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Would you pay $457 for a Gillette Super-Speed?

Title speaks for itself. Shipping extra. Would you? :crazy:


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Bahahaha. The bidding history goes


I'm guessing two people bet extremely high to insure they would get it, each assuming no one else would actually bet that high.
I once bid $50 million for an item on eBay – it was a copy of the New York Post dated September 12, 2001 and a lot of us were bidding crazy to take these "collectibles" off the market.

But I would never been crazy money for razor…
So I have to ask: Aristocrats seem to be running at about $125 on the 'Bay for one in newish condition. Is this normal?
I once bid $50 million for an item on eBay – it was a copy of the New York Post dated September 12, 2001 and a lot of us were bidding crazy to take these "collectibles" off the market.

But I would never been crazy money for razor…

I'd like to talk to you about a loan....:lol:
I once bid $50 million for an item on eBay – it was a copy of the New York Post dated September 12, 2001 and a lot of us were bidding crazy to take these "collectibles" off the market.

But I would never been crazy money for razor…

What?! Rupert Murdoch could have just printed more.
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