Straight Razors
- Dovo "Best Quality" Black Scales 6/8 Full Hollow Ground
- Dovo "Special" 6/8 Full Hollow Ground
- Henckels Friodur "50 1/2" 5/8 Half Hollow Ground
- Suzumasa "SOLGEN Chemical Steel" 6/8 Three-Quarters Hollow Ground [Kanoyama Custom]
- HandAmerican "Keith De'Grau Signature Strop" [Customized]
- Kanoyama "Kanayama 50000"
- Kanoyama "Kanayama 70000"
- RupRazor "The Filly"
- Straight Razor Designs Lynn Abrams' Modular Paddle
- Hard Wool Felt Pad [X3]
- "Premium I" Pad
- "Premium IV" Pad
- Scrub Leather Pad
- Straight Razor Designs "Premium IV"
- Les Latneuses Belgian Coticule [50mm X 150mm]
Double-Edged Razors
- Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Barley Chrome
- Merkur 34C
Double-Edged Razor Blades
- Astra Superior Platinum
- Bic Chrome Platinum
- Bolzano Superinox
- Crystal Platinum Chrome
- Dorco New Platinum ST-300
- Dorco New Platinum ST-301
- Feather New Hi-Stainless
- Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharp Stainless
- Gillette 7 O'Clock SharpEdge
- Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum
- Gillette Bleue Extra
- Iridium Super Extra Stainless
- Lord New Platinum Class
- Nacet Platimum
- Personna Platinum Chrome [USA]
- Shark Super Chrome
- Shark Super Stainless
- Sharp Stainless
- Vidyut Zorrik Super Stainless
- Wilkinson Sword [Gillette, India]
- Wilkinson Sword Classic
Shaving Brushes
- Semogue Owners Club Boar
- Thäter 4125/1 [Two-Band]
- Thäter Straight Razor Place Group-Buy Brush
- Vulfix-Simpson "57" Super Badger [Two-Band]
- Vulfix-Simpson "Chubby 1" Super Badger [Two-Band]
- Vulfix-Simpson "Chubby 2" Best Badger
- Vulfix-Simpson "Chubby 2" Super Badger
- Vulfix-Simpson "Chubby 2" Super Badger [Two-Band]
- Vulfix-Simpson "Persian Jar 2" Super Badger [Two-Band]
Shaving Creams
- Castle Forbes Lime Essential Oil Shaving Cream
- Geo. F. Trumper Coconut Oil Shaving Cream
- Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet
- Penhaligon's Endymion
- Taylor of Old Bond Street Lavender Shaving Cream
Shaving Soaps
- Cella: Crema Da Barba All'olio Di Mandorla
- Erasmic Shave Stick
- P.160 Tipo Morbido
- Penhaligon's English Fern Shaving Soap [Tallow Based]
- Tabac Original
- Geo. F. Trumper West Indian Extract of Limes Skin Food
- Straight Razor Designs Scuttle [Royal Blues]
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