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Zen? Zeriously?

I've seen a number of posts mentioning "zen" and "shaving." I don't get it. What part of this is "zen"-like? Sure it can be relaxing, but so is a hot shower. It can also be nerve wracking and frustrating. Perhaps someday I will be able to shave, "in the moment," without much thought, but I doubt it and sort of hope not.

What am I missing?
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Personally, when handling such a sharp object to my face, all of my attention is focused. It kinda washes everything out of my mind. I think that's what people mean by Zen.
I also wouldn't use that term to describe it, but my attention is also very focused when I'm shaving with a straight.
I consider it my moment of zen because the rest of my waking hours are generally spent doing more stressful things. I find myself with very little time to myself, and during that half hour that I take to shower and shave everyday, I get the chance to relax and be alone with my thoughts.
Its all about concentrating and living in that moment with awareness of the hole process. You sense the nice smell of the lather and feel the bristles touching the skin stretch the skin knowing it. Finally feel the blade hear the cutting of the stubble . Its breaking the process in to small parts and maintaining the awareness at every stage. This will help you slow down and relex.
So its ZEN to me
It is as zen as you make it. I define zen as a relaxing moment. Sure there is concentration involved, but I find it forces me to concentrate only on the shave and forget my other worries. That to me is a zen moment.
I've seen a number of posts mentioning "zen" and "shaving." I don't get it. What part of this is "zen"-like? Sure it can be relaxing, but so is a hot shower. It can also be nerve wracking and frustrating. Perhaps someday I will be able to shave, "in the moment," without much thought, but I doubt it and sort of hope not.

What am I missing?

Zen is not always a bright light glowing around your head, with a flash of inner peace and tranquility as you stand atop a mountain peak in saffron robes.

Zen can be found in the simple things in life. A good example is the Japanese tea ceremony. From the act of being totally present during a common ritual such as preparing tea, or a good straight shave, one can achieve total conciousness.

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First your comparisson of different edges as all "like chicken".

Now, this thread is also striking a similarly discordant tone.

Don't let the dark side seduce you...

It will lead you to a very gruesome fate:

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