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Why I Hate Canada Post

In mid-October I won an auction of 3 razors on ebay...a old style open comb, a stick Korona, and a shick adjustable injector, as well as some blades. The price was excellent as i've never tied any of the razors. But the main reason I bought it because I really wanted to try the Korna. 2 1/2 wks after the seller said he mailed the item I emailed him and asked if he had a tracking # (Normally I wait a around 3 1/2 wks to 4 wks before I bother a seller but other items he sold around the same time I won my razors were already delivered.) The seller sent me the tracking # and I looked it up. It informed me that the razor was delivered, returned and delivered to the forwarding address.

Now I've lived at my current address for over 3 yrs, so I shouldn't have any current forwarding address. The seller informed me that he shipped to the address ebay gave him, which is the address I lived at 7 yrs ago! (the seller did forward me the ebay email and it does give my old address!) I checked my setting on ebay and that address isn't even an option. On the paypal receipt, it shows my current address. Now I'm not blaming the seller on the wrong address...ebay gave him the wrong address. My problem with ebay is a another post.

So I called Canada Post to see if they could track down where my razors were. They told me that the seller had to contact them. So I contacted the seller...seller contacted Canada Post and they opened a "ticket #". The seller even put my name on it so I could also access it to get info. After 1 1/2 wks the seller email to ask if I got the razors. Since I didn't, I call Canada Post, gave them the ticket # and was promtly told it was delivered to the forwarding address and that the complaint was closed.

I told the lady at Canada Post that I didn't receive the razors. I asked her where it was delivered to, but she told me that the seller had to call in and talk with a supervisor. So I emailed the seller...he call CP and they told him nothing except a supervisor would call him back. That was last Friday.

Today I emailed the seller and asked if he got a call from CP. He told me no, but he would call. About 1/2 hr later he emailed me and let me know that in nice language, CP gave him the run around, could not tell him where it was delivered to, only that it was delivered so the complaint was closed and no insurance could be claimed (there was $100 insurance on the parcel.) CP then told him to make an insurance claim. (love how they contradict themselves) CP also told him that they would email me.

Shortly after CP emailed me. They told me that the seller wanted me to confirm that the package was delivered. (I loved how they made it sound that the seller wanted the confirmation). I told them no, I didn't receive the package, that CP delivered it to the wrong address and to please tell me or the seller where it was delivered to.

That was around 2pm today. I still haven't received a response from CP yet.

I'm so fed up with CP. Unfortunately, in Canada there are really no other options in the same price range.

I do have to give :thumbup: to the seller for doing so much to try to get the package to me. He could have gone the easy route to try to get insurance and refund my money. He has told me that if I don't get the razor he will refund my money.

Anybody else had problems with CP?
I've never had any problems with CP. When buying items with some value, or items I really want, I usually arrange for a tracking number to be provided by CP (costs a few bucks extra). That way you can know where it was delivered / who signed it.

You are lucky to have a seller that is very understanding, tried to help his best, and even ready to refund your money :) Many would just keep the cash and disappear.
I hope everything gets sorted out.
Seems like CP has the same moto as the USPS

"We don't care. We don't have to. We're the Post Office"
In mid-October I won an auction of 3 razors on ebay...a old style open comb, a stick Korona, and a shick adjustable injector, as well as some blades. The price was excellent as i've never tied any of the razors. But the main reason I bought it because I really wanted to try the Korna. 2 1/2 wks after the seller said he mailed the item I emailed him and asked if he had a tracking # (Normally I wait a around 3 1/2 wks to 4 wks before I bother a seller but other items he sold around the same time I won my razors were already delivered.) The seller sent me the tracking # and I looked it up. It informed me that the razor was delivered, returned and delivered to the forwarding address.

Now I've lived at my current address for over 3 yrs, so I shouldn't have any current forwarding address. The seller informed me that he shipped to the address ebay gave him, which is the address I lived at 7 yrs ago! (the seller did forward me the ebay email and it does give my old address!) I checked my setting on ebay and that address isn't even an option. On the paypal receipt, it shows my current address. Now I'm not blaming the seller on the wrong address...ebay gave him the wrong address. My problem with ebay is a another post.

So I called Canada Post to see if they could track down where my razors were. They told me that the seller had to contact them. So I contacted the seller...seller contacted Canada Post and they opened a "ticket #". The seller even put my name on it so I could also access it to get info. After 1 1/2 wks the seller email to ask if I got the razors. Since I didn't, I call Canada Post, gave them the ticket # and was promtly told it was delivered to the forwarding address and that the complaint was closed.

