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Young Guy Aftershave

One of the threads that I frequently see tossed around here revolves around the following question:
--What is an aftershave, shave cream, etc. that smells good on a young guy?

While I am a big fan of Aqua Velva and Clubman (AV is my go-to), I am young. I have just assumed that AS splash is the provence of an older crowd, and have been happy with some more vintage smells.

Enter Veleiro...This stuff smells modern and absolutely fantastic. It has a nice Menthol cool, and a modern "marine" scent. I can't stop smelling myself (nor can my wife). It's a little pricier than my go to barbershop drugstore smells, but worth every penny.

Long story short, my new answer to the question AS youth debtate is: Veleiro.

PS: I am not that young...a co-worker just reminded me that Abbie Hoffman would no longer trust me.
If you like Aqua Velva, make sure you track down some Aqua Velva Ice Sport: it's a moderately cooling aftershave with the wonderful scent of Davidoff Cool Water.

Other easily available more modern aftersahves would be (all available at Wal-Mart) Adidas Dynamic Pulse, Brut Attitude, Old Spice Fresh, and Gillette Cool Wave.

If you have a Dollar General nearby, check out Barbasol Pacific Rush: tons of menthol, and a modern sporty scent.
Did you get the Veleiro splash or balm? Been interested in it since I bought the Ach Brito Lavanda and loved it so I've been looking to try another Portuguese product.
If something smells good to me, I wear it with confidence and don't give a rip if 'older' guys happen to wear it as well!! Older guys aren't idiots! I promise you, you aren't being judged solely by what aftershave you are wearing.
If something smells good to me, I wear it with confidence and don't give a rip if 'older' guys happen to wear it as well!! Older guys aren't idiots! I promise you, you aren't being judged solely by what aftershave you are wearing.


I don't buy into the older guy/ younger guy scents line of thinking. Just wear what you like, and wear it with confidence!!

Also, I would rather smell somewhat unique, than smell exactly like every other person on the street. If you want to blend in with the crowds, than a modern aquatic/ sporty scent is what you want. If you want to smell unique, choose something a little less well known.

In general, I want to smell good for my benefit, if others like it that is just icing on the cake; therefore wear simply what pleases you, and don't worry about anyone else.
How a scent is perceived has more to do with the smeller than the smellee. Some people smell AV and think "that smells like my Grandfather, damn he was a cool old guy", while some think "My Grandfather, that smelly old codger".

Unless you're trying to impress a specific demographic, just wear what makes YOU feel confident. That'll project a lot farther than the aftershave does.
I personally don't have a problem with "old man" smells. A big part of the reason I got into wet-shaving was to connect with a more traditional era. So I like vintage smells like AV, Clubman, English Leather, etc. I do, however, see this question bandied about quite a bit, so I was just offering a suggestion for guys who don't want to wear the "official aftershave of the Lone Ranger."

Unkas...I got the slpash, and I dig it. I'm currently nursing a Portugese obsession. How is the Lavanda?
I'll second the Brut Attitude. Always get good reviews. I've also done well with Old Spice Pure Sport.

Flatlander (or anyone else), where did you get the Veleiro? I've never heard of it before, and I'd be interested in sniffing it.
Picked up the Veleiro at Bull Goose shaving. The cream goes very nicely with the AS.

I am totally bummed that I had the Lone Ranger thing wrong...it's always a drag when you have your facts wrong.
Young Guy After shave???? WT_... I pick an after shave or cologne because it is what I want and the scent appeals to me. Sorry just my two cents.

last night I pulled out a box of left over bath stuff and found some Adidas Sport AfterShave. I did not have any clue what the scent would be, my wife got it for me a few years back. I took a sniff and light citrus or lemongrass with a woodsy base,,, smells like something else. I could not put my finger on it. I put some on the back of my hand and got the rest of my gear out of the bathroom. BAMMMM, there it was Clubman! A dead ringer, just not as strong. Ya, so how about that new stuff for younger ppl.
Made a new purchase today: "Nivea for Men Energy After Shave Splash". It's a new product, and even comes in a glass bottle!! Has an aquatic/ sporty scent.

There is a $2.50 off coupon available through Facebook as well:


See here for the box design, so you know what to look for at your local store (bought mine at Kroger):


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My "younger guy" scents (hey, I'm only 30- that's still young, right?) usually come from purchasing boxed sets that are on clearance (ok, I'm a clearance shopper, maybe I'm not THAT young). But lately I've really been digging Izod and Rocawear. Both are really nice scents, but I still prefer my old man daily wears.
Over Thirty I see.

I use Clubman alot but, I have bought several different aftershaves.

My most recent purchase were products from Bath and Body Works - C. O. Bigelow - Shave Cream, Shampoo and aftershave. Nice Stuff and it was on sale.
I as well never understood the "old man scent" Did the 19 year old kid coming home from World War 2, wearing Old Spice, smell like an old man? Some scents are timeless. I wore British Sterling and English Leather at 16, and still do at 60.
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