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Wine that smells like Speick?

Today I tried a white wine from France's Loire valley that reminded me of Speick splash. I resisted the urge to rub some onto my face. Has anyone else run into a wine that resembles a favorite aftershave or cologne? Or vice versa? If this sort of thing is common, I might have an expensive bout of ASAD in my future.

The wine was a 2008 Adele Rouze Quincy, which means that it's likely to be mostly Sauvignon Blanc. It might contain some Sauvignon Gris too. Those grapes doesn't explain the Speick, though: there must be something peculiar about the area or the vinification. It was in a group of six whites from Loire, but none of the others reminded me of Speick. Perhaps this particular vineyard has Valerian growing in the neighborhood? There are a few Californian and Australian wines that always remind me of eucalyptus pollen.
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