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You guys want to help with pipe tobacco for a new guy?

OK, so I am looking for a few more tobaccos... And am looking for help one more time. I think after this buy I should be a bit more self-sufficient :)

Of the stuff I have, here's where I sit:


Dunhill Nightcap (seemed strong, well-rounded)
Dunhill EMP (very good but seemed subtle... which was a good thing I think)

Really Good:

Frog Morton (This would be my favorite if the flavors were just a little more pronounced)


Capt. Black white pouch (surprisingly good)


WO Larsen Signature (Didn't hate or fall in love... I have no strong opinion either way, will give a few more bowls to convince me one way or another)
Hal O the Wynd (It seems like there's something good there, but it burns hot as hell and seems harsh. Now sure what issue is but seems wetter than the rest of what I have... perhaps that's it)

So, that's what I have and my thoughts on them...

I think I'd like to try one or two in the Dunhill/Morton realm and perhaps one of the more popular aromatics, just to give it a shot. I was thinking maybe Squadron Leader or Escudo Navy, just off a couple reviews I've seen...

Any thoughts?
I'm a big fan of Squadron Leader its not as full as Nightcap but I find it richer than Frog Morton. Try drying out the HOW over wet VAs can be bitey and hot as well as muting flavor. If your looking try a new American/dutch style aromatic I'd recommend Butternut Burly from Pipes and Cigars or C&D Autumn Evening. I like the aromatic english flakes like G&H Bobs Chocolate Flake and Rum Flake. The best berry flavored aromatic I've had, and the only one I smoke is SG Firedance Flake. But be warned any berry aero will heavily ghost a pipe so try those in a cob when sampling the others I mentioned aren't much of a problem in that regard.
I have been smoking a pipe since the early 70's. I guess about 88 a friend of mine recomended a mix called "PH-36" it come from a place named Don's Humidor in Waco Texas. This is about 99% of what I ever smoke anymore in my pipes. They also sell coffee, loose leaf tea, pipes and cigars. They have a web page and will mail it to you. You cal call them at 254-772-3919 if you give PH-36 a try you will fall in love with it.
Richard aka:Superspot
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