Please bear with this slightly long story.
The postman came today and a package was stuck in the door.
Now I know I have been on a slight tear lately with purchasing Fountain Pens, but I couldn't place any orders that had not already arrived. and the address struck me as slightly familiar
Then again with my highly advancing age even my own address strikes me as slightly familiar.
I opened the package to be greeted with some bar soap and a tin of shaving soap.
Scratching my head, I thought " I know I didn't order this, I'm on a purchasing Sabbatical , or did I do something I just don't remember ?" Again highly likely due to the aforementioned fact of ....well you know what I mean.
A note was included and I will quote it.....
" I just wanted to thank you for doing the SE blade group buy...Enjoy "
Now I did not give the members handle, not that he doesn't deserve to be recognized....just because.
What I wanted to say was. When you do a group buy, it really is a pain in the *** !
but.... it really is fulfilling to get to be able to help the members be able to maybe add to the collective.
I once told a couple of members here if I ever thought of doing a group buy again to kick me in the..... well you know what I mean. Since that statement I have done 2 more.
This is probably the finest collection of people on the internet... I am proud to be one of you......
The postman came today and a package was stuck in the door.
Now I know I have been on a slight tear lately with purchasing Fountain Pens, but I couldn't place any orders that had not already arrived. and the address struck me as slightly familiar
Then again with my highly advancing age even my own address strikes me as slightly familiar.
I opened the package to be greeted with some bar soap and a tin of shaving soap.
Scratching my head, I thought " I know I didn't order this, I'm on a purchasing Sabbatical , or did I do something I just don't remember ?" Again highly likely due to the aforementioned fact of ....well you know what I mean.
A note was included and I will quote it.....
" I just wanted to thank you for doing the SE blade group buy...Enjoy "
Now I did not give the members handle, not that he doesn't deserve to be recognized....just because.
What I wanted to say was. When you do a group buy, it really is a pain in the *** !
but.... it really is fulfilling to get to be able to help the members be able to maybe add to the collective.
I once told a couple of members here if I ever thought of doing a group buy again to kick me in the..... well you know what I mean. Since that statement I have done 2 more.
This is probably the finest collection of people on the internet... I am proud to be one of you......