I told the lady at Canada Post that I didn't receive the razors. I asked her where it was delivered to, but she told me that the seller had to call in and talk with a supervisor. So I emailed the seller...he call CP and they told him nothing except a supervisor would call him back. That was last Friday.

Today I emailed the seller and asked if he got a call from CP. He told me no, but he would call. About 1/2 hr later he emailed me and let me know that in nice language, CP gave him the run around, could not tell him where it was delivered to, only that it was delivered so the complaint was closed and no insurance could be claimed (there was $100 insurance on the parcel.) CP then told him to make an insurance claim. (love how they contradict themselves) CP also told him that they would email me.

Shortly after CP emailed me. They told me that the seller wanted me to confirm that the package was delivered. (I loved how they made it sound that the seller wanted the confirmation). I told them no, I didn't receive the package, that CP delivered it to the wrong address and to please tell me or the seller where it was delivered to.

That was around 2pm today. I still haven't received a response from CP yet.

I'm so fed up with CP. Unfortunately, in Canada there are really no other options in the same price range.

I do have to give :thumbup: to the seller for doing so much to try to get the package to me. He could have gone the easy route to try to get insurance and refund my money. He has told me that if I don't get the razor he will refund my money.

Anybody else had problems with CP?

Yes, they charge to darn much for a sub-par service...
I've had my grief. I've had to log an investigation one time just because the staff wouldn't go look in the back room.
The package was listed as on the truck for delivery but it was on the shelf. A staff person just didn't click the right button.
They refused to go look because the computer said it wasn't there. 3 days of going to the store and trying then I called the head office.
I suspect that no postal service is perfect.
It can be very frustrating.
I'm dealing with issues of CP being extremely slow. I understand that customs takes awhile, but when a parcel sets in a location for 2 days...that is expedited.. I have issues with that....
Still waiting for my first wet/DE shaving kit...
Shout out to ItalianBarber.com
Boo for the CP and USPS.
I didn't realize that you were referring to an organization called Canada Post. I saw the headline and thought it was a post on why you hated Canada. Thought this guy has some stones to trash a great country, but I'll at least check it out.

The good news is that your trashing CP is the first bad thing I have heard about the wonderful north. The USPS is just one of many terrible things we complain about in the states. Hopefully you get it straightened out soon! Keep us posted.
I didn't realize that you were referring to an organization called Canada Post. I saw the headline and thought it was a post on why you hated Canada. Thought this guy has some stones to trash a great country, but I'll at least check it out.

The good news is that your trashing CP is the first bad thing I have heard about the wonderful north. The USPS is just one of many terrible things we complain about in the states. Hopefully you get it straightened out soon! Keep us posted.

It's too cold here too. That's something we complain about a lot.
Oh and our TV isn't very good. We need the US channels.
Mind you Degrassi (the original one) wasn't bad.

But to be sure, I've had more positive experiences with CP than bad ones.
By positive I mean not horrible experiences. Let's call them just OK experiences.
I've never had any problems with CP. When buying items with some value, or items I really want, I usually arrange for a tracking number to be provided by CP (costs a few bucks extra). That way you can know where it was delivered / who signed it.

You are lucky to have a seller that is very understanding, tried to help his best, and even ready to refund your money :) Many would just keep the cash and disappear.
I hope everything gets sorted out.

The problem is that there is tracking. It just won't show the forwarding address.
The only problem I ever get with CP, and I get it with EVERY SINGLE PACKAGE EVER, is that it takes SO LONG to get anywhere once CP gets it into their workings.
Being someone that shops online for most everything, i only ship expencive items now with either UPS or Fedex. I have had many items lost in the past by Canada post. The last item in particular was a Seiko watch. The shippers tracking said it was in Canada and Canada post said it was still in the shippers home country. Theier postal company against mine. anyhoo. long story short. You can talk till your blue in the face. Canada post will neither do anything or say anything that will make things better.

Secondly it is your lucky day if you even get someone that speaks english. Usually they are Quebecois even when you press one for english.
Only issues I've had with CP apart from their slow deliveries is I've shipped items I've sold on ebay and did the shipping with paypal. I once screwed up a shipping label, (the seller contacted me and asked me to change the address), so I cancelled it and printed a new label. after cancelling the label, paypal informed me that CP would refund the money in the next 48 hours. Seeing as how it was only an 8 dollar charge, I didn't pay any attention to it. about 1.5 months later, I noticed that CP hadn't refunded my money.
So I called CP and was on hold for about 15 minutes, finally talked to someone, they told me it had to be handled through online support and transfered me. 15 minutes after that, online support told me it had to be handled with customer service who I just finished talking to and transfered me back, 15 minutes after that, customer service said no its online support who handles that and transfered me back, then the online guy accidentally (or on purpose) hung up on me. after about 45 minutes on the phone and being transfered back and forth, I said screw it, this isnt' worth it to get 8 bucks back.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Anyone who has mailed a parcel in Canada knows that you have to fill out a label form at the Post Office. Looks like this:


