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Williams Shaving Soap

I just bought some Williams Mug soap. I'm not very pleased, so far, with the lather that I get with it. Has anyone else had experience with it?
Williams does terrible in hard water I'm afraid. Works wonders at my house, I couldn't understand all the Willams hate going around. Then I went on a week long trip to a place that had terribly hard water. The lather wouldn't hang around.
I found that Williams worked better for me with a badger brush; it made a much richer lather with badger than boar, even though it's a hard soap. When mixed and faced lathered with badger, I found the lather to be too thin and rather watery. But with a badger it came out thicker and creamer. However, with soaps like ARKO, I no longer use Williams. ARKO costs less and produces much richer lather. I also found that my boar brushes work beautifully with ARKO.
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I just bought some Williams Mug soap. I'm not very pleased, so far, with the lather that I get with it.

It's not you. Modern Williams is utter, and total garbage. Throw it away; why waste your time on a soap that at best is only going to be usable (not great, not a joy to use, just barely usable).
I tried Williams for the first time this morning. I am not a fan. It will get a couple more tries in the future to make sure I didn't just have a bad lather making day. I do have very hard water so that could be part of it I suppose.


The wife's investment
It's not you. Modern Williams is utter, and total garbage. Throw it away; why waste your time on a soap that at best is only going to be usable (not great, not a joy to use, just barely usable).

Looks like you beat me.


Sells for
Under a buck
Can you shave with it?
Know for sure,
Start now.
It works best in a mug after soaking while you shower. I use a fairly wet badger brush to whip up lather in a mug with the soap. I have a polar bear cocoa mug that works well. Trying to lather in a bowl after loading the brush will only give you a disappearing lather. A nice trick, but a poor shave.
I have some. The lather is a bit sudsy; not overly rich. But I get a good shave with it. It's good for the money, but that's about it.


The wife's investment
I have some. The lather is a bit sudsy; not overly rich. But I get a good shave with it. It's good for the money, but that's about it.


What do you want for a buck? Even though we banter about it, that pretty much sums it up. No matter how good a fellow gets at lathering it, it will never be Tabac. I will gladly pay the higher price for Tabac and get fantastic results instead of "just OK" results. Williams isn't worth more than a dollar and Tabac is worth every penny.
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