso green tube SC
Nancy Boy signature and blossomwood
Trumper's lime

Shaving Soaps


Tabac (out for now)
Proraso (green tub - ran out, but will replace)

Shaving Sticks

None at present


D. R. Harris Arlington AS splash
Speick AS splash
Tabac AS splash
The Art of Shaving Sandalwood balm
Proraso AS splash (old and new formula), green and red
Jovan Musk AS/Cologne
Jovan Sex Appeal AS/Cologne


D. R. Harris Arlington cologne
Brut splash
Tabac EdC
Jovan Musk AS/Cologne
Jovan Sex Appeal AS/Cologne

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