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Would past generations think we are crazy?


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Ok im as guilty as anyone of this. When is too much...too much? I have over 20 soaps/creams and over 20 aftershaves. Now im sure most of us enjoy the variety and thats why we have so many products.

My question is, is this a modern phenomenon? Would people of 20yrs ago...or even 10 years ago have bought so many products? Im sure I could narrow my collection to maybe 4 soaps/creams and 2 or 3 aftershaves. Why does it seem that we horde so many products now and they didnt back then?
I would say the internet plays a big part in our collections. 20 years ago people had to settle for what was on the shelf at their local store where as we can grab things from across the world with a few clicks.
I'm pretty sure my grandfather would think having so many options is crazy. His generation didn't have all of the options that we currently have, and not as much money to boot.
Ok im as guilty as anyone of this. When is too much...too much? I have over 20 soaps/creams and over 20 aftershaves. Now im sure most of us enjoy the variety and thats why we have so many products.

My question is, is this a modern phenomenon? Would people of 20yrs ago...or even 10 years ago have bought so many products? Im sure I could narrow my collection to maybe 4 soaps/creams and 2 or 3 aftershaves. Why does it seem that we horde so many products now and they didnt back then?

Heck, the current generation thinks we're crazy! :smile:

You're behaving the way you do because it's become a hobby. To 99.9% of the rest of the people it's something you have to do because you have to do it. The earlier generations also were more or less constrained to what they saw on the shelves of the local stores, if they even cared to branch out.

Face it, this whole hobby only really exists because of the internet discussion group phenomenon. No similar sort of gathering would naturally exist in society.

- Chris
My grandpa used an old boar brush and Williams. He couldn't have cared less about options. For him, it was a chore.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I dont really want to say its not a chore, but it kinda is still. Its just nice to make what you have to do fun so to speak. I suppose your right though. I look at the 15+ simpson brushes I have and all this darn soap/aftershave and think to myself...is it really necessary? I see 20 straight razors and think..is it really necessary? Then I think, well I could be burning that money down the drain at parties, and at least this is a semi investment.
I am 40 years old and I think it is crazy. I can see 3 or 4 of each, but not 20 or 30 of each. With that said, I am new to wet shaving and am now convinced my 38C won't be my only razor, my two shaving creams won't be the only ones, my aftershave won't stay alone.................:eek:

just talking about razors, I think it may have been the same way for the more wealthy. Look at all of the various models that were available brand new to those in the past. There was quite the marketing going on selling low, mid and high end razors.

Now, we have that whole marketing continuum available to us all at once. Easily available.

What did I inherit from my dad? A slim adjustable and a ever ready brush. My mom says there is still a bottle or 2 of Canoe cologne.

But definitely, it's the internet that's bumped it up a notch or 10.

I promised myself that I would not accrue more than 10 soaps and creams. I think the only reason I will be able to hold to it is I really don't find non-tallow soaps appealing. Kinda saves me there!
... Then I think, well I could be burning that money down the drain at parties, and at least this is a semi investment.

Worse then that, somebody else could be throwing your money down a drain at parties!

I think the lesson learned from the Great Recession is spend it before the bankers steal it from you!


Just kidding, sort of, kinda...

My family and friends thinks Its nuts.
I know my Dad would.
That said,its a cheap vice in the big scheme of things..beats Strippers.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
That said,its a cheap vice in the big scheme of things..beats Strippers.

Exactly my point. Now whatever hobby i get into, i usually tend to lean towards the most expensive stuff, no fault of mine :( When people ask how much that pen is..or how much that razor is..i dont usually say, but when I do..i say..how much did you spend drinking on Friday night? Like 60 bucks? And now you have nothing to show for it other than memories...at least i have something tactile
I don't think, no I know, my grandpa or great uncles wouldn't invest in shaving gear like we do around here, even if it were handily available. They have/had other impressive collections though - tools, fishing gear, camping, golf, hunting, and things of that nature. I have a pretty good stock in those kinds of things, too, but I don't think I know many people that would take on shaving as seriously as I have.
We might be crazy, but harmless. We're not hurting anyone. We could be spending more money in a bar or at a casino and have nothing to show for it.
Heck, the current generation thinks we're crazy! :smile:

You're behaving the way you do because it's become a hobby. To 99.9% of the rest of the people it's something you have to do because you have to do it. The earlier generations also were more or less constrained to what they saw on the shelves of the local stores, if they even cared to branch out.

Face it, this whole hobby only really exists because of the internet discussion group phenomenon. No similar sort of gathering would naturally exist in society.

- Chris

+1 I agree with that, when I think of me, on my disposable shave days, I only had 1 can of pressurised goo (usully the cheapest one) no brush (I had one at the very begining of my shaving years) and aftershave and a cheapo disposable Gillette.
Did I ever thought about buying another can of shaving cream, or aftershave, just because they were different?? no. Just because back then, shaving was something I tried to avoid and was something I took for granted.

I don't think there's anything wrong with what we do, is our hobby and yes we could do it with only one razor, or straight, one brush and one soap or cream, but when you discover new products is hard to resist.
My wife is just glad that this hobby is a whole lot less expensive than my photography hobby (could buy a new car with what I spend on it).

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Only if you look at it as just shaving, but as a hobby it's all perfectly acceptable.:thumbup1:

Yeah, a hobby! That's what I'm going to tell my wife tonight.

It's a hobby sweetheart! Just collecting little shiny and nice smelling tats of this and that. Keeping alive the bygone days, cherishing the yore of old. And it's GREEN baby! Recycling the unwanted and unloved bits of history.​

Anymore BS I can throw into that statement would be appreciated.


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