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Williams; Van der Hagen: Are either of these Soaps acceptable?

So far, I've seen two shaving soaps sold locally, one is a brand called Williams. The other is a brand called Van der Hagen. For a newbie like me, are either of these soaps acceptable/decent soaps or are they cheap and I shouldn't even waste my time with them?
Right now, I'm using the Van der Hagen (yeah, the $1.50 puck at Walmart) on a regular basis and it works great for me.

I haven't tried Williams, so I can't comment.

- Chris
Neither of them are what we might call "top shelf" soaps, but they have their fans here. They're a good place to start as they are very inexpensive and easily accessible via many drug stores. In time, though, you will probably find that other soaps give you better performance even though you do have to shell out more for them.
Yes, they are acceptable, and yes they are cheap. There are better soaps out there, but these have both been around for a long time for good reason:001_smile
They are good starter soaps to use. They do the job nothing really special, I lean toward VDH myself. Once you know you will stick to DE shaving there is a whole world of creams a soap to choose from. Check out the review section..

I like VDH quite a bit; it works well for me. I like the barbershop smell of Williams, but the lather I get dries out too quickly. My suggestion would be to start with the VDH.
You should totally buy a puck, or two of VDH Deluxe. It's a great product, that just happens to cost close to nothing. Easy to lather, with a mild, and not unpleasant scent. Sure there are more luxious products out there, but they also cost at leat 5-10 times as much.

VDH Deluxe will always be in stock in my shave den; I crave simplicity sometimes. Some people have even sent aside a certain day of the week to be VDH day.

Williams I will admit is not currently one of my favorite products. It seems to dry out my face a little, and doesn't provide as much cushion as VDH Deluxe. I am also not crazy about the Citronella like scent (which people claim fades with further usage).

Despite the above, I have 3 pucks of Williams currently in my den, and plan to revisit it soon, just to see if my opinion of it has changed. I also have a bottle of Kiss My Face Unscented Shaving Cream, which I have found to have great results with when Super-Lathered with Williams.

"Kiss My Face Moisture Shave" is another product you may be able to find locally, either at natural food stores, or in the natural foods section of larger super markets.


My elbows leak
Staff member
VDH is a great product for the price.
Agreed, there are virtually hundreds out there that are better, but not for the price.
I always have a spare puck or two of VDH Deluxe hanging around just in case of the shavepocalypse
Another vote for the VDH Deluxe. Lathers well and provides a nice, smooth shave. Even a newbie should be able to get a good lather out of this soap without too much difficulty.
IMHO the VDH Delux is fine and the Williams is poor. The VDH line is also a good choices for superlather.
I have the VDH. The smell is odd, kind of nice, but kind of off. The quality of shave was horrendous the few times I tried to use it so I'm saving it for some super lather combos later down the line. Grab all 4 Col. Conk pucks at 3.25 each plus shipping, should last ages.
Yep, I've never used VDH, but it has a lot of fans around here.
I have used Williams however. I really do like the scent, and do use it, for the price I'd recommend it for sure.
I don't think it beats the top of the line, but there are a few people here who use just Williams, and achieve great shaves. It's all one would really need...in theory. :wink2: <- That's supposed to be a wink.
Both offer a decent value although they will never be confused with luxury top shelf soaps. I find that the modern Williams requires a lot of soap to water ratio but at this price you can afford to do this.
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