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You Guys Weren't Kidding, Were You?

Okay. So when I first joined about two weeks ago, all of the responders to my intro-post mentioned all of the ADs that I would be obsessed with. You guys weren't kidding! I see different soaps, creams, brushes, razors, and I want to try them all! I have curtailed by ADs somewhat so that SWMBO (aka my financial advisor) remains onboard with this whole me shaving every day gig. So far it is working out well. Just landed my first vintage razor on Friday and it is better than the Parker I was using. I love my '58 TV Special SS!
Congrats on your restraint, although once you realize the variety and general excellence to be had with vintage razors, and the thrill of scoring them cheaply in the wild, it's all over.
Technically (sp) we only have one face so we just really need one razor, some blades, one brush, and a soap/cream. However, this forum quickly takes care of the just one theory. Smart to start out slow but that won't last long <G>. You could always have the goodies you order sent to a buddies address and pick them up there.

HEY, I might have to try that as I have three orders waiting to be delivered......:huh:
It's a wonderful world ain't it :) We may not be able to travel to every country on earth but can in this fun way. Waiting on some bath soaps for SWMBO here!
Great on having so much fun, but i would not listen to your financial advisor as they do not always give you sound advice. Hee hee. Have you tried the synthetic and horse-hair brushes?
hello, my name is John Doe and I have a shaving problem.....
I shave after in the morning after my shower.
I shave after work when I am stressed.
I shave before a dinner date.
I shave before an important meeting.
I shave because.... I love to shave.
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