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Why music today all sounds the same?

I know about all the stuff about "selling records" and "its what sells" yada yada yada but WHY must all music today sound exactly the same????????? :censored::censored::censored:
If you think it all sounds the same, then check out
the Holy Ghost Tent Revival. They sound like no one Ive ever heard before. For the life of me, I don't know how to catagorize them. By the way, they are not christian or anything like that. Check them out.
@ bythbook: At the time I was listening to 12 stones and puddle of mudd.......

I usually listen to a lot of metal/trance/industrial.
@ bythbook: At the time I was listening to 12 stones and puddle of mudd.......

I usually listen to a lot of metal/trance/industrial.

I'm not really into metal, but my friends who are seem to be into to a lot of Grime right now. I don't keep up on that scene so can't suggest bands you might be into.
If you like metal I recomend looking into Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, Grave Digger, Stratovarious, and Brainstorm.
@ bythbook: At the time I was listening to 12 stones and puddle of mudd.......

I usually listen to a lot of metal/trance/industrial.

can't help you then - I'm all over the map, lately with the latest on my list: Bonnie Prince Billy, Fat Freddy's Drop, XX, The Very Best - and eagerly awaiting the new Hold Steady. But I don't think "it all sounds alike..." - if you ask B&B for recommendations of 50 albums released during the last year I guarantee you'll hear a lot of amazing music from different genres & sub-genres (and sub- sub- genres) - none of which sounds alike.

But - metal isn't my dish; trance/industrial (bleep & bloop music?) by definition sounds the same, right? :biggrin:
First, you're not looking around enough. There's a huge amount of new music and lots of different sounds. Hint: you're not going to find it on the radio. Join some music websites, look around and talk to people with tastes similar to yours. With a little work, you'll have more music than you have time to listen to.

Second, you should redefine your definition of "new" to "new to you." There's a monstrous amount of music from years past that you haven't heard. Don't assume that you have to listen to was recorded recently.

Third, if you're a little burned out on your favorite genres, try some new ones. For whatever reason, I've seen quite a few metal listeners who also enjoy darker, heavier classical. Give it a try. Or maybe jazz, world music or country. You don't know everything you like yet. Give something new a try. An added bonus is that new genres will let you hear what you already like in different ways. Music builds on itself the more you expose yourself to new things.
You are absolutely right, everything sounds the same today. These young whippersnappers with their pants on the ground. Now back in my day......Sabbath....Zepplin......Who......Stones......yeah that was music.

Now get outa my yard.
Here is my view on this, and it certainly does not make me right. I feel that it is because of a lack of talent. I mean in top 40 misic. popular music such as R&B, Hip-Hop, mainstream music, etc. There is so much technology being used in music production that you do not have to be able to sing well, they can simply add this and that filter and give you "perfect pitch". Because of electronics you do not have to know how to play instruments well either but rather no how to DJ and mix tracks that were made electronically with a computer. Music is recorded now to be loud and have a hard inpact or punch and not recorded for quality of sound. I like all kinds of music but it seems today that there are so many "cookie cutter" bands and artists that only a select few really stand out as something that is a cut above and "that much better".
Protools. Makes everything sound the same and soul less and the same genre of music being promoted all the time doesn't help. Or that medical technology is helping plebians live longer to give birth to more plebians. :mad3:
Really? Jay-Z, Rammstein, and Hannah Montana all sound different to me (Ok, I do not listen to Hannah Montana :lol:).

You should find a few more genres that interested. Check out Pandora.
The reality is that the music doesn't sound all the same and every single solitary person when they get to a certain age doesn't like the music younger people like.

People aren't getting more stupid, there isn't less talent to go around, etc. etc. tastes change and at a certain age a lot of people get left behind.

But 75% of people over 60 think the world is all going to hell and everything was so much better in their day and that will probably continue through forever and ever. It's just part of life.
I do internet radio and go through about a thousand cd's a week looking for bands to play. I don't like most of what passes for pop and find many albums contain only one or two songs that meet muster. It's seldom I find an album that truly hangs together start to finish. The general listening public want vocal theatrics and hooks very often, it totally frustrates me to hear many vocalists with good voices with totally lame catalogs. American Idol I feel has damaged the pop music industry by dumbing down the American music consumer


My elbows leak
Staff member
The reality is that the music doesn't sound all the same and every single solitary person when they get to a certain age doesn't like the music younger people like.

People aren't getting more stupid, there isn't less talent to go around, etc. etc. tastes change and at a certain age a lot of people get left behind.

But 75% of people over 60 think the world is all going to hell and everything was so much better in their day and that will probably continue through forever and ever. It's just part of life.


Every generation has a segment that thinks "todays music sucks"
It's the circle of life simba.
I don't think I agree that it is people over a certain age, because there have historically been young people that felt the same as "old folks" about some music types.
Stop listening to what you don't like and listen to what you do like.
Let the folks who like what they hear now listen unimpeded as you did for your share.
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