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Why on Earth would anyone do this?

It doesn't even look good. I mean kind of looks like he's smuggling a skillet or something in there hah. Not to mention I bet every article of clothing he owns is really uncomfortable. Probably couldn't wear a jacket. I bet they get in the way more often than not.

To each their own I guess....


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
There was a documentary called The Man Whose Arms Exploded about another dolt who injected himself with godawful amounts of Synthol, and the many problems he suffered.

I think his name was Greg Valentino.
he has ZERO muscle tone. how does a person get giant biceps and not develop any kind of forearm definition?
they look like giant implants.
Funny..there was a trainer at my old gym who had TRICEPS bigger than his head.lol....he didnt exactly "work" his way to getting there..unless you consider injections "work"
man..wait til this guy hits 60yrs+ with age..his arms will be on the floor...:sneaky2:
There was a documentary called The Man Whose Arms Exploded about another dolt who injected himself with godawful amounts of Synthol, and the many problems he suffered.

I think his name was Greg Valentino.

You have a great memory. You can see how he looked on youtube.
There was a documentary called The Man Whose Arms Exploded about another dolt who injected himself with godawful amounts of Synthol, and the many problems he suffered.

I think his name was Greg Valentino.

Right you are.

I think my arms are something like 14" and look better then that guy's any day. In addition, my forearms are about the same size as his.

The worst part isn't even that it's not natural, it's that it's not even steroids, so it's not real muscle. Synthol is oil and expands the muscle, it doesn't make it stronger or the fibers bigger. Guinness shouldn't even recognize these kinds of things. Does walking on stilts make me the tallest man? No. Then why would injecting oil into my muscles qualify me for the largest arm circumference?
He claims to have pumped iron twice daily for 10 years, yet his forearms are undeveloped.
Must be using Insta-Arms!

Norris and Ross McWhirter must be spinning in their graves. How has their Book of Records become such a joke? It now contains dangerous records, and judging by this example their fact-checking is non-existent.

I won't be buying it again.
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The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Looks like tumors.

+ 1 on the tumors

$assioh37nico1.jpg...I don't see a good future for him. Sadly, he must have been bullied as a kid.

"The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow". Arnold Schwarzenegger


B&B Tease-in-Residence
There was a documentary called The Man Whose Arms Exploded about another dolt who injected himself with godawful amounts of Synthol, and the many problems he suffered.

I think his name was Greg Valentino.

Yeah great documentary. To see him doing "surgery" on himself was not for the faint of heart.

Looks like tumors.

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