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Xikar VX v-cutter review

Xikar VX review:


I won this cutter during the last auction on B&B for Sue. Since that timeframe it has become by go to cutter. I would say around 50 cigars have been sliced with this great tool.
I cuts a perfect not so much a V, but what Xikar refers to as a cats eye on the end of the stick. I have used it on ring gauges from 40 to 60 with no problems.

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60 ring shown here-

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I was a big fan of the Xikar punch before I started using the V. The punch would sometimes mutilate the top of the stick or cause it to unravel no matter how careful I was with it. I also have a Xikar Xi2 that I use on torpedo’s, but with all other sticks it only collects dust. I do like the Xi2, but I don't care for the little bits of loose leaf that are always on the end of the stick after the snip.
I do not wet the sticks tips before cutting with the V (something I really like about it) and I would highly recommend this device to all other B&B members for their cigar pleasures.

I have a V-cutter, but not one as nice as the OP. I really like it for certain cigars, not as much for others. Thing is, I would use it more often if I thought of it. I carry my Xikar Xi2 with me almost everywhere, so that's the one I use.

Thanks for reminding me to stop and think about also putting the V-cut in my pocket. I'd like to use it more.
Love the v cut! I have a couple cigars that I prefer the straight cut on, but 9 times out of 10 the v cutter gets the call. I have the same one you do in black.
Thanks for the write up. I had a punch which I gave up on because too many a good stick was messed up.
I use the Xi2 for pretty much everything but don't like the loose stragglers it leaves on certain shapes.
I'm going to try out Vx.
Thanks for the write up. I had a punch which I gave up on because too many a good stick was messed up.
I use the Xi2 for pretty much everything but don't like the loose stragglers it leaves on certain shapes.
I'm going to try out Vx.

I am with you on the punch. When it works it was great, but it ruined many a fine smoke. The VX has yet to ruin a stick so I have a lot of faith in it. I forgot to mention it works great on boxed press sticks also. You just need to cut the long width on the stick.
Is Xikar the only company that makes this style of cutter?

Actually I have seen many cheap V cutters in tobacco shops. Like most cheap cutters, they work fine--for a while. The one I have is a no-name V, and it seems to be OK. I'm sure I'd use it more if it was a quality piece like the Xikar.

A friend of mine who has also been a lifelong cigar smoker uses a single edge razor and simply puts one slice into the head--he doesn't cut off any of it. I have tried this and it actually works pretty well. Not my preferred cut, mind you, but quite usable and probably better than sticking a pencil into the head if you are desperate.
I'm with you. I have Xikar's Vx, Xi2 and 007 Punch along with a Palio.

I've always had issues with the guillotine cutters with cutting too much of the cap off and having it unravel. Also the stragglers on the end is an issue with all guillotine cutters not just the Xikar. So for the longest time my 007 Punch was my go to cutter with everything except Torpedos. My issue with the 007 is that it unscrews itself all the time so the blade is exposed and gets dinged up (I had it replaced once already).

Now I use the Vx on everything (even torpedos). I keep the Palio in the car just incase I forget to take the Vx with me.
I'm with you. I have Xikar's Vx, Xi2 and 007 Punch along with a Palio.

I've always had issues with the guillotine cutters with cutting too much of the cap off and having it unravel. Also the stragglers on the end is an issue with all guillotine cutters not just the Xikar. So for the longest time my 007 Punch was my go to cutter with everything except Torpedos. My issue with the 007 is that it unscrews itself all the time so the blade is exposed and gets dinged up (I had it replaced once already).

Now I use the Vx on everything (even torpedos). I keep the Palio in the car just incase I forget to take the Vx with me.

We are particular about our cigar cuts, aren't we? A couple of friends of mine always want to cut the cigar before they give it to me. Hard to complain, since they are giving me a cigar--but still. Since they are friends I have told them--and continue to tell them--please don't cut the cigar. When I give a cigar to someone, I ask if they want me to cut it--and I remember how my friends like their cigars cut, should they say "yes".

One of the things I like about the Xi2 is it is very easy for me to cut a very small hole in the cap of most cigars. This works extremely well on Padrons, which I regularly smoke. This leaves the cap completely in place and give me plenty of draw. There are a few cigars where it is tougher for me to cut a small hole due to the shape of the head/cap. On those cigars, I should start using the V more often.

I've just never been a fan of the full cut.
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