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Your Favorite movie death/kill scenes.

One of my favorite is when King Kong has to fight the T Rex's while holding on to his loving gal, poor bugger's getting chomped at the bits while still holding to his gal till he finishes em off. But the final scene where Kong gets he's hands between the T'Rex's teeth and rips it's jaws open in one of my favorites ever! The tension in the chase, the fight and then that scene is a beauty.

Another one is Sin City where Marv goes looking for Kevin after Kev Killed Marv's love Goldie. Shifty Kevin can move without making sounds and is pretty fast but Marv finally gets hold of him after taking some kicks n punches, then Marv cuffs em together and punches Kev's lights out. Shifty Kevin wakes to see tourniquets around his arms and legs after Marv has sawn em off all the while Kev still has that sick smile on his face, is calm and never utters a sound. Then the wolf Kevin has been keeping as a pet comes out of the dark licking it's chops at the free feed that awaits it. The wolf moves in and begins eating all while Kevin stays silent and clam throughout with that same sinister smile right up till Marv cuts his head off. Even Marv gives him credit for not saying much!

The build up was awesome and the whole scence chilling.
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The opening men's room scene in the new Casino Royale completely sold me on Daniel Craig as James Bond.

I also love the fight between the Bride and Elle Driver in Kill Bill Vol. 2. The way it ends is perfect.
The only good scene but a very good scene regardless in the movie Troy when Brad Pitt delivers the death blow at the very begining of the movie.

When Johnny Ringo shows up to kill Wyatt only to discover it is Doc Holiday coming down the path "I'm your Huckleberry" "say when" i was on the edge of my seat for that scene.
Samuel Jackson being eaten by a shark in "Deep Blue Sea" comes to mind and then of course there is this:

I can't believe no one at the point has brought up the most artfully shot kill scene of all time--Janet's Leigh's infamous "shower scene" in Hitchcock's "Psycho."

Jeff in Boston
The face melting from Raiders always comes to mind for me.

Willem Dafoe running towards the choppers in Platoon was a pretty iconic death scene.

I have to give a thumbs up to Tom Beringer in Platoon, when he grabs the CAR-15 from one of his soldiers and pops the enemy running away from the village at about 200 yards-sweet~
Willem Dafoe running towards the choppers in Platoon was a pretty iconic death scene.

I really didn't like Platoon very much, but I might agree with this.

Brando's death in Last Tango in Paris was not all that uncanny, but his decision to put his gum on the railing was brilliant. A fine subtle gesture from a masterful actor.
The scene in Robocop after the guy was dropped in toxic waste and his skin sort of starts melting off. Shortly after that, he is hit by a speeding car and turned into pink mist. That's a pretty good one.

Also, pretty much every scene of Boondock Saints
It's hard to pick just one, so I'm going to break the rules and pick three. In no particular order:
1. John Hurt's death in the original Alien by chest-bursting alien. I'm surprised that noone has brought this up yet, given its iconic nature. Due to semi-negligent parenting on the part of my then 25 year old mother, I saw this scene when I was 5 and it has been indelibly burned into my psyche since.
2. Slim Pickens riding "Hi There!" all the way down like a bucking bronco of death in one of my favorite moves, Dr Strangelove. Any movie death deserving of being parodied in the Simpsons is great indeed.
3. If you have a high tolerance for cinematic sadism, then Kate Norby's death in The Devil's Rejects is the horror movie death equivalent of a shaggy dog story, except in this case the punchline is actually funny. It's not for the feint of heart, but it always give me a ghastly giggle.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
3. If you have a high tolerance for cinematic sadism, then Kate Norby's death in The Devil's Rejects is the horror movie death equivalent of a shaggy dog story, except in this case the punchline is actually funny. It's not for the feint of heart, but it always give me a ghastly giggle.


What about Roy's death at the end of Bladerunner?
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