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Official B&B Bingo


About B&B Bingo

In April 2015, fordfather proposed B&B Bingo; a B&B sanctioned game to be played within the individual forums. The idea was to create a game that would be run by the Steward of that forum, to generate interest and increase traffic within that forum, and have a lot of fun at the same time.

It is played just like regular bingo, except that instead of numbers, words are called. These words pertain to the forum in which the game is being played, and are subsequently hidden in any thread within that forum. The words are placed only by the forum Steward. Each steward may decide their own method of placing, or hiding, these words within their forum. The game becomes half scavenger hunt and half bingo. The prize for the bingo game is also chosen to be fitting to that forum.

Generally, 3 words are played each day with games lasting approximately 2 weeks. Standard Bingo rules apply: 5 in a row, vertical, horizontal, or perpendicular word matches constitutes a win. The center space is free. B&B Bingo games are open to all B&B members in good standing, who have been members for at least 45 days, and have at least 50 quality posts.

Bingo Games

1: Creams Edition

B&B Bingo Cream Edition

First word called: 3 May 2015
Bingo called: 15 May 2015
Game duration: 13 Days

Winner: Aspirin54- Card#18
Prize: Tube of Geo F. Trumper Limes Shaving Cream

1. Domzals12. Floyd9233. Imcndn4. Dionesius35. Mrlandpirate
6. Skypsyd7. Pepin8. TheVez29. Roderick10. JimmyTheChooch
11. ClubmanMatt12. KindestCutofAll13. Chef848914. Rbergum9515. Ashcampbell
16. *Terence*17. Dangerousdon18. Wazza19. Tlentz20. Aspirin54
21. Carbr222. Rockero23. Nick_o

2: Soaps Edition

B&B Bingo Soap Edition

Caller: TheVez2
First word called: 1 June 2015
Bingo called: 15 June 2015
Game duration: 15 Days

Winner: floyd923- Card #8
Prize: Puck of Queen Charlotte Shave: Vostok Shaving Soap

1. SpaceCadet2. jzuzphreek3. dangerousdon4. floyd9235. whereisandy
6. blzrfn7. skypsyd8. Blitzkrieg9. Haggises10. bleyda2
11. Heron12. ClubmanMatt13. adfawson14. cpacamper15. JimmyTheChooch
16. imabingoking17. domzals118. mrlandpirate19. jfk6920. Roderick
21. jjking5422. SmurfK23. rockero24. ashcampbell25. dpm802

3: Clubs & Brotherhoods Edition

B&B BINGO SOTD Clubs and Brotherhoods Edition

Caller: skypsyd
First word called: 5 July 2015
Bingo called: 13 July 2015
Game duration: 9 Days

Winner: heysi- Card #10
Prize: A Mini Photo Studio, Gillette Tech, and several shaving soap samples.

1. horvey2. dangerousdon3. TheVez24. Vlad5. jjking54
6. jzuzphreek7. mrlandpirate8. redrider_999. khedquist10. heysi
11. Blaidth12. bleyda13. tlentz14. Blade4vor15. mkiraly
16. rockero17. ashcampbell18. dgreen12019. jfk6920. adfawson

4: Great Outdoors Edition

B&B Bingo The Great Outdoors Edition

Caller: jzuzphreek
First word called: 3 August 2015
Bingo called: 13 August 2015
Game duration: 10 Days (No words called during the weekend)

Winner: heysi- Card#19
Prize: SOG Tactical Bandit Sling Pack

1. Skyspyd2. Porgy Tirebiter3. Bobbers4. Parjay5. benigndon
6. Happy Dad7. TheVez28. rockero9. Badger babe10. Billski
11. Dirk-Lerxst-Pratt12. Blade4vor13. mrlandpirate14. Heron15. jfk69
16. TorqueRanger17. heysi18. Imatabor19. JeremySeattle20. Roderick
21. dgreen12022. ashcampbell23. Blaidth24. horvy25. OkieDave
26. ClubmanMatt27. jefhunter28. Tony_M29. tlentz

