Any preferred sites you folks visit to learn about wine? Maybe a BB type place, not pretentious. There are sooo many resources out there, hard to narrow down.
Try The owner Gary Vanderchuk basically took his parents liquor store and built it into a the biggest wine store in New York. Lots of videos and info. on the website.
I learned more about wine from hanging out in wine shops than reading books. The best was The Burgundy Wine Company Ltd, owned by the late Al Hotchkin.
Parker's books on Bordeaux and the Rhone are pretty comprehensive, but I can't recommend too many on line sites.
I've worked in the wine biz for years and if there's an online forum for wine that's anything like B&B I sure haven't found it. The best introductory book that I have seen is How To Taste by Jancis Robinson which I highly reccomend. Zraly's Wine Course book is also good. I do suggest you visit your local wine retailers and see if there's a good one. If so you can start taking bottles home to see what you like and go back for other choices.