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Xezmer's Soaps Video Reviews


Greetings all!

As some of you may know, i've been posting several threads in regards to my video reviews. I figure that instead of making new threads, that I just compile them on this each time I make them, and bump it.

If you see the name of a soap but no video, that's because I have not posted it yet and it's coming soon OR you can check my channel to see if it's up and hasn't been updated here.

Also, I share this account with my other hobby, which is computers. There's a large base of my old computer modding videos if you're interested. Feel free to ask anything on those as well as shaving products i've reviewed here.

So here it goes:

Vintage Blades LLC Sandalwood/Herbal Citrus Shaving cream Review/Thoughs [Shave Series]

Van Der Hagen Glycerin Shaving Soap Review/Thoughs [Shave Series]

C.O. Bigelow (Proraso) Shaving Cream Review/Thoughts [Shave Series]

Mama Bear's Mysore Sandalwood Shaving Soap Review/Thoughs [Shave Series]

Art of Shaving Cream Review/Thoughs [Shave Series]
Coming Soon

Col. Conk Shaving Soap Review/Thoughs [Shave Series]
Coming Soon

Williams Mug Shaving Soap Review/Thoughs [Shave Series]
Coming Soon

Arko Shave Stick Review/Thoughs [Shave Series]
Coming Soon

Arko Shaving Cream - Regular Review/Thoughs [Shave Series]
Coming Soon

L'Occitane Cade Hard Shaving Soap Review/Thoughs [Shave Series]
Coming Soon

Tabac Hard Shaving Soap Review/Thoughs [Shave Series]
Coming Soon

Mitchell's Wool Fat Hsaving Soap Review/Thoughs [Shave Series]
Coming Soon
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Thanks for sharing your videos.

Just a little correction. On the VDH video you said something about VDH being a rather "new" company, or that VDH soaps were rather "new."

They've been around a long, long time. The company was originally called Surrey, and then they switched the name to VDH. The soaps, as far as I know, did not change.

By contrast, Williams, which has been around forever (as you said), has been reformulated several times.

so, of the two soaps, the VDH is probably an older formula than the Williams.

Just so you know.
Thanks for sharing your videos.

Just a little correction. On the VDH video you said something about VDH being a rather "new" company, or that VDH soaps were rather "new."

They've been around a long, long time. The company was originally called Surrey, and then they switched the name to VDH. The soaps, as far as I know, did not change.

By contrast, Williams, which has been around forever (as you said), has been reformulated several times.

so, of the two soaps, the VDH is probably an older formula than the Williams.

Just so you know.

Yeah, on the last video I had a couple of guys explain that to me. I think I heard someone mention that Van der Hagen under the name was new, but had been around longer. Thanks for the correction though. I hadn't been nearly born when surrey was the name :biggrin1:
Yeah, on the last video I had a couple of guys explain that to me. I think I heard someone mention that Van der Hagen under the name was new, but had been around longer. Thanks for the correction though. I hadn't been nearly born when surrey was the name :biggrin1:

Hate to have to disagree, but VDH is not the same as Surrey (with the possible exception of glycerin soap). Surrey deluxe was my go to soap, until it was discontinued. The company went out of existence, their phone was disconnected. I don't know whether VDH just bought up the Surrey assets and went from there, or what actually happened, but when I tried to contact Surrey directly to buy soap, the phone was disconnected. When I contacted the local chamber of commerce, I was told that Surrey was closed.

When I later saw that familiar green box in the store, I was so excited to see an old friend back again with a new name, Van der Hagen. I bought a puck right away. Unfortunately, the soap in the familiar green box was not at all like the Surrey shaving soap I had grown to love. I was very disappointed. I wanted to love VDH, but, alas, it was not meant to be.

People on B&B keep extolling the virtues of VDH Deluxe, so I tried it again. Bad idea. This may be a favorite of many, but it is not one of mine.
Thanks, Blackbard, for correcting me.

Nice to have somebody chime in who actually has used both the Surrey product and the VDH product.

So, apparently the truth is that VDH bought out Surrey, but since the soap is not the same, they must have reformulated the soap.

In other words, neither Williams NOR VDH is really the original formula anymore. Kinda sad, if you ask me.

Sorry, Xezmer, for giving you erroneous information earlier in the thread.:blushing:
Well, you can't always be right. Won't keep me from trying to help people with the info I do know! :thumbup:
I carry a towel with my everywhere.. EVERYWHERE. My family has slowly noticed my habit and I did too and realized I just started carrying it everywhere cause I always find my hands messy and being washed and needing to be dried. Especially shaving. I keep it in between my hip and counter so it's always ready to grab.
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