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Worst shave of my life!

I thought I would be lazy sometimes and bought some of those Feather SE blades for one of my Valet's that would take them. About the same time I came across a bunch of sealed, pristine, nos valet blades and have been using them. They work just fine for me (you just have to use your strop as intended). Anyway, I decided to try one of the feathers yesterday and see how it worked in the Valet. Well, it fit just fine -- but, I felt like I was shaving with very coarse sandpaper. It was truly terrible and I used twice as much lather as I normally do. The only time I have ever felt anything comparable was when I was dialing in a couple of my Rolls to get them up and shaving.

I guess I'll try the blade once or twice more to see if it feels any better?? I have had some blades feel better after two or three shaves. Maybe I just got a crummy blade? If that had been the first blade I tried, I may have never kept at this. However, all my other blade and razor combos shave like a dream. Has anyone else had this experience that uses the nos valets and tried the feathers????
Well, interestingly enough shave #2 with the same blade was a bit better, but it was still rough. I wonder if my face is acting as a sort of strop? I didn't want to strop it as many have already said that it just ruined their modern blades. After I mess around with the feather a bit more, I will try a despined se and then return to the nos Valets I guess.
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