5: Safety Razor Edition

B&Bingo Safety Razor Edition

Caller: imatabor
First word called: 1 September 2015
Bingo called: 13 September 2015
Game duration: 13 Days

Winner: dangerousdon- Card #37
Prize: Gillette Fatboy T-Shirt

1. TheVez22. Blade4vor3. Heysi4. EdG5. WildWest74
6. skypsyd7. jkf698. Jzuzphreek9. Jtillman10. edwinhmcbride
11. TexLaw12. dangerousdon13. M14Shooter14. Tlentz15. Billski
16. Badger Babe17. Rockero18. Dhoward19. mrlandpirate20. alfredus
21. arthurdl22. bobmsp23. Bobbers24. gagi25. bingo82d
26. Blaidth

6: Aftershave Edition

B&B Bingo Aftershaves Edition

Caller: TheVez2
First word called: 1 February 2016
Bingo called: 8 February 2016
Game duration: 8 Days

Winner: Greg the Hammer- Card #27
Prize: Captain's Choice Shave Balm (winner's choice of scent- He chose Sandalwood)

1. TexLaw2. mrlandpirate3. clyde724. JayEddie5. SchickHappens
6. sskim37. captain_hx8. gwsmallwood9. Badger babe10. dangerousdon
11. bobmsp12. CBLindsay13. Rockero14. murrellington15. WildWest74
16. Blaidth17. Heysi18. Greg The Hammer19. SciTX20. Chrispy73
21. danielrhall22. I_dont_bite23. pbrmhl24. Parjay25. joamo
26. Haggises27. ThePac28. OkieDave29. purerockfury30. Imatabor
31. Heckle32. Larry C in Texas33. jkf69

7: Speakeasy Edition

Speakeasy Bingo Start Signing Up

Caller: eezee
First word called: 1 March 2016
Bingo called: 11 March 2016
Game duration: 11 Days

Winner: Blaidth- Card #16
Prize: Custom Glassware & Cocktail book.

1. Rider4life2. clyde723. skypsyd4. dangerousdon5. TheVez2
6. heysi7. I_dont_bite8. jjking549. Badger babe10. mrlandpirate
11. bobmsp12. Jesseix13. cvargo14. Greg the Hammer15. MrSmith
16. Blaidth17. Doug5718. TexLaw19. sskim320. Parjay
21. Rockero22. SlyMoose23.24.25.

8: Clownhouse Edition

B&B Bingo The Clownhouse Edition

Caller(s): TheVez2, the_edski, Jut, TexLaw, kevdogg329, Parjay, and jzuzphreek !!!
First word called: 11 Apr 16
Bingo called: 18 Apr 16
Game duration: 8 Days

Winner: gagi- Card #6
Prize: B&B Mousepad

1. Heysi2. clyde723. eezee4. dangerousdon5. dexutter
6. Rockero7. TriggerMan8. Haggisses9. Blaidth10. Badger babe
11. Shave Jacket12. Price13. hrairy14. PhillyB15. davidr2340
16. PRobots17. Doug5718. thundert6519. gagi

9: Shave Clinic & Newbie Check-In Edition

B&B Bingo Shave Clinic & Newbie Check-In Edition

Caller(s): Parjay and dangerousdon
First word called: 23 May 16
Bingo called: 3 Jun 16
Game duration: 12 Days

Winner: clyde72- Card #1
Prize: Mystic Water: Coconut Lime Verbena soap, Proraso Green cream, Plissoft Synthetic Shaving Brush

1. Arief2. clyde723. Badger Babe4. skypsyd5. Doug57
6. gagi7. dexutter8. gallen11199. blaidth10. TriggerMan
11. Heysi12. dkeester13. Thundert6514. mwinne6315. gwsmallwood
16. samarijack17. DukeNDuke18. cvargo19. JayEddie20. lrose
21. Rockero22. AnotherChef23. naperjp24. Macgyver98425. Smattayu
26. WallMatt27. Orlando-the_Axe28.29.30.

