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Zidane's headbutt to Materazzi - World Cup 06

Hi fellas,

I know it's a few years ago, but I'm very interested in your opinion of this event, gentlemen.
What do you mean, did Zinédine Zidane overreact to Materazzi's insult? Zidane apologized for the blackout, but he doesn't regret the headbutt, he said in an inverview. He also said that Materazzi has offended his mother and sister. At first he tried not to listen to the insults, but the Italian repeated the words over and over again. I myself can partially understand Zidane, but I don't think I would have responded like Zizou. I think I would have ignored him in such an important moment (extra time in a world cup final!) and maybe talked to him about this event after the match. I mean he's a role model for children who were watching the game. But on the other hand you have to defend your dignity, pride and most of your belief. In any case Materazzi is known as being one of the dirtiest players in his league. The French trainer said with a touch of incredulous humor:„It’s amazing how all these Italian players are so big and strong, yet they fall over like leaves in a light breeze as soon as you breathe on them.“ What do you think?

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He was/is a bully, who disgraced his country.
The headbutt itself was uncalled for, and goes against the spirit of the game. Having said that, was great to watch at the time...
Who disgraced his country?

I don't really know what to say. Based on what Mozzarella said, I can't blame Zidane at all. But it was the biggest event in the world of sports and Zidane lost control. It would have been better if he hadn't reacted the way he did, but I can't fault him for doing so.

I agree that it was a weird response, but also a pretty hardcore one. I don't think Mozzarella's reaction is fake. I think the intensity of that headbutt was pretty... intense...

I also agree that it was awesome to watch.
I think the third poll option should have been „I'm uncertain, but it was great to watch“ :lol:
Could a mod please edit this?
This clip contains some other headbuts, that are no doubt, almost as viscious and injurious (at about 0:25).

This clip contains some other headbuts, that are no doubt, almost as viscious and injurious (at about 0:25).


Very sad how a great sport got ruined. IMO every actor in football should get disqualified for a whole season!
Look what happens in (American) football when the players even dance after scoring a touchdown. Thousands in fines and suspensions. Fighting, and they can be out millions and the whole season.
I don't see a poll in this thread.

I am with Seraphim. Why a head butt to the chest? Throw a punch; kick him in the butt or elsewhere; push him to the ground. While I realize a head butt is sort of game appropriate because it is like a header, it seems weird.

I thought it was fun to watch, too, but it seems to me that if I were playing for France I would expect my star teammate to keep himself together and put trying to win the game above defending his sister's honor. Really, what if everytime someone in the NBA said something about someone's Mother that person came out swinging?

Materazzi got into Zidane's head and helped his team win. Zidane is basically a fool for going for it and a jerk for putting his own feelings above the interests of his team and his country. But no one thinks Materazzi is a cool guy and there is plenty to make one think that Zidane is!
Zidane should have known better, and it was a decidedly stupid move from a tactical perspective, but the Italian had it coming. Additionally, Materazzi deserved/deserves a swift kick to the nether regions for the way he flopped around after it happened; this goes for all other football floppers as well. International football/soccer will never be worthy of my attention until these solid hunks of muscle in good enough shape to run around for 90 minutes quit crying like 5-year olds every time they hit the deck.
Materazzi had it coming... And if people would have watched him play at Inter they would realise this...

No sympathy at all.... Well done Zidane, he did what every opponent of Materazzi were too scared to do; confront him.
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