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You wont believe the way I shaved when I was younger

When I was in my late teens early 20's I was always rushing prior to work, so I used to just dry shave. Yes, I am the creator/inventor of the waterless Dry Shave. No soap, no water, cheap, easy and fast, however not necessarily painless. All it took was a cheap disposable razor, a Bic in most cases, and some fortitude. The process involved gritting your teeth, looking in the mirror and going to town, splash on some Skin Bracer, "yeeeoww". Then off to work.

I finely changed to an electric shaver, then to semi-regular shaving with a multi & goo.

Now that I'm DE shaving I don't think there is anything from my perspective that I would consider to be overly irritating or uncomfortable.
One of my former student workers is a dry shaver and can't understand the fuss with brushes, creams and soaps. I believe he uses a Fusion.
i thought i was the only one to do a pure dry shave.

I dare you to try it with a feather in a slant
or any adjustable on 9

The only time I totally dry shaved was in basic training when I had about 30 seconds to shave before I had a man in a funny hat 1/2 inch from my ear screaming something about my mother.
when i was in my late teens early 20's i was always rushing prior to work, so i used to just dry shave. Yes, i am the creator/inventor of the waterless dry shave. No soap, no water, cheap, easy and fast, however not necessarily painless. All it took was a cheap disposable razor, a bic in most cases, and some fortitude. The process involved gritting your teeth, looking in the mirror and going to town, splash on some skin bracer, "yeeeoww". Then off to work.
gaaaahhh!!! :117: :117: :117:
During part of my college years, I sported a full beard and dry shaved my neck pretty much daily. You know what? It never bothered me. :huh: Nevertheless, I have no desire to go back to those unenlightened days.
Have you seen the picture of Keith Richards doing a dry shave with a crap single blade Bic disposable and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth? I could not find it, but it's out there. So you have some good company, anyway!
I've never shaved without water, but before discovering DE razors, my standard practice was to sport a moustache and goatee and just make a single WTG pass on my cheeks and neck using hot water only. This was the only irritation-free way of shaving for me.
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