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Does anyone think this soap smells like band aids? or could this be indicative of where this particular soap was stored? Just scored some this morning , can't wait to compare this to my current favorites in terms of performance.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
all my Yardley's have lost or nearly lost their scent, and I am glad they did not have taken on any other scent. Looks like yours was stored with old band-aids.
Thanks Rudy I am hoping the old band aid smell will dissipate over time. I can only imagine how long it has been in storage.
Knock it out of the wooden bowl and place it in the fresh air & sun. Should freshen up after a while.
I have noticed since the soap has been out in the air the smell has faded into something of a dial soap smell... much better IMO and amazing for just a few hours of air.
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