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Wm. Neumann scents (splashes and balms)

I saw a link to the Wm. Neumann site a week or so ago, and was immediately intrigued by their splashes and balms. The ingredients looked fantastic. Their balm has a very similar composition to the Gilbert Henry balm, which I love. The thought of that balm in a lot more scents grabbed me right away. I ordered their fragrance sampler so that I could narrow down which one(s) I would order eventually. I got the sample vials today, and put a couple drops of each on a strip of paper and took some whiffs. I thought there may be some guys out there that were curious, so here are my thoughts on each...

1907 - think Bleu de Chanel or maybe somewhere between BdC and GIT (my wife's favorite of the samples)
1911 - soapy and spicy, little bit woodsy... that's as good as I can do with this one
Heartwood - warm and woodsy, I got a slight sandalwood vibe at first but upon further review I get more evergreen and a slight hint of tobacco (I love this one)
Bay Rum - everyone here should know this scent... their version is pretty similar to Mike's or Gilbert Henry
Lime & Mint Rum - mostly lime, every so slightly minty and sweet
Peppermint Clove - just like it sounds
Old-Fashioned Soda - sarsparilla / root beer

Overall, I'm excited about this stuff. I use splash and balm every day and love the performance of the Gilbert Henry ASB, but don't like being stuck with bay rum all the time. This should be just the ticket. I think Heartwood is a must-have for me right away, and then maybe get 1907 once the weather warms up. Honestly, Peppermint Clove is the only one that I probably wouldn't buy.

BTW I got a bar of the Peppermint Leaf body soap with my sampler. Very nice touch. I was a little bit hesitant to spend $7.95 for shipping on a $2.00 sampler, but that made it TOTALLY worth it. It's going into the shower right away.

(for the record - I'm not affiliated with Wm. Neumann in any way, just a toiletry dork that is excited about a new discovery)
I have the 1907 Splash and it's awesome. It smells great and it's a very healing splash which isn't surprising if you look at the ingredient list. It has both alcohol and witch hazel just like Speick. I got the scent sampler too and the 1911 is out of this world.
Holy smokes! I just tried out the aftershave sampler. I'm busting with excitement because this stuff may become my holy grail of aftershaves. HOWEVER, I'm going to refrain from speaking much more at this point until I get the full bottle and give it a whirl for a week or so.

I must admit that in the past on these boards, I may have been prone to hyperbole now and again over a new product....only to discover a month or so later that the product is just pretty good, or kind of so-so. Not going to do this again!

I will say though, the last time I became so excited about a new product, the brand was Razorock. And lord knows my initial hype over Razorock paid off in spades, and keeps getting validated again, and again, and again!

By way of background, right now my holy grails of aftershave are Razorock King Louis after shave lotion spray, Floid Blue and perhaps Aramis / Musgo Real / Speik.

Based on the samples I have tried, WM Neuman's could very well dethrone them all.

More to come...
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