10: The Nib Edition

B&B Bingo The Nib Edition

Caller(s): Claudel Xerxes
First word called: 5 Jul 16
Bingo called: 17 Jul 16
Game duration: 13 Days

Winner: Badger babe- Card #42
Prize: $30 Gift Certificate to a Fountain Pen Vendor

1. mwinne632. BuddinK3. Blaidth4. gagi5. DukeNDuke
6. Mr_Eleven7. dexutter8. Badger babe9. Bob L.10. Whiskey Badger
11. Trout Whisperer12. dangerousdon13. clyde7214. George8615. bananhunden
16. Heysi17. jjking5418. Silverirae19. Thundert6520. Nsgators
21. RealPretendPsychic22. Macgyver98423. Xarious24. Parjay25. eezee
26. OkieDave27. Doc4728.29.30.

11: The Safety Razor Blades Edition

B&B Bingo Safety Razor Blades Edition

Caller(s): KeenDogg
First word called: 9 Jan 17
Bingo called: 20 Jan 17
Game duration: 12 Days

Winner: Blaidth - Card #33
Prize: 100 Gillette Silver Blues

1. dkeester2. cw628033. skypsyd4. Grundi5. mwinne63
6. Lightcs17767. Avvatar8. imatabor9. aspirin5410. clyde72
11. Dagwoodz12. gagi13. dangerousdon14. wgn!15. Blaidth
16. cvargo17. Gnomeo022818. Heysi19. Pgrevie20. Komboloi
21. Hudson_Macbeth22. George8623. Chris10024. Badger babe25. Rather Lather
26. Capisco Capisce27. tetraodon28. Rockero29. tlentz30. sskim3
31. Graybeard5732. Nyquistrate33. RealPretendPsychic34. Dexutter

12: The Shaving Soaps Edition II

B&B Bingo Soap Forum Edition 2017

Caller(s): cvargo

First word called: 13 Feb 17
Bingo called: 26 Feb 17
Game duration: 14 Days

Winner(s): aspirin54 - Card 37 & Gnomeo0228 - Card 28 (runner up)
Prize: Blue Bell Barbershop soap (aspirin54) & Beehive Crisp Alpine Stream soap (Gnomeo0228)

1. dangerousdon2. Rxdude3. Graybeard574. Dagwoodz5. Lightcs1776
6. Clyde727. Dkeester8. Sal9. skypsyd10. Blaidth
11. Bobmsp12. gagi13. Wgn!14. Mitrentnuh15. Chris100
16. Gnomeo022817. sskim318. pgrieve19. whiskey20. Cblindsay
21. badger babe22. Mr5x523. aspirin5424. mwinne6325. bahomebrew
26. Runnin_Ute27. troy28. jstutman29. TheVez230. dexutter
31. heysi32. sydbarett33. Jaidmaster34. Imatabor

13: The After Shave Edition II


Caller(s): Graybeard57

First word called: 27 March 2017
Bingo called: 4 April 2017
Game duration: 10 Days

Winner(s): aspirin54 (Card #18)
Prize: Six modern versions of popular classic aftershaves (five splashes, one balm)

1. TheVez22. cvargo3. clyde724. Quijote5. DeXutter
6. asprin547. Gnomeo02288. skypsyd9. Badger babe10. Northstonehill
11. CzechCzar12. jjking5413. Whisky14. rbergum9515. Blaidth
16. jdburger17. Timeless18. Imatabor19. troy20. jstr2112
21. mwinne6322. WarriorMonk23. gagi24. skibik25. G.W.
26. Heckle27. Quinner3028. danielrhall29. Justice_League_Nottingham

