I've been picking up some great deals on B/S/T on the Razorock soaps. My question is ... why is everone selling them? The ones's I bought have not even been used.
Two reasons someone would sell RazoRock soaps...
1) Don't like the scent.
2) Have too many already.
The end.
Two reasons someone would sell RazoRock soaps...
1) Don't like the scent.
2) Have too many already.
The end.
Two reasons someone would sell RazoRock soaps...
1) Don't like the scent.
2) Have too many already.
The end.
They are awesome soaps, and they are so cheap, people often buy all the scents to see what they like. I did that when the LaFamiglia line came out. I stuck with the Don Marco and traded the rest away. I think that's the only reason.
If MdC came out with 6 scents nobody would buy all six to see what they liked! Well maybe they would because you can move the rest on the BST. But I think the quality and value point of RR makes it common for folks to buy them all to try. Why not?
I notice a lot of the scents seem to overlap with TFS... are they related somehow?
Ah, then yes, it's good stuff. TFS will probably the next soap I'm buying, though I'm planning on getting their hard soap.
Two reasons someone would sell RazoRock soaps...
1) Don't like the scent.
2) Have too many already.
The end.