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Colgate Handy Grip Shaving Stick

Colgate Handy Grip Shaving Stick

Colgate Handy Grip
Production Status:Discontinued
Type:Shave Soaps
B&B Review:


Packaged for convenience, the Handy Grip stick was designed to fit into a matching holder. The soap was formed with actual threads at its base, which matched the inside aluminum cap (ca. 4-g). The nickel-plated tube threaded to the outside of the cap. The original version bore a 1917 patent, cited at Patents. Another variant was made in Montreal, Canada.

A 1924 patent resulted in an improved edition, adding a third set of threads to the top of the cap. These matched the tube, allowing the tube to act like an extended handle for the stick. This was released ca. 1924-27, when the price of the holder with soap cost 30 cents and a soap refill cost 20 cents.

Notes of Interest:



The Handy Grip was discontinued well before manufacturers were required to list ingredients.

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