14: The Safety Razor Edition II


Caller(s): Imatabor

First word called: 8 May 2017
Bingo called: 16 May 2017
Game duration: 8 Days

Winner(s): Grundi - Card #8
Prize: Fatboy T-Shirt

1. wgn!2. heysi3. mwinne634. skypsyd5. chaturvedi11
6. gagi7. BaylorGator8. Grundi9. rbergum9510. Dryphter
11. cvargo12. Quijote13. Quinner3014. Northstonehill15. clyde72
16. McVeyMac17. Lancre18. Blaidth19. DeXutter20. Badger babe
21. Whisky22. TheVez223. troy24. asprin54

15: The Shaving Cream Edition II


Caller(s): Smattayu

First word called: 5 Jul 2017
Bingo called: 16 Jul 2017
Game duration: 12 Days

Winner(s): Quijote (Card #36)
Prize: Proraso Shaving Cream, Proraso ASB, & Wood Handled Brush

1. clyde722. .soap.3. jldallas4. cvargo5. WildWest74
6. skypsyd7. Heckle8. TheVez29. Quinner3010. Quijote
11. Spivito12. SoullessSingularity13. Polishaver14. Badger babe15. Blade4vor
16. gagi17. Heysi18. McVeyMac19. skibik20. chaturvedi11
21. Chango22. Kokak23. Blaidth24. Ramathorn25. Jzuzphreek
26. Ram5727. Whisky28.

16: The Video Library Edition (Blackout!)


Caller(s): skypsyd

First word called: 6 Sep 2017
Bingo called: x Sep 2017
Game duration: x Days (5 calls per day until Blackout)

Prize: Four Movie tickets to a local theater of your choosing + a Movie Night Package (soft drinks, popcorn, candy, and 4 DVD's of a genre you pick). As a bonus you will be a guest on an upcoming Episode of B&B Radio


Badger & Blade Bingo Survivor's Club: 3BSC


About 3BSC Bingo

In June 2015, after the second round of B&B Bingo finished, skypsyd created the Badger and Blade Bingo Survivor's Club thread (3BSC for short) in the Clubs and Brotherhoods forum. This is a thread meant for those who played B&B Bingo to unwind and discuss the bingo games, and just have more fun, when they games aren't actively being played.

On 13 October 2015, skypsyd proposed playing a smaller bingo game in the 3BSC thread, since there was no active B&B Forum Bingo game being played that month. The 3BSC members jumped on it, and 3BSC Bingo was born!

3BSC Bingo is just a short game, just for fun, without the scavenger hunt aspect of B&B Forum Bingo. 3BSC Bingo uses normal bingo numbers (B-1 through O-75) and all numbers are called within the 3BSC thread.

3BSC Bingo plays almost continuously, whenever there isn't an active B&B Forum Bingo being played. Whoever wins one round of 3BSC Bingo will be the caller of the next 3BSC Bingo game.

There are two prizes for winning 3BSC Bingo. First, the winner gets a visit from Bocephus, a stuffed dog that represents our B&B Bingo mascot (shown above). Bocephus travels to each winner, so he can tour the World! The caller will also provide a small prize or trinket form their local area for the winner to keep. The winner will also give Bocephus a pin or charm to take with him to the next recipient as proof of his travels.

After 1 year of travel, Bocephus will be donated to 2016 Sue Moore Auction, where money raised will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation in honor of Sue Moore.

Bocephus' World Tour:
TheVez2 - Whiteman AFB, MO
jzuzphreek - New Orleans, LA
Parjay - Chicago, IL
Badger babe - Kansas City, MO
heysi - Las Vegas, NV
Floyd923 - Mississippi
cvargo - Utah
dangerousdon - Louisiana
bobmsp - Minnesota
Clyde72 - Huntsville, AL
skypsyd - Tucson, AZ

3BSC Bingo Games

Round 1


Caller: skypsyd
First ball called: 5 November 2015
Bingo called: 13 September 2015
Game duration: 9 Days

Winner: TheVez2
Prize: Bocephus & Arizona Thermometer
TheVez2's added Bocephus Bling: B-2 Spirit o Missouri Pin

