I was given a wonderful opportunity to purchase a prototype of one of Tim's new 2H2H razors. I have a full custom on order with him and during the construction he had his terrible motorcycle accident leaving him with broken ribs and unable to make his fantastic Damascus steel. Now very luckily for me the steel for my razor was already made so my full custom will grace this site before too much longer. It is my retirement present to myself so I am looking forward to it greatly, but in the back and forth conversation Tim asked me if I would be interested in a prototype of a new run of razors he is making. I jumped at the chance! He also graciously offered to scale it in the wood of my choice since it is a prototype. I quickly Googled pictures of every Zowada razor I could find and decided on Purple Heart wood. 6/8 with a thumb notch and beautifully made. It will get its maiden voyage on my whiskers tonight!