Ask my son if he wanted to shave with his Daddy. He said yes. He is using a old German made travel razor (blade removed) and I with my Merkur (I already finished my pass so I staged my photo for my wife). Just wanted to share.
My son will be three in September, and just about twice a week he comes in saying he wants to shave too! I usually run an empty razor over his cheeks for him because he likes to bang the razor on the sink after each pass, I've had to fix a bent safety bar once already because of it. I'm already trying to figure out what razor he will get when the time comes!
I just love these moments with my son! He also loves to sit down with me and help clean on polish my razors when I do.
Oh yeah. I gotta go back and check that razor, he slammed it around the first time to rinse it off. Gotta love our kids! Anyone else want to post their young ones learning to shave be my guest.