1. gagi2. Badger babe3. jzuzphreek4. dangerousdon5. TheVez2
6. WildWest747. rockero8. heysi

Round 2


Caller: TheVez2
First ball called: 25 November 2015
Bingo called: 2 December 2015
Game duration: 8 Days

Winner: jzuzphreek
Prize: Bocephus & B-2 Ornament and Pin
jzuzphreek's added Bocephus Bling: New Orleans Saints Training Camp Pin & Highland Park Pin

1. Skypsyd2. Heysi3. Jzuzphreek4. gagi5. Imatabor
6. Badger Babe7. Billski8. Rockero9. dangerousdon10. WildWest74

Round 3


Caller: jzuzphreek
First ball called: 14 December 2015
Bingo called: 28 December 2015
Game duration: 11 Days (holiday break in middle)

Winner: Parjay
Prize: Bocephus & Stuffed Mr. Bingle
Parjay's added Bocephus Bling: Chicago Flag Pin

1. skypsyd2. gagi3. TheVez24. Badger babe5. dangerousdon
6. rockero7. Billski8. Heysi9. Parjay10. mrlandpirate
11. Floyd92312. Blaidth13. imatabor

Round 4


Caller: Parjay
First ball called: 14 January 2016
Bingo called: 22 January 2016
Game duration: 9 days

Winners: Heysi & Badger babe
(Two bingos called, and in the spirit of allowing Bocephus to travel more, both will get some time with him. Heysi called first, so he will call the next 3BSC bingo game)

Badger babe's Prize: Bocephus & Tomr's Tonic (alcohol mixer)
Badger babe's added Bocephus Bling: KC Royals World Series Pin

Heysi's Prize: Bocephus & KC BBQ Sauce & KC Tumbler Pin
Heysi's added Bocephus Bling: Welcome to Las Vegas Pin

1. TheVez22. Badger Babe3. Floyd9234. Rockero5. dangerousdon
6. Heysi7. skypsyd8. gagi9. bobmsp10. Blaidth
11. mrlandpirate12. jkf69

Round 5


Caller: Heysi
First ball called: 22 February 2016
Bingo called: 3 March 2016
Game duration: 11 days

Winner: Floyd923
Prize: Bocephus & Las Vegas Shot Glass, Poker Chip Keychain, Craps Dice, Deck of Cards from the Mirage.
Floyd923's added Bocephus Bling: Bookstore Bandana

1. TheVez22. Skypsyd3. Parjay4. bobmsp5. dangerousdon
6. clyde727. Blaidth8. Floyd9239. I_dont_bite10. Badger babe
11. mrlandpirate12. Rockero

Round 6


Caller: floyd923
First ball called: 28 March 2016
Bingo called: 11 April 2016
Game duration: 12 days (weekends part off)

Winner: cvargo
Prize: Bocephus & Charity Race T-Shirt.
cvargo's added Bocephus Bling: Utah Pin

1. Rockero2. cvargo3. jjking544. sskim35. skypsyd
6. TheVez27. Badger babe8. Blaidth9. mrlandpirate10. dangerousdon
11. eezee12. Doug5713. bobmsp14. Heysi15. clyde72
16. Parjay

Round 7


Caller: cvargo
First ball called: 27 April 2016
Bingo called: 9 May 2016
Game duration: 13 days

Winner: dangerousdon
Prize: Bocephus & University of Utah Shirt & Can Coozie
dangerousdon's added Bocephus Bling: LSU Lanyard

1. jjking542. heysi3. dexutter4. skypsyd5. Badger babe
6. Floyd9237. dangerousdon8. blaidth9. bobmsp10. jkf59
11. Parjay12. TheVez213. rockero14.15.