(That's actually a document envelope, but the bit between the two yellow lines is what I am talking about.) Right, so ... you show up at the PO with your nicely packaged box, and then they give you this little form and a ball-point pen (multi-layer form, you see ...) to fill it out. Tiny spots for the address and so forth. You could have made a wonderful label on your computer, with a big and legible font, covered it with clear tape so it cannot wash off no matter what ... no matter ... you still have to fill out this silly form. The top layer comes off, and is attached to your receipt, so the actual parcel is sent for delivery with only the carbon copy (probably faint) of the sender's illegible handwriting.

Ooh, you guys running the PO is smart.

Right. So ... a couple years ago I was visiting my parents for Xmas. They live in one of those few old urban neighbourhoods where CP still does door-to-door delivery (pretty rare nowadays.) I'm sitting in the living room and the mailman rings the doorbell. I answer. He holds up a parcel from my uncle, and asks "is this for you?" I look at it ... the all-important form had my parents' name and town of residence, but no street name/number. I said "yes, that's us." I see that someone (at the PO) had written on the parcel "try 482 Elm Street*" ... my parents' address. The mailman says "We've tried every Robertson* in town ..." and I say "right, well, you found the right ones now. Thanks." and off he goes.

I turn around and walk inside ... thinking "what a silly uncle to have missed so much of the address ..." and turn the parcel over. There, in nice, large, legible printing is my parents' full names, address, postal code, everything. All some bright spark in the PO had to do was turn the box over and ...


At least we got the box.

*Obviously, details have been changed for privacy reasons. My apologies to any Robertsons living at 482 Elm Street ...
....turn the parcel over. There, in nice, large, legible printing is my parents' full names, address, postal code, everything. All some bright spark in the PO had to do was turn the box over and ...

I use airmail a lot and the lady behind the counter told me that the system now comes up with a dialog box reminding them to put an airmail sticker on the bottom of the box.
Just in case they miss the ones on the top and sides I suppose.
Still, it's a small improvement.

P.S. my Sister in law works at the local postal plant. I get to hear waaaaay too many stories of how much of a gong show Canada Post is.

Once again I must say that I'm betting everyone has a post office horror story no matter where you live.
The only complaint I have is with their new package pricing (dimensional weight) whereby you seemingly pay the shipping as if your package weighed the same as a similarly dimensioned block of lead, regardless of actual weight, it seems. I moved from Vancouver back to Ontario in '99 and shipped all my stuff home by CP. I used 2 cu. ft. moving boxes and literally dumped all my stuff into them, then mailed them. Not one of the 14 parcels I sent cost more than $25 (some weighed upwards of 20lbs) and none took more than a week. Not a single item was damaged despite the fact that things were clearly rattling around loose in some of them. Ah, the good old days.
I'm not a fan of Canada Post...but neither am I of the private package delivery companies either. I could tell you some nightmares.
Here's an update for anyone interested.

Just to refresh everyone's memory, the seller mailed me some razors thru Canada Post (CP) with tracking. It was mailed to the wrong address (thanks to ebay, but that's another story). The parcel was delivered to the wrong address and rejected by that address. That's where the tracking on CP website stops. Through LOTS of emails and calls to CP, CP has told us it was forwarded to the correct address but they can't tell us that address for confidentiality reasons. Since it was delivered the seller could not make an insurance claim.

Now the update:
The seller contacted my local police department who started looking into it today. The cops called CP who then informed the cops that the parcel is lost in the mail and that CP will make a "goodwill" gesture to the seller of the full insurance amount plus his shipping costs. T
Furthermore, the CP manager in my home town told the cops that it was delivered to the wrong address and then rejected, but that they don't show it arriving back at the depot. So I guess it just fell off the back of the delivery truck?
So really, CP gave us the run around for a couple of months while they knew that they lost the parcel. They just didn't want to pay out the insurance.

So the moral of this story is that with Canada Post, even if you have tracking and insurance, doesn't mean that you will get your parcel or be entitled to the insurance if the parcel gets lost in the mail. Only through months of complaining and calling the cops will you get any action from CP.
Ouch. next they will tell you "we were just about to pay you as our investigation was near finished"..Yeah right.
Anyway, I'm dealing with this also as a member from Canada a B&B'r sold me a Rocket on Dec 10th and I still haven't recieved it. He's looking into it today I think.
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