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Your shaving bowl is terrible - Part 2, the Poll

Who's shaving bowl is the worst?

  • Bluegill and his stolen coffee mug

  • vigorous.elbows and his big ... umm, rooster? mug.

  • legion and his toilet mug

  • vigorous.elbows and his little dinghy

  • vigorous.elbows and his slice of bread

  • vigorous.elbows and his bicycle seat

  • Crockus and his Menards handyman mug

Results are only viewable after voting.
I keep trying to add a "vote for my mug in this competition" type link to my signature, but it seems I have restrictions.
Is this something I have to level up to?


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member

from eBay
So Crockus won (or, um, lost) with 18 votes. :thumbup1:
I think poles have closed right?

Technically VE got 22 votes in total, but shot himself in the foot by posting so many options that his votes were spread out too much. :laugh: Somehow I feel that VE is going to be more disappointed with keeping his bicycle seat than Crockus would have been keeping his gudoffal mug!
No winner yet due to the slow start it got pushed out a bit The poll will close when its all done.

This poll will close on 04-07-2011 at 11:23 AM
I voted for the toilet mug. I know it's not a real toilet... but just looking at it makes me not want to shave... and that's pretty hard to do
In all seriousness, I'm glad you won.
If you asked to trade my gallant [removed] for your tools mug, I would have to decline. You truly are in greater need.

ok...so what's a good shaving mug? What should I look for when purchasing?
Thanks to all who voted for me. Now what should I do with the worlds most useless shaving mug. Ill let you guys decide. I can destroy it and make a video or PIF it to someone. You guys let me know.
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