Round 8


Caller: dangerousdon
First ball called: 13 June 2016
Bingo called: 20 June 2016
Game duration: 8 days

Winner: bobmsp
Prize: Bocephus & Louisiana Rice mixes, Hot sauce, creole Seasoning, LSU can coozie.
bobmsp's added Bocephus Bling: Minnesota charm (keychain)

1. blaidth2. jjking543. Heysi4. mwinne635. Badger Babe
6. dexutter7. bobmsp8. clyde729. parjay10. cvargo
11. DukeNDuke12. LROSE13. WallMatt14. Macgyver98415. TheVez2
16. Smattayu

Round 9


Caller: bobmsp
First ball called: 4 Aug 2016
Bingo called: 17 Aug 2016
Game duration: 13 days

Winner: Clyde72
Prize: Bocephus & Minnesota Rice, Keychain, & Granola
Clyde72's added Bocephus Bling: US Space & Rocket Center Pin and Bama/Roll Tide Buttons

1. jjking542. mwinne633. George 864. Blaidth5. heysi
6. dexutter7. cvargo8. clyde729. dangerousdon10. Parjay

Round 10


Caller: clyde72
First ball called: 22 Aug 2016
Bingo called: 1 Sep 2016
Game duration: 11 days

Winner: skypsyd
Prize: Bocephus & NASA Mug, Astronaut Ice Cream, & Stickers
skypsyd's added Bocephus Bling: Arizona Wildcats Pin

1. mwinne632. George863. Blaidth4. bobmsp5. dexutter
6. skypsyd7. badger babe8.9.10.

Round 10a


Caller: skypsyd
First ball called: 13 Sep 2016
Bingo called: 25 Sep 2016
Game duration: 11 days

Winner: dexutter
Prize: $25.00 Gift Certificate to a B&B vendor Movie Pack (No Bocephus this time, he's getting ready for the auction.)

1. bobmsp2. mwinne633. George864. dexutter5. clyde72
6. blaidth7. cvargo8. dangerousdon9. jjking5410. heysi
11. gagi12. thevez213.14.15.

Mascot Transition

In Oct 2016, Bocephus was put up for Adoption through the annual"Saint" Sue Moore Memorial Fundraiser auction. He was won by TheVez2.

In November 2016, it was announced that the new 3BSC mascot for the 2016-2017 season would be "Biko, the Bingo Bear".

Biko's World Tour:
mwinne63 - North Carolina
TheVez2 - Missouri, Hawaii, Guam, Japan
skypsyd - Arizona
aspirin54 - Washington
CBLindsay – California
Blaidth – North Carolina
Badger Babe – Missouri
Heysi – Nevada
bobmsp - Minnesota

Round 11


Caller: skypsyd
First ball called: 14 Nov 2016
Bingo called: 25 Nov 2016
Game duration: 10 days

Winner: mwinne63
Prize: Biko & Carved Stone Coyote
mwinne63's added Biko Bling: Battleship North Carolina charm

1. clyde722. sskim33. George864. cvargo5. TheVez2
6. Badger babe7. Heysi8. dangerousdon9. aspirin5410. mwinne63
11. jjking5412. Blaidth13.14.15.

Round 12


Caller: mwinne63
First ball called: 12 Dec 2016
Bingo called: 14 Dec 2016
Game duration: 3 days - Crazy right?

Winner: TheVez2
Prize: Biko & Battleship NC Keychain & Spider-Man PEZ
TheVez2's added Biko Bling: Hawaiian Flower, Guam Keychain, & Japan Pin (She got around!)

1. thevez22. skypsyd3. clyde724. badger babe5. George86
6. dangerousdon7. bobmsp8. Heysi9. cvargo10. sskim3
11. blaidth12. aspirin5413.14.15.

