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You're rich! Now what?

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Let’s say you win the intergalactic lottery, and now you’re rich, not just like “Yea, I won a million dollars!” rich, more like “Daddy Warbucks or Scrooge McDuck rich. Of course you’re going to take care of your family, set up a trust fund for the next 6 generations of your offspring, and hire the Rolling Stones to play at your “retirement party” but then what? How are you going to live the lifestyle of an eccentric Super Multi Billionaire?

I’ve done a little thinking and I think I know what I would do.

1. Buy a 7 day set of McLaren F1s, and make sure that I get both of Ralph Lauren’s
2. Procure a warehouse full of pipe tobacco
3. Charter a C-130 to fly to Havana and come back filled with cigars and Havana Club rum
4. Buy a very large patch of land in Texas, so Ted Nugget and I can get drunk and shoot propane tanks
5. Have a fresh box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch every morning, so I can dump out all but the last bowl that has the extra cinnamon and sugar.
6. Hire a personal mime artist to represent me in court when I go to fight all the speeding tickets I get with #1

What would you do?
Let’s say you win the intergalactic lottery, and now you’re rich, not just like “Yea, I won a million dollars!” rich, more like “Daddy Warbucks or Scrooge McDuck rich. Of course you’re going to take care of your family, set up a trust fund for the next 6 generations of your offspring, and hire the Rolling Stones to play at your “retirement party” but then what? How are you going to live the lifestyle of an eccentric Super Multi Billionaire?

I’ve done a little thinking and I think I know what I would do.

1. Buy a 7 day set of McLaren F1s, and make sure that I get both of Ralph Lauren’s
2. Procure a warehouse full of pipe tobacco
3. Charter a C-130 to fly to Havana and come back filled with cigars and Havana Club rum
4. Buy a very large patch of land in Texas, so Ted Nugget and I can get drunk and shoot propane tanks
5. Have a fresh box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch every morning, so I can dump out all but the last bowl that has the extra cinnamon and sugar.
6. Hire a personal mime artist to represent me in court when I go to fight all the speeding tickets I get with #1

What would you do?

You better up for the C-17 A C-130 does not have that much cargo space only 127 cubic meters compared to the C-17 which has more like 600 cubic Meters.

Personally I would probably just buy Cuba. As I read over this buying a AC-130 might be cool too. I would also pass out mirrors to people so that they could see how they look before going out in public.
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I've always wanted to be the eccentric billionaire that spends his days pretending to be homeless and then rewarding altruistic acts with disgusting sums of money.

That and never wearing the same pair of socks twice, nothing beats brand new socks.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
You better up for the C-17 A C-130 does not have that much cargo space only 127 cubic meters compared to the C-17 which has more like 600 cubic Meters.

Personally I would probably just buy Cuba. As I read over this buying a AC-130 might be cool too

Good to know about the plane, and as far as buying Cuba that would be pretty sweet too. I could handout business cards with my name and the title "Benevolent Dictator"
I would go about buying ridiculous amounts of razors, leather products, pocket watches and other such dying craftsmen's arts.

A trombone made of solid gold.
i'm practical with money so I wouldn't overdo it with the spending. I think I would buy myself a bigger house, but not a ridiculously sized mansion. I would invest quite a bit of it, maybe start a few charities and become a full-time philanthropist, start a college scholarship fund and maybe start my own business. I have a love/hate relationship with money but if managed well good things can be done with it.
1. I'd hire a ton of scientists and engineers to create a device that allowed my beard to grow infinitely faster upon command so that I could shave whenever I desired.
2. I'd hire another batch of scientist and engineers to figure out how to bring Billy Mays back from the dead to market #1 to fellow B&Bers
3. I'd buy Penhaligans and all the other soap makers that are reformulating and reinstantiate the tallow first formulas... because I said so... and money talks.
4. I'd buy Gillette and can the canned goo. Fusion??? What Fusion?? Looks like wet shaving's making a come back!!
5. use the profits from #2 to inifinitely fund B&B... hey, I'm already (fictionally) the richest person the in universe... what do I need money for?
I would buy out all the major industries in the world and I would make them stop screwing people over. I would develop new products and services to truly make life easier for humans.

I would find a way to build habitable land on the ocean, without harming the environment.

The Moon will be a new vacation spot.

I would develop efficient electric cars.

I would somehow make everything somehow biodegradable.

I would fix the ozone layer.

I'd turn Playboy into the exclusive lifestyle magazine it once was.

I will bring the world under one government.

I will educate the children.

Afterwards, I will marry this woman, have beautiful children, and spend the rest of my life and money in any way I want.

500 acres of land. Nice truck. Nice house. Lots of guns-ya know, fun ones like MP-5s to shoot the empty bottles of expensive, import beer I'd drink.

Speaking of which, I'd buy Scotch. Lots of Scotch. Scotch older than I am and I'd have it for breakfast.

Additionally, I'd start some restaurants. I would really like to own one someday, sheerly for the fact that I want to eat somewhere for free any time I want to.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
500 acres of land. Nice truck. Nice house. Lots of guns-ya know, fun ones like MP-5s to shoot the empty bottles of expensive, import beer I'd drink.

Speaking of which, I'd buy Scotch. Lots of Scotch. Scotch older than I am and I'd have it for breakfast.

That's more like it
6. Hire a personal mime artist to represent me in court when I go to fight all the speeding tickets I get with #1

7. Build my own Formula 1 racetrack.

Actually, after I set up my family, house, etc.; I'd sign up for a tourist flight to the Space Station (if they'd let me).
That and never wearing the same pair of socks twice, nothing beats brand new socks.

Now that is smart thinking.

I would buy a mountain. I would love to own a mountain. Set up a farm and hire employees. I could work some on the farm and spend the rest of my time traveling around my mountain enjoying my hobbies. Hunting, photography, kayaking, survival skills, etc.
I have always wanted to go some place with a lot of farmland around and put up a skyscraper. Imagine driving along a country road...cow..cow..tree..OFFICE BUILDING? It would be unique and it would give the people inside something to look at besides the city. Plus of course I'd own it and whatever business I got in to would be housed in it , thus supplying jobs.
I have always wanted to go some place with a lot of farmland around and put up a skyscraper. Imagine driving along a country road...cow..cow..tree..OFFICE BUILDING? It would be unique and it would give the people inside something to look at besides the city. Plus of course I'd own it and whatever business I got in to would be housed in it , thus supplying jobs.

Haven't you ever been to Indiana? :lol:
I have always wanted to go some place with a lot of farmland around and put up a skyscraper. Imagine driving along a country road...cow..cow..tree..OFFICE BUILDING? It would be unique and it would give the people inside something to look at besides the city. Plus of course I'd own it and whatever business I got in to would be housed in it , thus supplying jobs.

Or Illinois? In the winter, if you stand on a tuna can you can see 5 more miles of farm field.
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