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B&B group buys FAQ


In order to provide more information in relation of group buys, this page will document what is a group buy and how to proceed to run one.

Who can run a group buy?

Any established member in good standing can run a group buy if they want to do so. Just keep in mind that you need to communicate with a moderator to get your group buy approved before you can start it on the forum.

What's a group buy?

A group buy is when a member decides to buy a larger quantity (bulk) of a specific item. The item is generally difficult to source in your region or country. A large quantity of the item will make it cheaper on shipping. The organizer will then redistribute the item to those who participated to the group buy. Due to possible conflict of interest a sale organized by a Vendor or Hobbyist is not considered a Group Buy.

How does it work for potential organizers and members?

As interest in wet shaving continues to rise, the B&B family is rapidly growing. As a proactive measure we have developed some basic guidelines and requirements for group buys that are designed to keep the B&B the premier gentlemen forum that it is.

If you are considering organizing a group buy, please contact a moderator via private message prior to starting any group buy post. Posts made prior to obtaining approval from the mod team will result in the thread being deleted.

At a minimum we will need to know who is going to be the focal point of the buy including contact information (full name, address, phone, email etc.), who the proposed vendor is, what the proposed product is, who will be collecting and handling money, and how shipping will be handled.

Members may not use the B&B name in any way to endorse the group buy, the products being purchased or attempt to gain special treatment or discounts from vendors.

The B&B does not endorse or guarantee member run group buys or "unofficial" cooperative buying efforts. Sales of this nature are private transactions between members of this community. Engagement in any of these transactions is strictly at your own risk and discretion.

As always feel free to PM any of the friendly Moderators with your questions, concerns or comments.

Group Buys should meet the following for approval, in addition to all previous rules:

1) Initiated by ANY established B&B member in good standing, other than a Vendor or Hobbyist.

2) The object of the GB must be from a seller's established stock, not a "custom order". Some exceptions may be authorized on a case by case "special product" basis if approved by the Moderator Team.

Established stock might be demonstrated by prior sales of the product, availability on a website, etc. The vendor need not stock all 100% of a product, but it needs to be in stock prior to the GB.

3) The GB initiating member will be the one to facilitate the GB from payment options, to shipping, etc.

4) Group Buys are approved, but not endorsed by Badger and Blade.

5) Custom group buys that are not initiated by the B&B will not be allowed on the public boards.

Questions that need answers before the Mod team can approve the group buy

Group buy for: Indicate product(s) here
Number of Items that you are buying and selling: ?/?

Company that will supply the goods: Website, address, etc.

Your full name and address:


Costs (Locally/not international)

Cost per item:
Shipping cost:
Total cost:

How will you be paid? Money order, bank transfer, PayPal?
Will you insure the goods?
Did you consider the paypal fees?
Who will pay the vendor:

Costs (International only)
Are you shipping outside your country(if no, skip the questions below):

Cost per item:
Shipping cost:
Total cost:

How will you be paid? Money order, bank transfer, PayPal?
Will you insure the goods?

Your cost for shipping per item:
Total cost that you will charge a member per item:

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