After lurking for some time and soaking up all this knowledge, I've decided to say hello and wish everyone a Happy New Year. I just finished my 17th DE shave (but who's counting) and am pleased to say it's the best one yet. I'm using a Merkur HD, Feather blade, Shavemac #25 brush and Taylor of Old Bond Street almond shaving cream. I finished things off with some witch hazel, Nivea post shave balm (sensitive) and Pinaud Clubman after shave lotion. Prior to using the Feather, I tried these blades: Shark Super Chrome, Astra Superior Platinum, Gillette 7 OClock Super Platinum and Derby Extra Super Stainless. All were good, but the Feather seems to work the best for me, so far. I admit that I butchered myself with this blade twice before today, but was determined to make it work, if at all possible. I took more time and concentrated a bit harder today (asking a lot of this brain of mine) and it worked out very well. Thanks for all the great advice, anecdotes and spirit of comradery on this forum.