Round 13


Caller: TheVez2 (Video Bingo)
First ball called: 23 Jan 2017
Bingo called: 29 Jan 2017
Game duration: 7 days

Winner: skypsyd
Prize: Biko & Guam Tiki, Dried Fruits, Asian Kit-Kats
skypsyd's added Biko Bling: San Xavier Mission Keychain

1. aspirin542. Lightcs17763. Blaidth4. Hudson_Macbeth5. dkeester
6. Graybeard577. Pgrieve8. skypsyd9. bobmsp10. wgn!
11. cvargo12. dexutter13. dangerousdon14. sskim315. clyde72
16. Badger babe17. heysi18. Nyquistrate

Round 14


Caller: skypsyd (Speed Bingo - 5 calls per day)
First ball called: 7 Feb 2017
Bingo called: 10 Feb 2017
Game duration: 4 days

Winner: aspirin54
Prize: Biko & Tucson Glasses, Bell, & Decal
aspirin54's added Biko Bling: Handmade Glass Bead Keychain

1. Thevez22. cvargo3. heysi4. wgn!5. dexutter
6. Dagwoodz7. clyde728. aspirin549. Blaidth10. dangerousdon
11. bobmsp12. dkeester13. sskim314. Badger babe15. jjking54
16. pgrieve

Round 15


Caller: aspirin54
First ball called: 6 Mar 2017
Bingo called: 15 Mar 2017
Game duration: 10 days

Winner: CBLindsay
Prize: Biko & Hand Blown Drinking Glass
CBLindsay's added Biko Bling: Apple Valley, CA Pin

1. dangerousdon2. bobmsp3. mwinne634. skypsyd5. Blaidth
6. cvargo7. TheVez28. Imatabor9. clyde7210. dexutter
11. Badger babe12. Gnomeo022813. heysi14. CBLindsay15. Mr5x5

Round 16


Caller: CBLindsay
First ball called: 11 Apr 2017
Bingo called: 23 Apr 2017
Game duration: 13 days

Winner: Blaidth
Prize: Biko & Bar of Outlaw Soap & Old Spice Telescope Decanter
Blaidth's added Biko Bling: Wicked Weed Brewing Bottle Opener

1. skyspyd2. rbergum953. clyde724. bobmsp5. mwinne63
6. dangerousdon7. jjking548. Heysi9. TheVez210. Blaidth
11.cvargo12. aspirin5413. Badger Babe14. Quinner3015.

Round 17


Caller: Blaidth
First ball called: 24 May 2017
Bingo called: 31 May 2017
Game duration: 8 days

Winner: Badger Babe
Prize: Biko & Wicked Weed Pint Glass & Cookies
Badger Babe's added Biko Bling: Kansas City Keychain

01. aspirin5402. clyde7203. bobmsp04. TheVez205. Chaturvedi11
06. skypsyd07. mwinne6308. rbergum9509. imatabor10. Heysi
11. cvargo12. Badger babe13.14.15.

Round 18


Caller: Badger Babe
First ball called: 19 Jun 2017
Bingo called: 29 Jun 2017
Game duration: 11 days

Winner: Heysi
Prize: Biko & Boulevard Brewing Co. Pint Glass & Gates BBQ Sauce
Heysi's added Biko Bling: Las Vegas Poker Chip

01. clyde7202. jjking5403. Skypsyd04. mwinne6305. cvargo
06.imatabor07. bobmsp08. TheVez209. Heysi10. Blaidth
11. aspirin5412. Badger babe13.14.15.

Round 19


Caller: Heysi
First ball called: 21 Jul 2017
Bingo called: 11 Aug 2017
Game duration: 15 days (no weekend calls)

Winner: bobmsp
Prize: Biko & Area 51/Las Vegas hat and a Las Vegas pint glass
bobmsp's added Biko Bling: ????

01. clyde7202. Kokak03. bobmsp04. blaidth05. cvargo
06. Smattayu07. Badger babe08. skypsyd09. TheVez210.

Round 20

Caller: bobmsp
First ball called: 21 Aug 2017
Bingo called: 30 Aug 2017
Game duration: 10 days

Winner: Dadwoodz
Prize: Biko &
's added Biko Bling: ????

01. TheVez202. clyde7203. Dagwoodz04. Heysi05. skypsyd
06. cvargo07. Badger babe08.09.10.

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