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Would your rather....

Don't know if there's a thread for this or not.
Thought of doing this for awhile but start a would you rather game.


Would you rather eat coffee grinds for a week (all your allowed to eat):biggrin: OR have bad razor burn on your face for a month straight.

Then the next poster could answer the question and post their would you rather.
I may be in the minority, but I'd take the razor burn! :bored:

Would you rather:

Have to use a litter box like a cat


Have to wear diapers

I would rather eat coffee grounds for a week.

Would you rather be drenched in Lilac Vegetal for a month, or use a rusty blade to shave with for a week?
Lilac for a month.

Would you rather have the background into music of "the odd couple" playing all day whenever you walked for a week or use you GF/wifes girliest shaving cream goo for a month?
Lilac for a month.

Would you rather have the background into music of "the odd couple" playing all day whenever you walked for a week or use you GF/wifes girliest shaving cream goo for a month?

I'll take the music.

Since someone couldn't follow the rules :001_tongu , I'll re-post my unanswered question from #2.

Would you rather:

Have to use a litter box like a cat


Have to wear diapers

I'll take the music.

Since someone couldn't follow the rules :001_tongu , I'll re-post my unanswered question from #2.

Would you rather:

Have to use a litter box like a cat


Have to wear diapers


hmm perhaps they were just concerned about the potential custom title that could result from answering that question :w00t:
Haha catbox.

Eat dogfood (canned) for a week OR everytime your using the bathroom a midget is watching ready to give you a sheet when your done. (for a week)
Tough one. I think I'd have to go without music. Would you rather win $300,000,000.00 or get to have any 2 super powers of your choice?
hmm i think id go with the super powers. would you rather go back to your chosen time in the past or a chosen amount of years into the future? once you're there, you're there for good :)
arms for legs seem like they may even be knida useful so arms for legs.
bald with facial hair or facial hairless with a full head of hair?
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