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Wife screwed up my shave!

This morning while I was relaxing and enjoying a nice Zen-like shave, my wife busted in and started asking a bunch of questions about things that really could have waited till much later since they were about this weekend. I was distracted just enough to give myself a nice cut on the neck :mad3:. Then she proceeded to get into the shower while I was rinsing off my face and complain about the water changing temperature as I turned it on and off. Needless to say I love my wife dearly but I'm getting a deadbolt for the bathroom door.

The bright-side of this situation was that after leaving I noticed that even a bad DE shave is better than a good cartridge shave for me. (and the Mrs. pretty looked good getting in the shower :001_tt1:)

Anyone else need a better lock on their bathroom door?
Get a paddle strop and wield it menacingly saying things like "I know how to use this properly" Make sure your face is covered in lather when you do.

She won't bother you after that :001_smile
LOL! Mine doesn't distract me with questions while I'm shaving...but I also have a difficult time paying attention when she's in the shower with the glass door in perfect view of the mirror I'm using. As a result, there have been time's I've almost needed a blood transfusion! Yup, men will be men!
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Get a paddle strop and wield it menacingly saying things like "I know how to use this properly" Make sure your face is covered in lather when you do.

She won't bother you after that :001_smile

I laughed out loud at this!! My wife luckily doesn't bother me when I'm shaving, mostly because she understands very well the whole sharp steel against my neck thing, she even keeps my son at bay when I'm straight razor shaving.
My wife has this weird fear that if she comes within 4' of me when I'm shaving that I will slice my face off. I have not idea what this fear is based off. Needless to say she doesn't bother me while I'm shaving.
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I had a similiar problem at one point. During my first handful of DE shaves, my wife would always want to watch. Watching quickly turned into asking 1000 questions and really took the relaxation part out of it, at times. I knew no matter what I said, I would not look like the good-guy, so I decided to play a little prank instead. A few dollars got me some blood capsules and the greatest reaction I have ever seen on another human's face as I started 'bleeding' profusely over the sink due to her breaking my concentration. I did apologize to her with her very own DE kit so she would see for herself how relaxing it is. Worked like a charm!
Nothing bad has happened yet, but I'm sure that it will at some point! Somehow as soon as I'm shaving it seems she has something urgent to do in the bathroom. I warned her several times not to come too close to my elbow when I'm shaving with the straight but she says "yeah yeah don't worry". I guess when it happens, I can say "I told you so!" LOL (although i've learned that I can never win, and that'll just get me into more trouble)
My girlfriend would never let me shave at all. She didn't even particularly like me to trim my beard, and that was always a 45 minute drama, replete with helpful (or not) suggestions. Solution? I got a new girlfriend :001_tongu
My wife randomly yelled from downstairs (still don't know what she was asking) one morning and, like an idiot, I turned my head with the blade still on the skin and got a nice little cut...last time that will happen though...door stays closed when I'm shaving now and no answering anything for those 20-30 mins of tranquil zen time!
My wife has this weird fear that if she comes within 4' of me when I'm shaving that I will slice my face off. I have not idea what this fear is based off. Needless to say she doesn't bother me while I'm shaving.

And I hope you encourage her in this belief.
I had a similiar problem at one point. During my first handful of DE shaves, my wife would always want to watch. Watching quickly turned into asking 1000 questions and really took the relaxation part out of it, at times. I knew no matter what I said, I would not look like the good-guy, so I decided to play a little prank instead. A few dollars got me some blood capsules and the greatest reaction I have ever seen on another human's face as I started 'bleeding' profusely over the sink due to her breaking my concentration. I did apologize to her with her very own DE kit so she would see for herself how relaxing it is. Worked like a charm!
I may have steal that idea. I'll give you credit while she is yelling at me.
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